Santa Ana Councilman Sal Tinajero won in 2006, because of George Collins. Mayor Miguel Pulido threw his entire political machine behind Jennifer Villasenor, but then Collins jumped into the race for Ward 6. He effectively split the vote, allowing Tinajero to prevail.
Collins got 5,419 votes in 2006. Villasenor got 12,922 votes. Tinajero won with 13,802 votes.
Today Tinajero is part of a progressive majority on the Santa Ana City Council. Villasenor is on the Santa Ana Housing and Redevelopment Commission. And Collins? He is running for Mayor. Again.
Collins ran in 2008, which is also when Santa Ana City Councilwoman Michele Martinez challenged Pulido. Collins ended up with 7,610 votes. Martinez got 16,199 votes. Pulido easily won with 30,352 votes.
How will Collins do this time?
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Collins is interesting character…… I like dude!
I had a privilege to be around Collins in 2004, 2006 and 2008 as candidate and have seen how he works….. Collins is natural.
When he walks into the room, with his camera, in five minutes the entire room is reorganized, everything is replaced to his liking, people are assign places and you have feeling that a someone is in charge of the room.
During the Santiago College debate in 2008, I have seen Collins to look into his camera viewer pointing at Pulido’s desk, getting the equipment ready for his wife to operate it during the debate, then he lifted his head and with the utmost professionalism sparking from his eyes, he walk up to Pulido and rearranged his necktie knot so Pulido would look in his best.
However, he stopped short from puling Martinez’s miniskirt down over her knees so he ordered the tables to be covered with black fabric to cover the under the desk view of Martinez’s private deltoid area.
When he looked at me sitting behind my desk, he was quite satisfied with my sex-appeal in his camera viewer and showed me his big OK by joining his right hand thumb and index finger together.
That is how Collins treats his opponents…. with the respect and that is exactly what I like about Collins.
The minute he would step on the eighth floor the entire floor would be different, City-hole would be rearranged and Santaanos would have warm feeling that someone is in charge and that the city is once again safe and decent place.
As to my Red Light district idea he always gives me that look over the top of his glasses siting on the tip of his nose……. I think he likes it.
Unfortunately Collins has no resources to make such presentation of himself to the majority in city, so Collins will remain the best kept secret of the Santa Ana politics.
As to my Red Light district idea he always gives me that look over the top of his glasses siting on the tip of his nose……. I think he likes it.
Yeah, Stan, just like when Michelle says “Yuck” at you with a smiley face, it looks like “pleasure” to you. Ya crazy freak.
Says who?
Mr. Pedroza looking in the information given by Mr. Collins regarding how the Mexican flag is higher than the American flag in la plaza de las flags, I believe that is an act of surreder to Mexico and I believe this act as an offensive to all of us as Americans. Will ypou Mr. Pedroza do someting about it and use your conections with yoiur puppy pulido and at least pretend to correct this ofense in this country called America!!!!!!!!!.
I really wish the best for our city and call to do the proper action in this election and VOTE FOR COLLINS FOR MAYOR HE WILL GET REVENUE FOR THE CITY AND PEOPLE THAT LIVE HERE AND NOT IN OTHER COUNTRY BUT HERE!
That is hardly a pressing issue. But if Collins wants to run on that platform, good luck to him. I hope he gets a ton of votes – those are votes that Hart won’t get.
Mr.Pedroza Had you take History classes? As far I know When a Flag is posted higher than another country’s flag ,that means SURRENDER!!!!!!. I just asking you to do something about it because your proclaim yourself as a non bias person. This issue has nothing to do with Mr. Collins plataform of his campaining mode. let me if I can help you whith this matter!.
Ever heard of Occam’s Razor? Google it.
It might well be that the Mexican Flag at our Plaza of the flags is NOT posted higher. It could be an optical illusion. Or, perhaps it is higher, inadvertently.
In either case there are more important issues we ought to be discussing, but if this gets Collins votes, and costs Hart vote, great.
“As far I know When a Flag is posted higher than another country’s flag ,that means SURRENDER!!!!!!.”…….. correct.
FYI Rosary, we have surrendered when your bellowed President Obama filed complaint for violation of the human rights against the state of Arizona in the United Nations (UN).
Therefore the Mexican flag should fly higher!
Mr.Pedroza the mexican flag It is posted higher than American flag,go and check for your self! IT IS NOT AN OPTICAL ILLUSION! AND IS AN ISSUE OF HONOR IF YOU REALLY APRECIATTE THIS COUNTRY CALLED AMERICA!!!!!!!!!
Rosary, there is medication available for your condition.
Mr. Nelson that medication must have very bad side effect as far your behavior. Not thanks for your concern ! I rather to be my self and not like you under the effect of that medication that you recomends. Thanks again.
Mr. Fiala thanks for your knowledge related to this offense even from the federal goverment in Washington against Arizona .