Eddie Rose’s Ballot Recommendations, November 2010

Reprinted with permission from Eddie’s Corner, the blog of Eddie Rose, at www.eddierose.org

For Governor—

Rarely, if ever, in the history of California have we had two candidates so unfit to hold office.  One candidate is up to her eyeballs in Goldman-Sachs misdeeds, knowingly hires illegals, and has not even seen fit to vote for 28 years, but wants us to vote for her and her billionaire buddies.  The other candidate, when he previously served as Governor, appointed the disgraceful Rose Bird to the California Supreme Court!

I’m voting for the American Independent candidate, CHELENE NIGHTINGALE.

For U.S. Senator—

Again, both candidates are flawed.  Fiorina outsourced thousands of jobs and padded her own pockets while at HP>  Boxer is soft on illegal immigration.  It’s tempting to sit this one out; otherwise just hold your nose and vote for BOXER (Democrat).

For Controller—

I support Andy Favor (Libertarian)

For Treasurer—

This one is a no-brainer.  BILL LOCKYER (Democrat) is capable and honorable.  The same cannot be said for his opponent.

For Attorney General—

STEVE COOLEY (Republican) is the standout here.

For Congress (48th District)—

BETH KROM (Democrat) is the clear choice when you look at her opponent.

For State Assembly (73rd District)—

JUDY JONES (Democrat) is also the clear choice when you look at her opponent.

Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD) Recall—

YES.  Throw the dreck out (including all CUSD incumbents).

CUSD Measure H—

YES for better representation.  If you need any additional incentive to vote for this measure, just look at some of the dreck opposed to it!

For Laguna Niguel City Council—

MIKE FAIR.  Throw the incumbents OUT!!!  Write-in anyone else if you like.

Prop. 19—NO

Prop. 20—NO

Prop. 21—NO

Prop. 23—This one is funded by Texas BIG OIL companies and is the biggest SCAM on the November ballot.  An emphatic NO on Prop. 23.

Prop. 24—YES

The Honorable Eddie Rose

Former Laguna Niguel City Councilman

“A Voice—Not an Echo”

Not affiliated with any political party

About Eddie Rose