California’s law allowing illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition at public colleges and universities was upheld by the California Supreme Court today, according to the Sacramento Bee.
The seven justices of the Supreme Court agreed that the law treats all people the same, regardless of their citizenship status, as long as they meet certain criteria, such as attending high school in California for at least three years.
Click here to read the court’s decision.
About Zorro
Yes, Zorro is gay. Zorro is gay in San Francisco, black in South Africa, an Asian in Europe, a Chicano in San Ysidro, an anarchist in Spain, a Palestinian in Israel, a Mayan Indian in the streets of San Cristobal, a Jew in Germany, a Gypsy in Poland, a Mohawk in Quebec, a pacifist in Bosnia, a single woman on the Metro at 10pm, a peasant without land, a gang member in Santa Ana, an unemployed worker, an unhappy student and, of course, a good government advocate in Anaheim.
Zorro is all the exploited, marginalized, oppressed minorities resisting and saying `Enough'. He or she is every minority who is now beginning to speak and every majority that must shut up and listen. He or she is every untolerated group searching for a way to speak. Everything that makes power and the good consciences of those in power uncomfortable -- this is Zorro.
This is an incredibly narrow ruling that does not expand existing law, simply harmonizes seemingly inconsistent state and federal law. The ruling in this case could easily be reversed by the legislature if they chose to do so (unlikely in its present form).
disgusting. a legal american from arizona has to pay more than an illegal immigrant? geez.
An illegal from Arizona has to pay the same or more as an American from Arizona.
An American from Arizona who went to highschool in CA benefits from this ruling, since such a person qualifies for in-state tuition.
An American from California, or an illegal who went to highschool in CA both qualify for in-state tuition.
If you consider this a victory ZORRO than you may as well consider the 911 victory too!
But I hope that the California will go BK first.
Well said.
Many are more caught up in the “uproar” than in the ruling.
John and Ken (KFI) are amongst the most misunderstood on this. These ratings chasers will play this up, without actually understanding what the ruling means.
Doesn’t surprise me.
As an immigrant (and now US citizen) myself, I find the ignorance of the American public on immigration issues appalling. They all get misled by third-rate demagogues on hate talk radio.
I think it is more appalling for people who move here and are welcomed with open arms to basically spit in the face that welcomed them!
If you are an immigrant like myself you must be well aware of the fact that illegal immigrants mostly from south of the border have become a complete drain on the system. I as an immigrant am well aware that immigrants can bring a lot of good; but I am also aware of the fact that illegal immigration has become a real problem for the average American!
So Joe, I suggest to YOU that you have NO idea about immigration yourself!!!!!!
No one hates immigrants; they just don’t appreciate paying for them!
Are you on Welfare?
First, I am getting spit in the face by trolls like the little one.
Second, illegals, south of the border or north of the border (yes, Canadians are a big part of the illegal problem as well) aren’t all that much of a drain on the system. In fact, just asn an example, they often pay into the social security system (using fake SSNs) without getting anything out of it.
Illegal immigration hasn’t “become a real problem for the average American”. That’s just a claim of anti-immigrants (who don’t want people like you and me, either) not supported by facts. If you have actual facts, post them.
It is SPAT!
I am floored by your complete intellectual dishonesty!
America does not have a PROBLEM with canadians! America has a REAL BIG problem with third world people from south of the border; whether it has to do with the decay of public schools, jails, hospitals, welfare or crime. It is hispanics from South of the border; hands down!!!!!
You obviouly don’t get out much???
Really Please wise up?? CANADIANS LOL!
you are right joe people like el polini , and lacacacuir what ever his name is . i find the ignorance of mexican talk radio on immigration issues appalling . they get mislead by third rate talk radio . check the ratings of the shows i dont find them 3rd rate .
Your comment speaks for itself. You are one of the clueless people on immigration issues.
Here’s a little challenge:
Can you list the process to get a Greencard, employment-based and family-based?
Put up or shut up.
I am waiting with bated breath.
To get a green card you might go through these channels: Family sponsor( must be immediate) Work sponsor ( has to be specialized!)
To get a green card is very difficult right now! You must have the means of support have a degree in a field that is short in the US and be free of diseases!
Basically be the opposite of an illegal immigrant!!!!
Very basic information but in a nut shell!
I asked about the process.
Family sponsor doesn’t have to be immediate. There are different categories. Immediate relatives (e.g., spouse) is only one of them.
