The Sh*t just keeps hitting the fan, for Public Administrator John Williams.

John Williams peeping through window. Photoshop courtesy of "Dissent the Blog."

Now, don’t ask us to make heads or tails of this, we’re just passing on an interesting press release that came our way this afternoon from powerhouse OC lawyers George Urch and Stephen Gregg.  Hopefully our usual commenters on all Williams-related matters (including the brilliant Professor Roy Bauer of Dissent the Blog) will pay a visit and tell us what the hell is going on.

This does come directly in the wake of yesterday’s Norberto story of the California Coalition of Law Enforcement Associations demanding an AG investigation into Tony Rackauckas’ suspicious and unjustified firing of top assistant Todd Spitzer. Just for looking into a complaint against notoriously incompetent and wasteful (and possibly corrupt and abusive?) Public Administrator John Williams.  Whose top aide just happens to be engaged to Rackauckas.

(I need a refresher course on this character since writing my article “Worst. Public. Administrator. EVER.  John Williams Has to Go” which failed to prevent his re-election last June.)

TOMORROW MORNING (Thursday Sept 9)
George Urch (714) 464-9125 (Cell) or Stephen Gregg (714) 350-7670 (Cell)




Victims Upset With His Effort To Raise Revenue To Solve His Office’s Budget Problems By Pressuring Victims To Give Up Control Over Their Personal Assets


* Bill Mitchell – Former Chairman, OC Common Cause

* Patricia Wenskunas – Founder CEO, Crime Survivors, Inc. & Crime Victims United of California

* Ruth Hull-Richter – Crime Victim (Who’s Mishandled Case Was Recently Well Publicized In High Ranking Assistant DA Todd Spitzer Firing)

* Robert J. Curatola – Attorney At Law (Assisted Ruth Hull-Richter)

WHAT: Crime Victims To Call Upon State Attorney Jerry Brown To Formally Investigate Orange County Public Guardian John S. Williams For His Effort To Raise Revenue To Solve His Office’s Budget Deficit Problems By Pressuring Victims To Give Up Control Over Their Personal Assets.  Audio Of Domestic Threats To Kill Crime Victim Will Be Played.

WHEN:                     Thursday, September 9 at 9:30 A.M.

WHERE: In Front of Orange County Public Guardian Office, 1300 S. Grand Avenue, Santa Ana, CA (Southwest Corner of E. McFadden & S. Grand Avenues, where Orange County Registrar Of Voters is located)

BACKGROUND: Under heat from the Orange County Grand Jury, who recently issued two scathing reports accusing him of incompetence and questionable personnel practices, and Orange County CEO Tom Mauk, who has recommended changing his elected position to an appointed one, Orange County Public Guardian John S. Williams is now under pressure from County Supervisors to fix his office’s serious budget shortfall problem.  The Crime Victims believe he is pressuring victims to give up control over their personal assets to help raise revenue to solve his problem.  Yesterday, the 80,000 member California Coalition of Law Enforcement Associations (CCLEA) also asked the AG to get involved.

Crime Survivors, Inc.

P.O. Box 54552 * Irvine, CA 92619-4552

Office: (949) 872-7895 * Fax: (775) 245-4798

Email: *

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.