I need to thank the person who spotted a post by Matt Cunningham that appeared on the Red County blog yesterday.
In his post, entitled “Mission Viejo An Example of OCGOP Endorsement Process Gone Awry,” Matt attacks the Nominating Committee for rejecting the endorsement application of Trish Kelley and proceeds to besmirch myself. Check it out. He mentions Larry Gilbert in 14 of 21 short paragraphs.
This is about Trish Kelley’s record and the Central Committee review. It’s not about me. I am not a candidate nor a member of the committee. As such I will not take the bait and engage in a point by point response to refute those comments about me. Matt. You must stay on topic, in this case GOP endorsements.
Matt was not in the GOP HQ on August 31st when the six GOP Committee members took testimony from Trish and heard from three current/former presidents, including myself, representing the Saddleback Republican Assembly. Nor did he hear Jack Anderson apologize to the committee for signing Trish’s application for consideration before discovering her endorsement of Democratic candidate Dave Leckness.
He did not hear the Q&A from the members which preceded their unanimous rejection yet he really doesn’t care.
While I normally refrain from sending our readers to that blog you might gain some insight into Matt that Art has been preaching about for the past few years.
For some reason Matt has either forgotten or never heard the expression “Trust But Verify.” Trish (or his close friend) Frank Ury feed him a line of BS and he prints it. This is a good illustration of his lack of journalistic skills or ethics.
When asked by a member to explain her vote changing the city manager’s contract the night before the Lance MacLean recall election, she failed to point out what was changed. Her response was that our city manager is not in the upper end of the county in his salary yet he did not get an increase. Trish. Then what changed?
Trish, Frank and Lance voted to remove potential causes of action that would result in the need to pay the city manager nine months of severance if he was found to have engaged in any “dishonesty, fraud, self dealing or willful misconduct” to now limit the clause to “misappropriations of funds or conviction of a felony (involving “moral turpitude.”)
His contract was changed at his request to remove those causes of dismissal. Mr. Wilberg is entitled to 9 months of severance pay if released for reasons other than misconduct. For some reason she must have forgotten that minor revision in the contract which is normally amended in the summer when this contract change occurred on Feb 1, 2010.
In his post Matt says “she voted to end lifetime medical benefits for new city employees.” Wrong. She fought to protect Frank, Lance and her own access to lifetime health care.
It was only after Cathy Schlicht and JP Ledesma were supported by Dave Leckness, who changed his prior vote on this issue, that Trish, since Cathy had the three votes needed for passage, reluctantly voted to remove that perk. Beyond trying to block this agenda item she is on the record saying that she is voting yes because opposing removal of this perk, that could cost the taxpayers approximately $257,000 for each of them, would be used against her in the Nov election. On that point she was right.
There is not need for me to reissue my post detailing exactly what was said by all parties at the August 31st meeting.
Suffice to say that based on his friendship with one or two Mission Viejo council members, Matt trashes the fine work of the GOP Central Committee members who did not rubber stamp every incumbent applicant as I reported previously. He supports Trish Kelley’s endorsement of Democrat Dave Leckness and thinks that act warrants a Republican party endorsement?
And should the GOP create a walk piece slate listing statewide and locally endorsed candidates, does he truly believe that the Mission Viejo “grass roots” will walk precincts with a flyer that includes Trish Kelley while she is supporting Democrat Dave Leckness?
I hope Matt shows up on Monday to support Trish Kelley and repeats this same line of garbage so that I can hear the response from those members who were there.
*People go to various doctors based on their reputation, their experiences and the veracity
of their associations. Having said all that……let’s just say….making any comments about
MV….including their High School Football Team should be left to those who have spent lots
of time in grade…devoted to the subject.
Dr. Cunningham no doubt has been instructed to launch his comments from a much higher
source. Probably someones who have a tough time sitting on their wallets. But how would we
know? Just very odd….that Party Endorsement procedures may be questioned outside the
realm. If Dr. Cunningham has problems with Republican Party Endorsement Procedures…he
should probably deliver his comments and questions to the appropriate authorites, in writing
and of course, in person.
Papa Larry should not bother his pretty head…..worrying about a non-resident Endorsement
suggestion…except to maybe giggle…a little!
Ah, Larry, you grant Jubal so much power, power he doesn’t have these days. “Throw the GOP Nominating Committee under a bus?” What bus is that?
