Have you seen the documentary “Waiting for Superman?” It chronicles the heartbreak that five children and their families face as they try to get into the best schools available to them.
I remember my wife and I camping out in front of Muir Fundamental Elementary School so we could get our daughter into the school. We have sent all of our children there. My seven year old is there now, in the second grade.
My daughter was rejected by the Orange County High School for the Arts, because she didn’t have a fancy portfolio, but she persevered. She graduated from Santa Ana High School and recently completed a fashion design degree at the prestigious FIDM (Fashion Institute for Design and Merchandising).
My 17 year old son is now in his last year at Godinez Fundamental High School. He is an AP student. He pitched for three years for his High School baseball team and he plays the guitar in the Godinez jazz band. He is being recruited, seemingly, by every college in this country. His 14 year old brother is now a freshman at Godinez, and a new cadet at the Navy ROTC program at Saddleback.
My children have been fortunate to find good educations within the Santa Ana Unified School District, but not all children are as lucky. We still have a major dropout problem. And every year hundreds of our high school seniors graduate but fail to earn a diploma.
Click here to read the rest of this post.
If you read my entire post you surely saw that I addressed the shortcomings of the film. Ironically it is directed by the same liberal who directed “An Inconvenient Truth.” While the film’s main premise, that charter schools are the only solution, is flawed, it is correct in identifying that our education system is indeed broken.
Surely I did and surely I just wanted people to know that website is available as well.
Gracias Gabriel!
Too bad all the kids in S.A. don’t have dads like you Art! I hope you can help Santa Ana padres do what you did to help our ninos. I think you will win and win big Art. I also think that the Paster might win. Good luck.
Thank you!
I can’t believe you Gabriel,
Now I don’t often get mad, but YOU are a F*&^*&^ sell out!
You know very well that the film is completely correct, but your LIBERAL twisted mind will not allow you to be honest!
You would rather protect a union than protect our kids from that very CORRUPT union!
I hope you wise up! You may beable to write well; but it does not matter if what you write is complete rubbish!
It may not be a superman, but a superwoman!
What am I selling out? I don’t approve of cinematic propaganda aimed at privatizing public education.
And why bother getting angry? To each their own.
Your own “people” you CLAIM to advocate for!
52,000 kids in SAUSD and most of them coming out of school with a crap education; year after year after year!
Liberals are only interested in cinematic propaganda when it involves the environment or the right for dumb ass broads to allow men to dispose their children!
Maybe I should start calling you Margaret!
I think anger has its place and when it comes to the live’s of children…I get mighty angry. It’s not their fault that adults grow up to be Sangers!
Your own “people” you CLAIM to advocate for!
52,000 kids in SAUSD and most of them coming out of school with a crap education; year after year after year!
Liberals are only interested in cinematic propaganda when it involves the environment or the right for dumb ass broads to allow men to dispose their children!
Maybe I should start calling you Margaret!
I think anger has its place and when it comes to the live’s of children…I get mighty angry. It’s not their fault that adults grow up to be Sangers!
“[T]he single most important factor determining whether students succeed in school is not the color of their skin or their ZIP code or even their parents’ income — it is the quality of their teacher.”
MQ says:
In the far left web site you posted the above was said to be “NOT TRUE”
I tell you without a doubt the above is absolutely true!
The quality of the teacher and the involvement of the parent is the two most important factors to a good education! PERIOD!
Ok, how do you substantiate your claims? Or am I to be simply blown away by the sheer force of their unsubstantiated authority?
Common sense and a lot of research you obviously have not got and have not read!
Here is one little snit bit!
Why is parental Involvement Important in Children’s Education?
Numerous research has been done to conclude that parents who are involved with their children’s education are building the foundations for a better educated child. These children will be better adjusted to school which can lead to more education. In addition, parents are sending a message to their children that education is important.
In addition, parental involvement is important because parents who are part of their children education will understand the importance of reading. These parents will read to their children beginning at a young age. Also, this parent will make sure that their child can read on the right grade level throughout the educational process. Since reading is a big problem in our country, the reading foundation that the parent are developing will assist the child in its future educational endears as well as life goals.
Equally important, is the fact that parents who are involved with their children will make sure their home is conductive to education. This means that the home will have plenty of books available for their children to read. The home will also have several kinds of reference materials and tools available, such as: encyclopedias, magazines, computer, calculator, pens, pencils, paper, to name a few. In the home will be a quiet room that children can use to study or concentrate on their school work. Part of setting up a home conducive to learning, also includes limited the amount of television viewing throughout the week. Some parents will even make sure that children’s homework is done at the same time everyday and if there is no homework the parent will create some.
Another important reason parents should be involved with their children, is because any kind educational deficiencies can be notice quickly. By having parents involved in their child daily education, they will notice the child’s strength and weakness. This can help parents to work with those weaknesses as soon as possible.
Parents who attend their children’s parent teacher conferences, and also volunteer for activities at school are demonstrating how important school is. Children observe these parents, and they realize education is important because of parent involvement. Also, the schools appreciate the parents who are involved in the school which can lead to additional educational advantages for their child.
These parents realize that is takes the entire village to raise successful children. Overall, the parents that are involved with their children education are building a stronger foundation for their future. Their children are usually the ones excelling at school and receiving all accolades that are top students receive. Parental involvement is not something parent might get involved with it is something that all parents should be involved with.
MQ says:
As far as the teachers are concerned: Well who do you think is teaching them in the class room, the janitor?
Bad eduction = Poor parent involvement and poor teaching!
Does not take a brain surgeon to figure out the above… or maybe in your case it does!
n light of the GOP’s nasty attacks against Latino immigrants, how can any rational Latino vote Republican during the upcoming November 2nd elections? Worse yet, how can any Latino be a member of a political party whose national platform centers on blaming brown immigrants for most of the country’s social and economic ills?
MQ says:
And you say you are not a left wing nut! Well, how come you are part of a site that prints this type of crap?
And the answer to the above: Latino’s need to join ME because you want your kids as well educated as mine! The demorats are the party of welfare queens and loser’s!
Don’t fall for the same shit the blacks did and look what happened to their community and Santa Ana is a typical demorat city!
Bad schools and lots and lots of hopelessness!
You are not a loser because you BROWN and your children do not flunk school because they are BROWN you have a loser mentality and your children flunk school because YOU think it is not YOUR responsibility to nurture your kids; you want the government to do it! YOU ARE A DEMOCRAT, THE PARTY OF THE UNDERSERVED AND THE VULNERABLE!
Good nite Margaret…Please take the time to read: Steve Perry “Man Up”…
Freelance blabbering.
You sure know everything about blah, blah and it seems you are not alone!
It’s an epidemic in the LATINO community!
Of course you could not answer ONE question! All talk no action!