For work sponsorship, there also are different categories (even non-specialized, EB3-Other).
It is also possible to essentially buy a GC, through investment (Rupert Murdoch used that, for example.)
And the “free of diseases” is also not correct. Free of communicable diseases. I had to get an MMR booster shot, and there is a TB check.
Seems you are not all that firm on the immigration issues, either, despite being an immigrant…
All you need to know about immigration is that most likely a man/women without a dime, no education who does not speaks english is not going to get the red carpet treatment at the local immigration office. That is why they flood over the border!
There is no ICE officer at the border giving illegal immigrants a shot in the ass for TB!!! If there is, it’s new to me???
oh your a smarty lib . little joe . can you list the 5 million ways to sneak into this country and get free health , free education , AT TAX PAYER EXPENSE .
So, you don;t know sh*t about immigration. Thanks for showing that to the world.
So, shut up about stuff you don’t know anything about.
And yet Japanese citizens who follow all of the rules are forced to pay out of state tuition. This is racist and wrong. The color of a persons skin should not determine who has to pay. It should be based on citizenship and the state someone is a resident of.
And yet Japanese citizens who follow all of the rules are forced to pay out of state tuition.
Not necessarily.
I paid in-state tuition at the University of California, way before I was a citizen of this country.
I was a citizen of a European country.
So Joe not only do you insult the intelligence of American citizen you also had the cheek to get a hand out to go to college!
USC… Typical! Brain washed liberal!
What BS.
Anybody who can establish residency in CA for one year, e.g., Greencard holders, are eligible for in-state tuition. That’s actually the result of a Supreme Court case. Toll v. Moreno.
You obviously need to learn quite a bit about immigration stuff…
No, but I think people need to know the man/woman that sits behind the bench! Other words don’t vote for stupid liberal activist judges!
The fact is; a foreign nationalist should not be getting anything that an American citizen does not get!
I know since you where educated in a liberal hole you don’t quite get the shear common sense of the above!
Well, if you had a green card then you were here legally.
Ultimately It shouldn’t matter if you are brown or yellow or white or black or red or what country you are a citizen of. If you didn’t wait in line and broke the law to come here, then you should be sent back. That’s the law. It’s a fair and just law. We need sustainability. We shouldn’t have to rely on abusing cheap immigrant labor just so we can have cheap strawberries and car washes. We also shouldn’t encourage Mexico to have such a horrible government and not take care of it’s citizens.
It is very simple Joe,
As an immigrant (and now US citizen) myself, Pedroza has a copy of my Italian ID card from the refuge camp to prove it. (you can post it if you want Pedroza)
1) Before you illegally cross the border to any country be aware of the laws which will apply to you for doing so. I have illegally crossed border to Italy and I knew that I will be arrested bay the Italian Carabinieris processed by the Interpol and if approved I will be granted political asylum in Italy if I ask for it. I knew that I would be placed in the refugee camp where I will be staying until some country will accept me as an immigrant. In the case of the USA it was 2-5 years to wait, or for ever if you had a TB or other major illness, in the camp. I knew from some who jumped the gun and vent to the USA illegally, like Mexicans do, were returned back to the camp and had no option ever to immigrate to the USA. They ended up as criminals in the Europe or joined French Legion.
2) Any politically prosecuted Mexican can do same! Since the most Mexicans are not political refuges they do not need to cross the border illegally and go to refuge camp to apply for USA legal entry but the can go directly to USA embassy and apply for the immigration status and wait like anyone else 2-5 years until processed.
There are many fast truck options which take less time. In my case I was working for the CIA in Germany and was given fast truck for the cooperation. Any Mexican who has sufficient education can immigrate to USA under many corporate sponsorships. Microsoft is one of them. I have Mexican family members who have done so.
I have proposed such fast truck to Pulido and The Magnificent Seven to bring in the immigrants from the Mexico but they didn’t gave a shit.
See the flowing proposal to the council.
——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Stanley Fiala is asking: Should Santa Ana support EB-5 Visa program to gain $50,000,000+, per year.
