We went to Triangle Square and paid $5 bucks to see the new Oliver Stone “Wall Street….money never sleeps!” We went to the 11:40AM showing and found it amazing that as the opening credits started running, literally hundreds of obvious single stock brokers arrived to find their seats. None of these guys brought a date!
They were all dressed in standard Day Trader attire….expensive slacks , white shirt and tie. A bunch of old people piled into the back of the theatre and as the presentation moved along, the smattering of giggles, laughs and heavy breathing followed. The Day Traders didn’t appear to be laughing very much and as Gordon Gecko makes a cameo performance of a “Bernie Madoff look-a-like” – the entertainment turned to watching those – watching the film.
Arguably and ironically, this may be Michael Douglas at the best we have ever seen him. No doubt he will be nominated for Best Actor at the Academy Awards. Whether you consider it as just feeling sorry for Mr. Douglas….while he is fighting heavy duty throat cancer or not. His performance was both touching and at his cynical best.
Anyone that has invested in Wall Street since 1983 will be interested to review and compare the prior Wall Street film with Charlie Sheen to the current edition. Anyone that has ever bought a house will also find this film very interesting. We won’t bother to mention the many great keeper lines from the movie…but there are many. It will be interesting to see how much affect this movie will have on the November election choices!
Little doubt, it is a very entertaining and educational vehicle on how the Wall Street/Global Investment Community – crowd – screwed the American Public…in fact, screwed everyone…and why perhaps, all the stock brokers in the theatre……were not laughing.
Look for the Charlie Sheen cameo….it is very cool.
“Money never sleeps….on Wall Street”…….. neither do in my trading accounts.
I do not watch stupid flicks I do participate, It is more fun that way Winships.
*Dear Stanley,
Good for you….we have been suggesting that people do their own investing for years!
In June of 1979, we bought a sizable amount of of gold for $248 dollars a ounce and
more Silver Bag Coins @ $4.78 an ounce. As you might recall, Gold went to $848 and
Silvers to $42.30 before the crash that caught millions of people in March of 1980….
which made them lose their homes, businesses and families trying to catch the rising
tide to $2000 a ounce for Gold. Hopefully, the people trading in Gold and Silver today
have learned the lesson….that the price of Gold is not tied to Oil. But we are sure there
will be many who disregard all prudent advice….and to them: Good luck!
P.S. We have never employed a stock broker to make our trades….the only exception
was using Charles Schwab back in the day, when you had to call each time and beg them
to buy European Stocks like Deutcher TeleCom and the like. Those trades sometimes
took up to a week….while the “real stock brokers” ….worked the system! We had to buy
small – think long!
However, your GOLD is on the paper not in your save deposit box in form of coins.
Expect confiscation of GOLD soon!……. you will loos everything!
My advise as a Santa Ana Financier convert your paper into small size bullion preferably the gold coins.
*Stanley sir,
No…we always take possession of the actual goods. Krugerrands and Canadian Gold
ounces are the best. Silver dollars in bags and in a trust account are OK for now. Buying
Gold futures is like doing the Hedge Fund deal…no bueno!
The only disadvantage you have by doing so Winships, is that you are “Better than most…not as good as some” and one day the socialists like Nelson, Mill, Pedroza and Gilbert will redistribute your gold among needy because they believe that you are bad people by planing, working hard and save.
Socialists always kill rich people first. German socialists kill Jews to take their wealth as recently in Cambodia socialist kill 2M mostly educated and wealthy doctors teachers lawyers etc.
Remember that in the November 2………. the Democrats, Socialists and Liberals are evil.
FDR…took all the Gold Coins and appropriated them. Nixon…pulled all the Silver Certificates,
Carter…restricted cash travel and transactions, Clinton and Bush…made sure they could
appropriate any International Bank account in the world – of all your goods. Except of course
their cronies in International Businesses.
Stanley, right you are….things could get tough. There are ways however…..one includes
buying Kruggerands “In South Africa”….leaving them in “their banks”. Wire transfers will
be or could be a problem….but then…..so is everything else! Buying Canadian Gold Coins
could be another way….or just keeping your Gold in their banks. The problem is however
that both countries will probably “report anyone” that tries to withdraw more than $5000 in such funds. Guess we will all have to just get into stamp collecting and forget it.