CLICK ON THIS RADIO AT 7 every Wednesday night to hear us!
Are you ready for the second episode ofOrange Juice Blog Radio? Now that we’ve got all the KINKS ironed out, our next episode should be more controversial, educational, and entertaining than ever. From 7pm to 9 Wednesday Sept. 15 click on the radio above (and then make sure to hit the play arrow) and hear your favorite bloggers, commenters, and other local politicians and authorities addressing the burning issues of the day and otherwise making fools of ourselves. This time we’ll be doing:
- Commissioner/blogger Sean Mill and Councilman Sal Tinajero on Santa Ana issues and the DREAM Act, with special guest ALEXIS of the Orange County DREAM Team;
- Activists and OJ commenters Carl Weibel and “Guy Fawkes” (known to you as commenter “GF“) will be debating FOX News contributor and President of the International Faith-Based Coalition “Bishop” Ron Allen on Proposition 19 to decriminalize and tax marijuana;
- A freewheeling conversation on the proposed Poseidon Desalination plant, with our bloggers Sandy “La Femme Wonkita” Genis, John “Surf City Voice” Earl on the opposition side, and on the Poseidon Booster side, former HB mayor and Water Board candidate Don MacAllister and Costa Mesa planning commissioner Jim Fitzpatrick! This may sound dull at first blush. Trust me, sparks will fly.)
- I will be in charge of musical breaks and making sure all our speakers drink a lot of wine; and we’ll be taking YOUR calls at 877-805-4208.
Radio Orange Juice comes to you courtesy of our friends at Santa Ana’s Beat Lounge Entertainment and Beat Lounge Gospel.
Cathy Green is the dumbest politician in Orange County.
SHHH! We’re trying to get her on.
Damn, she’s gonna be out of town. Fitzpatrick just confirmed; his position sounds pretty complicated. We need a full-on Poseidon BOOSTER. I’ll find one.
I heard it once and I heard it all.
I am sure that you will not miss me!
However, let me know if you will have a six-pack of good beer.
Stanley was upset because Art, Sean and Moxley were talking for 45 minutes about the Great Park .. and Stan’s world begins and ends in Santa Ana.
You should call in to Sean and Sal though, during the beginning! That will be pura SantAna.
Not at all comrade Vern.
It is a beer talk in pub gossip.
Call me when you will have topic like “Invasion Of The Bloggers” while you playing “Beer Barrel Polka” like this guy, but in flat “E”:
I should add;
Do not hesitate to call me comrade Vern at 1-714-979-6966 if your ratings shoots through the floor.
Bring in Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham to argue the anti-19 position. I need to unleash on a Drug Warrior big time.
By the way, am I calling in or am I going to have a seat in the studio?
You’re gonna have a seat. Damn it, call me. I don’t think Jerbal will want to help the OJ with anything. We gotta get Alexandra.
Oh yes! The lovely Alexandra Datig, aspergillus conspiracy theorist. Funny thing was she was no where to be found when we got done with the Prop 19 debate in Irvine on Saturday. I think they were inside the church. We had a nice spread for the reception and Judge Gray was working the crowd real good. Her and fellow prohibitionist John Redman did leave together in a nice Ford Mustang.
She did remind me of what Cindy McCain would look like if she mated with one of the Munsters.
Let’s not trash her too much here, as we’re trying to get her on the show. Do you know how to contact her. Did you get my message?
Water is the only thing preventing Orange County from turning into L.A. and L.A. turning into Mexico City. How can America tell other countries to have a sustainable population if it’s not going to walk the talk. 14 billion people in the world will not make our planet a nicer place for humans. With more and more nations obtaining nuclear weapons, the environment already past its carrying capacity, and fewer natural resources to go around, we will be leaving a horrible future for our children.
That’s the big picture. The small picture is that Poseidon’s water is too expensive and this project will rely on corporate welfare and need to be bailed out at taxpayer expense. I say no more bailouts and no more corporate welfare and keep the Southern California population at a sustainable level.
I will be looking forward to a nice discussion…
Up for it?
Well, sure but we’re not exactly talking about any of your favorite issues…I mean issue. You gonna call during Sean/Sal/Santa Ana? Or Poseidon? Or Prop 19?
