John Williams peeping through window. Photoshop courtesy of "Dissent the Blog."
Now, don’t ask us to make heads or tails of this, we’re just passing on an interesting press release that came our way this afternoon from powerhouse OC lawyers George Urch and Stephen Gregg. Hopefully our usual commenters on all Williams-related matters (including the brilliant Professor Roy Bauer of Dissent the Blog) will pay a visit and tell us what the hell is going on.
This does come directly in the wake of yesterday’s Norberto story of the California Coalition of Law Enforcement Associations demanding an AG investigation into Tony Rackauckas’ suspicious and unjustified firing of top assistant Todd Spitzer. Just for looking into a complaint against notoriously incompetent and wasteful (and possibly corrupt and abusive?) Public Administrator John Williams. Whose top aide just happens to be engaged to Rackauckas.
(I need a refresher course on this character since writing my article “Worst. Public. Administrator. EVER. John Williams Has to Go” which failed to prevent his re-election last June.)
TOMORROW MORNING (Thursday Sept 9)
George Urch (714) 464-9125 (Cell) or Stephen Gregg (714) 350-7670 (Cell)
Victims Upset With His Effort To Raise Revenue To Solve His Office’s Budget Problems By Pressuring Victims To Give Up Control Over Their Personal Assets
* Bill Mitchell – Former Chairman, OC Common Cause
* Patricia Wenskunas – Founder CEO, Crime Survivors, Inc. & Crime Victims United of California
* Ruth Hull-Richter – Crime Victim (Who’s Mishandled Case Was Recently Well Publicized In High Ranking Assistant DA Todd Spitzer Firing)
* Robert J. Curatola – Attorney At Law (Assisted Ruth Hull-Richter)
WHAT: Crime Victims To Call Upon State Attorney Jerry Brown To Formally Investigate Orange County Public Guardian John S. Williams For His Effort To Raise Revenue To Solve His Office’s Budget Deficit Problems By Pressuring Victims To Give Up Control Over Their Personal Assets. Audio Of Domestic Threats To Kill Crime Victim Will Be Played.
WHEN: Thursday, September 9 at 9:30 A.M.
WHERE: In Front of Orange County Public Guardian Office, 1300 S. Grand Avenue, Santa Ana, CA (Southwest Corner of E. McFadden & S. Grand Avenues, where Orange County Registrar Of Voters is located)
BACKGROUND: Under heat from the Orange County Grand Jury, who recently issued two scathing reports accusing him of incompetence and questionable personnel practices, and Orange County CEO Tom Mauk, who has recommended changing his elected position to an appointed one, Orange County Public Guardian John S. Williams is now under pressure from County Supervisors to fix his office’s serious budget shortfall problem. The Crime Victims believe he is pressuring victims to give up control over their personal assets to help raise revenue to solve his problem. Yesterday, the 80,000 member California Coalition of Law Enforcement Associations (CCLEA) also asked the AG to get involved.
Crime Survivors, Inc.
P.O. Box 54552 * Irvine, CA 92619-4552
Office: (949) 872-7895 * Fax: (775) 245-4798
Email: crimesurvivors@aol.com * www.crimesurvivors.com
I look forward to tomorrow morning’s event.
John Williams will be the idiot hiding in the bushes, sporting a milk mustache and bad hair.
Unless he’s in Orlando.
Could be. Just check his records. If they say he’s in his Santa Ana office, it’s a sure bet he’s in Florida, wearing those Mickey Mouse ears.
Roy, I think the sh#! is hitting the fan. See you there! Pen Pal!
I’ll be there in spirit, my friend.
Roy, if this guy ever shows up for work, it is not until at least 10:00 a.m., so we might even see him slink in (via the bushes). Of course, he will probably leave shortly thereafter for lunch!
I saw this line and gagged:
Public Administrator John Williams. Whose top aide just happens to be engaged to Rackauckas.
Ewwww, at least it is legitimate now. They were apparently “sneaking” around for many years during T-Racks married years.
Gee and this John Williams fellow is Brian Skalsky’s main endorsement for his shot at a city council seat in Mission Viejo…oh my!
While you guys are there have someone look into Tom Daly’s wasteful spending. Have them look at the no good building he bought just to find out it is of no use to the county. Also have someone interview all the latinas in his office and find out how much he harrasses them. He is an old pervert. Debbie keep that leash on you old man.
The corruption of this office is only now being exposed because Todd Spitzer no longer was allowed to be part of the corruption! Where was his whistleblowing while he was employed and trying to win the endorsement of that office?
