Pulido asked to opt out of Santa Ana healthcare benefits in 2007

The not very objective reporters at the Voice of OC have been confronted with evidence that Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido did ask the OCTA to continue his health benefits, way back in 2007, and at the same time he told them that he was opting out of Santa Ana’s health insurance program, and yet the Voice of OC continues to attack Pulido. 

The Voice of OC questioned why Pulido, and Councilman Vince Sarmiento, have higher benefits than their counterparts on the Council.  Could it be that they have more kids than their peers on the Council?  Council Members Martinez and Alvarez have no kids.  The other Council Members have, at most, two kids each, as far as I know.

Why doesn’t the Voice of OC reveal that Irvine Council Member Beth Krom makes more than any of her fellow Council Members and she makes more than Pulido and the other Santa Ana Council Members?

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About Art Pedroza