Why is KOCE shutting Iglesias out of the Tran vs. Sanchez debate on Oct. 13?

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez finally agreed to a debate with Republican Assemblyman Van Tran – but the cowards are doing the debate alone, without an audience, on KOCE TV.  And they didn’t invite Cecilia Iglesias, the independent candidate who qualified for the ballot by collecting over 11,000 signatures.  Not fair!

The debate will be moderated by Ed Arnold, the host of the station’s Real Orange news program. For now, the KOCE debate is the only one on the schedule before Election Day on Nov. 2. The first segment will air on KOCE at 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 13; the second segment will air at the same time on Oct. 14, according to the O.C. Register.

This is B.S.  Why won’t KOCE let Iglesias participate?  Win or lose, she deserves to be heard.  And she just might decide the winner of this race. It is time for our voices to be heard!

Here are the contact phone numbers and email addresses for KOCE, which has an all-white news team:

Real Orange, 714.861.4355, realo@koce.org.  Email Ed Arnold at earnold@koce.org.  Email his co-host at apulice@koce.org.  Email the news director, Michael Taylor, at mtaylor@koce.org.  Email the Associate Producer, Shelly Guthrie, at sguthrie@koce.org

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About Art Pedroza