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 15:18:43 -0700
From: Standa
CC: Pulido Miguel, Harrelson Anthony, Alvarez Claudia, Walters Paul, Bustamante Carlos, Benavides David, Tinajero Sal, Sarmiento Vincent, Martinez Michele, City Manager
Ladies and Gentleman – Mayor Pulido, are you aware that the City of Santa Ana could introduce an EB-5 Visa program whereby illegal immigrant and his immediate family may receive U.S Permanent Residency (Green Cards) in a year or less by making a passive investment of $500,000 into the City of Santa Ana Approved EB-5 Visa Regional Center?
Scenario: One hundred illegal immigrant families would pay about $10,000 each, (standard coyote fee) creating $1,000,000 pool to be invested into the Santa Ana Automated Trading account. From the Demo account, you can see that in about one year the account could grow over the required $50,000,000 in which time the city would draw $500,000 per family whose account would mature based on their initial investment size.
CAVEAT: High yield = High risk but better than being raped and beaten by the “coyote” smugglers.
Respectfully submitted,
——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Stanley Fiala is adding to: Should Santa Ana support EB-5 Visa program to gain $50,000,000+, per year.
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 00:15:46 -0700
From: Standa
To: Pulido Miguel
CC: Pulido Miguel, Harrelson Anthony, Alvarez Claudia, Walters Paul, Bustamante Carlos, Benavides David, Tinajero Sal, Sarmiento Vincent, Martinez Michele, City Manager
Folks, if you are interested to help reduce high immigrant illegality in our city of Santa Ana, and like the EB-5 Visa program for that and other purposes, you should check the following link where you may find numerous California based EB-5 Visa program Regional Centers including:
Regional Center Properties, Inc.
Geographic Area Covered: Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Riverside, Orange, and San Diego Counties, CA
Allowed Activities: Mixed use shopping centers
You may check on their background at:
5160 Birch Street, Ste. 200
Newport Beach, California 92660
Fax: 949-209-0338
Respectfully submitted,
The problem is Joe, that the Mexican Santa Ana Bell council consists of the anti-entrepreneurial retards and you, brainwashed by Pedroza/Mill propaganda, have voted for them again. If you would elected me the WHITE INTELLIGENT PERSON as your Mayor in 2008 the things would be different.
So enjoy your Mexican separatism, Joe!
I figured that you were a political asylum case. I know several people from Eastern Europe who got political asylum in the 70ies and 80ies.
I don’t get, however, what I would have to do with “Mexican separatism.” Nowhere did I say that I am from Mexico. In fact, I am from Western Europe.
Too bad that your prejudices got the better of you.
joe sez he’s an immigrant. guessing that means ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT
You guessed wrong. You clueless trolls just make me laugh.
You need to get an education.
But not at USC… In Joe lies the results!
Did I make you laugh?
Huh? where did I say anything about USC?
Is that where you went? University of Spoiled Children? Because that’s obviously what you are.
I am flattered! But no I did not go to university! I am just naturally intelligent!
It’s called common sense! Hard degree to find these days!
And USC is a private university. This whole in-state/out-of-state tuition thing doesn’t even apply to private universities. If you check, you will find that USC charges the same tuition to everybody. But fact checking is apparently not what you are doing…
Trolls? We’ve been commenting here for awhile now. MQ and Stanislav come with the OJ territory. Don’t agree with much of their stuff but you have to admit they are entertaining and I always get a laugh out of them. As opposed to an uptight and humorless Irvine resident who spends most of his “political blog” (if you want to call it that) obsessing over the actions of the OJ bloggers.
Well, Stan is somewhat of a character. I know that. I’ve been around here a bit as well, and had run-ins with the little one before.
It is fun to get people to show their prejudices…
I don’t follow the little skirmishes between bloggers, so I don’t know what blog you are referring to.
I have been called a lot of things but never “the little one!”
GI Jane would suit me better!
Don’t you think it is prejudice to treat other people like second class citizens over illegal immigrants?
Just a thought?
Great Fool……. for your information I have been commenting here since the first day the OJ hit the blog-sphere, you moron!
Why are you anonymous?….. paranoia?… Huh?
Thank you!
I am all warm and fuzzy inside!
oh yes its fun getting the dandruff on little joes hair up . you know he is so smart . so why dont you shut up little joe . your one of those entitlement little libs . . i fell off my chair when you said illegals from canada . OH YEAH I HAVE SPOTTED SO MANY OF THEM AT HOME DEPOT . IN SANTA ANA . AND ALL OVER .. MY GOD WE GOT A CANADA INVASION PROBLEM ..
OK, I must run! I have a bunch of Americans at the door trying to deport me!