“I stand with Governor Walker” – Statement from Americans For Prosperity. (With POLL!)




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As a member of the Americans for Prosperity’s California delegation, we received the following statement from president Tim Philips today. Sidebar. In Oct of 2008 I attended a session of AFP’s Wisconsin delegation in a forum discussion on property rights during our national meeting in Washington.



Dear lawrence, Don’t believe the national media pundits — we’re winning in Wisconsin and public opinion in Wisconsin stands with Governor Walker. Our AFP statewide TV ad is running CLICK HERE TO VIEW now to continue building support for the Governor’s courageous effort. Debate on the Governor’s legislation enters the 3rd day in the Wisconsin state house with all 100 Democratic amendments having been defeated by majority Republicans. Meanwhile, 14 liberal Democratic state senators have brought state government to a halt by hiding out-of-state in Illinois. CLICK HERE to listen to AFP radio ads running in the districts of some of these hiding state senators.

Predictably, the Left is getting more and more hysterical. Speaking of the government unions, Minnesota Democrat Congressman Keith Ellison actually said, “workers rights are human rights.” Not to be outdone in hyperbole, Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio said “collective bargaining is a moral issue.” Then there was Massachusetts Democrat Michael Capuano who told a crowd: “you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary.” When confronted he did have the decency to apologize.

Shockingly, the good folks at MSNBC are literally hyper-ventilating as they darkly allege national conspiracies to “bust unions” and end western civilization as we know it.

Here’s the truth that we need to keep spreading: Governor Walker is simply repairing the Wisconsin budget by reining in the overly generous pension and benefits packages that are far beyond what people in the private sector receive. He’s also ending the government union collective bargaining that has been the chief reason why union benefits and pensions have gotten so out of control.

What can you do? Send a message by signing our StandWithWalker.com petition. It’s now over 88,000 strong heading fast for 100,000. Then, forward it to your friends and post it on Facebook. It’s good for Governor Walker to know that literally hundreds-of-thousands of fellow Americans stand with him in his common sense to take Wisconsin in a new direction.

We first launched our AFP chapter in Wisconsin in January of 2005. On a freezing cold evening in Wisconsin, I joined 15 Wisconsin activists in the Milwaukee suburbs. In 2007, we held our first rally in Madison with about 800 activists joining us to oppose the then liberal governor’s tax increases to fund an ever growing state bureaucracy. Today, we have over 71,000 grassroots activists in Wisconsin and they are burning up the phone lines and email lines to make sure their elected representatives pass this budget repair bill.

For years in Wisconsin and across the nation we had to play defense — simply trying to stop terrible big government bills like cap-and-trade and the health care takeover.

Now, we’re on offense — actually working to pass legislation to strengthen our economic freedoms and bring fiscal sanity.

It’s not easy and we’re seeing that in Wisconsin but it is progress. Real progress.

About Larry Gilbert