Spitzer is only no longer part of the problem simply because he was fired. He is an opportunist and would not reform the office were he to somehow be elected to county D.A.
NOTA, the corruption of this office, more specifically, about John S. Williams, has been on the forefront for over a year. Spitzer has just given it a better media outlet. Google John S. Williams Public Administrator when you have several hours to read it all.
Wull … you talking stupid on purpose or joking? Reports unchallenged detail the response of then Deputy District Attorney Todd Spitzer to a legimate concern of a county resident appealing to him for assistance. The issue was a check of a victim of Domestic Violence that had bounced because of likely transfers of funds by the spouse and she was under investigation by the office of the “DA,” on “letterhead.” It was reported that he attempted to mitigate the issue by delaying action for sixty days. And at the same time, this same caller expanded into the issue of blatant and arrogant abuse of the “Public Guardian,” and to which Spitzer replied that “an investigation was underway” and he could not intervene. One would presume that a DA would be alert to corruption and somehow the “whiff” in the air has never caught attention of T-Rack?
Why malign Todd Spitzer when he was unaware of the issue until the caller attempted to secure assistance? Might he have attempted to satisfy duty of his office to explore the issue(s)?
Have you seen media exposure of the abuses ongoing by “The Public Guardian?” “Corporate America” goes to extensive lengths to protect against the known conflcts of romantic liaisons within their cultures; how is it that OC government is rife with incestuous relationships? Only weeks ago, the Deputy Public Guardian typically acting in frequent absences of Williams was described as a “girl friend” of “T-Rack,” and now MOVED UP to rank of “fiancee?” How big was that diamond; anyone know?
I look forward to reading the results of these investigations. The corruption in this county needs to be handled and ended.
There was a nice press conference in front of Williams’ office today regarding the above article. Too bad Williams didn’t show up to refute any of the allegations. The executive assistants for Williams and Peggi Buff did sit on a bench just outside the office, apparently on their breaks, for over 45 minutes – they should have put in their two cents worth since they work for the #1 and #2 in the office.
The accusations were quite startling, stating that the investigator for the PG office had no concern for the client other than placing her under a conservatorship and taking control of all her assets. Again, her daughter – an attorney, seems more than capable of handling the affairs of her mother.
The PG is supposed to step in when no other alternative exists. It really makes it look like Williams is only interested in the money. This really should be looked at by an outside agency – sorry T-Rack, conflict of interest! A case that seems an awful lot like this one was posted about months ago on another website:
Williams holds two county offices – the Public Administrator, an elected position, and Public Guardian, an appointed position. Most of his pay is tied to his Guardian job. If he lost that he would have only the Public Administrator pay, which is just a few thousand dollars a year. The Board of Supervisors appoints the Public Guardian, and can unappoint to that office too. This is one time Tom Mauk is right, but Willliams’s connections in the Republican power structure in this county have protected him to date as that has been enough to get 3 of the 5 County Supervisors to continue him in the Public Guardian role. Will it last? To be continued —-.
And, I have wondered if Williams is a double dipper – him having had a career in the County Marshal’s office prior to his election as Public Administrator. Does anyone know?
We’re on the same side on the Williams matter old friend. And I know there are folks out there who can answer your double-dipping query, I’m pretty sure the answer’s yes.
I think that guy is on a JC board, too. Must get pay and bennies for that also.
Dude he flies across the country constantly on the taxpayer dime – supposedly to educational conferences but suspiciously almost always to Orlando and Tampa where he has family – as part of his SOCCCD gig. When the same exact conferences happen in California.
Both of you – Tony and Been Around – need to check out my post that’s linked above – “Worst. Public Administrator. Ever.” We tried to bring him down in the June election. He’s going down now. Timely, infuriating, and hilarious reading, I promise you.
Been around, Mr. Williams retired on a full-disability tier 1 retirement (full-salary for the rest of your life) I believe, shortly before he was elected as the Public Administrator. After he was elected and earning a much higher salary, he put his full-disability retirement on hold while he earns another retirement as the PAPG.
If the Board takes away his main job as PG, he will only be left with about $30K a year. My guess is he will swiftly retire into the sunset where his retirement will be over $200,000.00 per year (included in this figure is his retirement as a trustee for the South Orange County Community College Board).
A bigger question one might ask, is that if he is totally disabled to where he cannot work, why then would the Board of Supervisors give him another full-time job making even more money?
The same applies to Williams’ chief deputy Tim Beason. I believe he retired on a disability from Fullerton PD and gets a pension from them. How do you become disabled and get a disability retirement from one county agency and get hired somewhere else, while collecting a retirement, and make even more money and another retirement. Sounds fishy.