The Orange County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Candidates Reception this Friday, Oct. 22, from 3 pm to 5 pm, at Bistango, located at 19100 Von Karman Ave., in Irvine.
The reception will feature candidates for County offices, which would include those who are running for the 4th Supervisorial District – Shawn Nelson and Harry Sidhu. The only other hotly contested County race is for Treasurer/Tax Collector, which pits Keith Rodenhuis against Shari Freidenrich. The only sure bet in that race is that the winner will be a German!
Here is their RSVP list so far:
- Alex Jaso Uballe, Assembly District 72
- Deborah Tharp, State Assembly 70th District
- Don Wagner, State Assembly 70th District
- Esiquio Uballe, 72nd District
- Jane Rands, 72nd District
- Lucille Kring, 34th Senate District
- Melissa Fox CA, State Assembly 70th District
- Mike Villines, Insurance Commissioner
- Nathan Miller, Southern CA Political Director
- Shari Freidenrich, OC Treasurer
- Van Tran, Congressional Candidate, 47th District, 3-4 pm
- Dana Rohrabacher, Congress 46th District
- John Campbell, District Director willing to send staff
- Keith Rodenhuis, OC Treasurer
- Ken Calvert Congress, 44th District
- Beth Krom, Council Member- Irvine, 48th district candidate
- Yolanda Alvarez, Candidate for Orange City Council
RSVP at 714-953-4289 or email them at
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