
- Tom Fuentes,
heretofore Teflon

heretofore Teflon
Kudos to good Orange Juice friend, Professor Roy Bauer of “Dissent the Blog,” for …
Wait, first let me ask: Aren’t you tired of all these corrupt greedy bastards who run this County, always just getting away with whatever they want, and acting like rules and laws don’t apply to them because they’re more special than you and me? (And our DA is “as good as no DA”?)
Well see then, this is a good thing: Long-time OC GOP power-broker and South Orange County Community College District (SOCCCD) trustee Tom Fuentes has neglected for years to mention on his annual disclosure forms his connection with auction firm LFC (detailed here) and claims a big “Why should I?” – and now Dr. Bauer has filed an official complaint to the Fair Political Practices Commission (below) that could hopefully result in tens of thousands of dollars in fines for Fuentes.
For those of you who haven’t been following OC politics that long, a quick WHO IS TOM FUENTES?
- He led the Orange County GOP for twenty years (before Scott Baugh) with a focus on immigrant-bashing and exclusion of Republican moderates;
- (here’s an amusing 2007 piece from the Jerbal, boasting about how Fuentes gave him his start in politics)
- he was communications director for the OC Catholic Diocese during the height of the priest-sex-abuse scandal;
- senior vice president of uber-connetced auction house LFC which is of course not worth mentioning although he uses his other positions to pull strings to get them business;
- and since 2004, trustee of the boring-sounding SOCCCD, from which so much corruption and lunacy bubbles up to the rest of our County as you’ll see.
Dr. Bauer, a philosophy professor at Irvine Valley College and master of “Dissent The Blog,” is something like the Jacques-Yves Cousteau of this sick ecosystem, and his latest story takes us through an underwater journey among what he professorially calls the “Dire Dingleberries of Hinkitude” gurgling up from the SOCCCD: the ascension of wingnut Don Wagner to the Assembly this year; the endlessly breathtaking scandals of Public Administrator John S. Williams; the firing of Todd Spitzer by as-good-as-no-DA Tony Rackauckas, and more!
So what are you waiting for? Go over there and imbibe some DISSENT! (After you glance at Roy’s complaint below.)
update: While I was busy screwing around this weekend, Roy wrote an even better piece.
I just cannot understand why people continue to vote for these idiots who flock together; Fuentes, Williams, T-Rack (I am sure there are many more but these idiots are at the top of the list). Since Fuentes handed off the batton to OC GOP Chairman Baugh, I hope he loses his job tonight as well!
That’s “Mr.” Bauer to you, bub. Not “Dr.”
“Herr” will work too.
P.S.: thanks, Vern.
Wait, Vern, haven’t you heard the Jerb spin? Senior Vice President is an “honorary” title only.
Everybody hands out executive officer titles like party favors. All businesses do it!
That’s why Jerb gets the top wordsmith dollars!
Those top dollars had wings. But he scored mondo for the better part of four years.
You may want to check the update on this story. The FPPC said Bauer’s complaint was BS. Fuentes was vindicated. Bauer’s a clown.