No one should be surprised to hear that I oppose and have railed against the CA HSR project since voters approved that $9 billion plus Bond Measure in 2008.
Since that Measure was passed I have listened to those who support this project where they argue that it will create thousands of jobs for Californians. What is missing can be best spelled out by the following Americans For Prosperity video. While the Fed’s have primed the pump to the tune of $3 billion dollars, the question remains as to where are we going to find venture capitalists willing to partner with us to the tune of an additional $80 billion for the entire 800 miles of proposed track.
As their ridership numbers have been questioned, and whereas we are not to provide any operating subsidy, we have heard spin such as providing a “ridership guarantee” for investors. Nice try.
While our infrastructure, used by the roughly 37 million Californians is crumbling, there are those promoting this high speed rail that the lower and many middle income residents will never get to use.
This past weekend we drove over the Bay Bridge to San Francisco where work on a new section of the bridge by Treasure Island has been stopped for lack of funds. We have bridges and roads that need to be repaired yet we cannot prioritize that work as we have a major budget shortfall that is estimated at $26.3 billion dollars. Source. LA Times.
Some supporters speak of our having matching funds for this project. It’s easy to say when its not your money. We do not have any spare change laying around for this feel good project.
Note: I am a member of the California Chapter of Americans for Prosperity whose video link is provided above.
Serious, old Brother Larry? I have to help you get this video onto your post properly even though I’m a HSR booster? * sigh * ok, here goes…
Thank you brother Vern. Yes, it is true. I am somewhat older than you.
When we were in Africa locals discussed the ban on the sale of ivory keys made from elephant tusks. What is Larry talking about? Vern can run circles around me in one area. Playing the piano. Beyond that I will let the readers decide.
Folks. My Mission Viejo neighbor Newbie and Brother Vern have commented on bias.
Following is from UC Berkeley, one of my sources of data on the proposed HSR.
Nov 4th State Senate Testimony of Samer Madanat of UC Berkeley and David Brownstone of UCI on HSR Ridership Forecasting Models.
Let me jump to page 16 where the conclussions read:
“Parameters of CA HSR demand models are biased, which leads to biased ridership forecasts.
Comparison of Altamont vs. Pacheco tainted by incorrect adjustments of the headway parameter and pre-assignment of traverlers to stations
Variance of ridership forecasts are certainly understated and likely very large
Models should be revised to minimize bias and reduce variance of forecasts”
The presentation also contains a statement on the importance of ridership forecasts which relate to the forecasting of costs and benefits
As of now I am not sold on this CIP based on heavy pressure to force this round peg into a square hole, or in this case a financial black hole.
I recall my earlier opposition to Ethanol where we have converted up to 40% of our corn crop to Ethanol when the benefits are simply not viable.
No, subsidizing Ethanol in the current Fedl plan is a big mistake. Larry, its politics.
You’re doing that thing again, Larry, where you address yourself. That’s not healthy, Juice Brother.
Brother Vern.
I am simply acknowledging the truth of politics. I do know a few farmers who are involved in the Ethanol issue in the central valley, one of whom is well connected.
Thanks for the links. What it demonstrates is that many of us can easily get swayed by costly and well crafted slick sound bite radio and TV ads leading up to the election.
Folks.You/we you are on our own to vet out all of the related cost/benefit issues that they skirt promoting only the alleged up side. That’s what they are paid to do.
The video clips include two residents who admit to having voted for the HSR system which leads me to question whether or not they checked out what they were voting for. Buyers remorse?
Just remember as you are asked to vote for future Bond Measures that you are using not only your credit card to cover the costs but the credit cards of your children and grandkids. There is no free lunch in CA HSR.