Lou Ferrigno and Steven Seagal join Arpaio’s hater border posse


Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio has gone Hollywood. The Maricopa County Sheriff announced Wednesday that he was teaming up with action movie stars — including Lou Ferrigno of “Hulk” fame and actor Steven Seagal — to aid in his anti-illegal immigration crusade, according to TPM.

Ferrigno and Seagal, both real life deputies in other parts of the county, were among the 56 individuals who were sworn in as illegal immigration fighters on Wednesday.

Arpaio’s office said the “national known celebrity crime fighters” would join the 60th posse created in the County since Arpaio took office in 1993. All in all, there are nearly 3000 participants in the posses, Arpaio said.

Seagal better watch it.  Danny Trejo already whacked him once in this summer’s “Machete” movie!

What a bunch of washed up loons.  Can you imagine the damage these three could do at an all you can eat buffet?

It would be great if they got caught in a border crossfire…

This is all a nice distraction for Sheriff Arpaio, who is in some hot water over misuse of public funds:

Officials from Arpaio’s office made trips to Orlando, D.C., Honduras, Tempe, Belize, Alaska and Puerto Rico on the county’s dime and racked up other questionable expenses, like $741 at Sardella’s Pizza and Wings. The county was also charged $350 for a hotel room upgrade for one official’s spouse. One employee went on multiple extradition trips without submitting receipts for the $62,750 he or she spent — including $1,341 on Disney World Yacht Club Resort food and entertainment, according to TPM.

About Zorro

Yes, Zorro is gay. Zorro is gay in San Francisco, black in South Africa, an Asian in Europe, a Chicano in San Ysidro, an anarchist in Spain, a Palestinian in Israel, a Mayan Indian in the streets of San Cristobal, a Jew in Germany, a Gypsy in Poland, a Mohawk in Quebec, a pacifist in Bosnia, a single woman on the Metro at 10pm, a peasant without land, a gang member in Santa Ana, an unemployed worker, an unhappy student and, of course, a good government advocate in Anaheim. Zorro is all the exploited, marginalized, oppressed minorities resisting and saying `Enough'. He or she is every minority who is now beginning to speak and every majority that must shut up and listen. He or she is every untolerated group searching for a way to speak. Everything that makes power and the good consciences of those in power uncomfortable -- this is Zorro.