Folks. While I would welcome participating in Juice radio tonight I am the moderator of a candidate debate for our local Democratic Club. If you think I am tough on incumbents, there will not be any soft balls thrown at the Republican challengers tonight.
It’s SanTana, Vern, NOT SantAna. Say the two out loud and learn…
Oh yeah, if you’re so smart, how come you’re not on Radio Orange Juice? No smart response? Didn’t think so!
That is a real Posiedon debate………….wow……I’m really loving this level of discourse you guys are creating……Keep it up!
Poseidon’s claim as being self supporting is ludicrous. They are doing everything to get money but sitting on a corner with a tin cup.
I totally support decriminalizing MJ… If people can use alcohol responsibly, why can’t they use dope the same way!
I think the Government has no business telling adults what they can and can’t do if they do it without causing any harm to anyone else. Yes, there is the idiots that will abuse weed, but they were idiots before weed!
Thats my two cents worth!
Eileen Murphy – Great Irish name! 🙂
Hope both you too call in tonite. It’ll be worth it just to hear your funny accents.
Why don’t you publish the phone number?
Where is the studio?
I do not know if I can talk without hearing myself or with delay.
But again, I would like talk about something like what would happen if bloggers would take over the earth and created the “blog-world-order”
It’s on there Stanley, you’re just not looking. EVERYBODY, the call-in number is
Stan, when you call, you gotta turn OFF your computer sound, and there won’t be a delay.
OJ Radio Show?! $W33T
Vern, perhaps its my new macbook but the sound on a couple of your voices is coming through distorted. I mean so scratchy that I had to turn it off. The music was distorted too if that helps. IMO you should have perfect sound if you are going to push a recording studio. Thanks for the tipoff that you were on though, I will become a regular listener beginning next week when you get the problems (sound levels?) fixed.
I could not be there tonight but I did get a lot of notes re the sound. Will definitely talk to the station about that. Shame to have technical issues mess up our otherwise awesome radio shows!
Can’t hear the Bishop. There’s some strange static in the background. Great radio show so far.
MacAllister should read the following articles. Desal water is the most expensive water around:
Well JT de-sal water may be expensive today compared to other water sources. But when you project 15-20 years ahead and we can not get water from the Delta or the Colorado River then what is the cost?? The Poseidon project once it is on line can become anothere source for the OCWD to purchase from. All enities should be planning 20 years out and not have their heads in the sand. If we wait and do nothing we can become the desert we once were.
I missed it this week! Are you on next week? When?
Ok Fiala,
Wow, that was more than I wanted to know!!! lol 🙂
Yes, you are going to get a few paranoid people but the main point is that adults can and should choose for themselves. I recommend: warnings about possible side effects. I do believe that there are responsible people out there who smoke weed. I also know that their is a minority of losers who abuse it!
If we legalize pot… It takes half of the drug lord’s cash away. And that should be the main point in this!
“Wow, that was more than I wanted to know!”…… sure, and what is that pleasureful grin on that yellow face?
It was more like a yuck, than a yum!
lol 🙂
I guess MacAllister wants corporations abusing ratepayer and taxpayer money to own things like our water, our air, and our oceans.
I’d rather have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people in charge of that stuff than a corporation that only cares about making as much money as possible.
Some suggestions to improve the sound quality which is not good.
1) Everything is over-modulated even the music so if there is some master volume control bring it into the middle.
2) In general all volume controls should be somewhere in the middle.
3) If there are any indicators the needles or LEDs should not go into the red. Maintain 0db (zero-decibel) which is right on the border between red and green.
3) make sure that everyone is talking into the mike from same distance.
4) make sure that sensitivity of individual mikes is not to high so you do not pick-up guy from the neighboring mike.
5) do not talks to mikes from distance it pickups the room echo.
There was some noise in the beginning and all the time last show like a running motor so keep an eye on it.
So remember, not to over-modulate on master volume and individual mike volumes.
Watch the needles for 0db (zero-decibel)
I should add that you should have some chatroom or texting or Skype so the listeners can send comments without the interruption.
Same here, I’m on a PC but I could barely hear through the distortion. Sounded like you were all hooked up to fuzzbox … I had to pull the plug.