The bus that dropped him off and left him on the corner years ago, maybe, and I don’t see any committee underneath it. (I say as an uninterested, amused observer.)
Funny how Jubal and Holder and their buddies loved the O.C. nomination system when it helped their old pal Mike Corona but now when the people have stopped taking orders from Baugh and company they want to toss the whole thing out! The Tea Party people may be a little/lot kooky but at least they stand up to the OCGOP machine. It will be interesting to see if the members back down when Baugh, Holder, Jubal,Proballsky (from the back of the ballroom) put the pressure on and toss the nomination committe under the bus. I think those days are over. I hope someone will tape the event and play some of it here. Power to the people.
Matt Cunningham outed sex-abuse victims.
Mr. Matt Cunningham lacks any semblance of credibility, he is a sham.
And yet another post where Gilbert flings allegations but offers up no evidence. Matt’s post was a follow up to ine by Chip Hanlon and the subject of both was a disturbing trend that has developed among party leadership. Chip used Huntington Beach as his example and Matt used MV as his. Gilbert’s overly simplistic bank and white thinking clearly couldn’t encompass the theme of both posts. Instaed he defends the committee with a particularly lame attack on Trish, subscribing to the argumentative strategy of “If I say it louder each time it makes it more true.”
little man.
Neither you or Matt were in the Aug 31st meeting. Therefore simply go away.
You continue to shift the focus to me when its not about me. It’s about Trish.
“If I say it louder each time it makes it more true.”……. that was Paul Joseph Goebbels’ doctrine.
Little Big Man, you mean….. Larry too?
Who cares about what Matt “Jubal” Cunningham thinks.
This guy believes it’s OK for Priests to LIE to protect rapists. Matt has a really messed up sense of right and wrong. His moral compass points right back to Suite C.
Simply put, his is checkbook politics. Whoever pays him he will back or support. Thats OK, but let’s not pretend that he has any allegience to anyone other than himself.
kenlaysnotdead, but isn’t it all about this new power of blogging?
Never before in the history had a man so much power without relay deserving it.
It is not money, I think that is secondary.
It is the power to order people around, to piss them off and then do not allow them to respond.
It is new form of bullying.
I hate to see this technology being so abused.
I hope that it will somehow play it self out for good or bad.
Take Larry, such an insignificant nobody and he can be such an irritant, unbelievable.
If there wouldn’t be the internet he would be standing on the corner of 4th and Main with bible in his hand screening like lunatic: “Matt Cunningham throws GOP Nominating Committee under a bus defending Trish Kelley”
Why do you spend so much energy talking about “such an insignificant nobody.”
Stanley I ask>>>>>
“What If The Tea Party Was Black?”
What If The Tea Party Was Black?……. What the “black” has to do with anything what I said?
Ken. As a regular to the Juice you know that your comment has zero connection to the post. While we do post more comments than any other county blog, we do request that you stay on point.
Show me how your comment about color relates to my post? Thank you. Larry
Cunningham is obviously being paid by someone or other, so forget about it Larry.
I’m waiting to hear his outraged post about the OC Business Council endorsing Lou Correa. After all Lucy Dunn is joined at the hip to Herr Ubermanipulator, Curt Pringle. Will we ever hear from Cunningham about how the supposedly conservative Pringle threw Lucille Kring under the bus?
Endorsing Dave Leckness over an admitted law-breaker was a no brainer. By inference, apparently Jack Anderson (ironically), Larry Gilbert and the loons on the endorsing committee approve of their elected officials knowingly violating state vehicle licensing laws. There’s nothing conservative or Republican in this “Republican” assembly or, increasingly, in this Central Committee. New leadership is desperately needed.
You’re no conservative.
Are you saying that Matt C or Trish K do not have a CA drivers license? This post is only about them and the GOP endorsing committee.
You ‘ve gone way off the reservation with that unrelated remark. If you can’t stay on the thread don’t be disappointed if your comments disappear if they get posted at all.
I spend too many hours attending the meeting’s I cover and will not engage you in your unrelated diatribe.
The post refers to your buddy Dale Tyler, the tax evader who ran for council with his cars registered in Indiana and NO California drivers license, after claiming to live here for 20 years. Please try to keep up
Larry name caller.
Matt’s issue is with the local GOP endorsing committee yet he included my name in 14 of 21 paragraphs. I am not a member of the Central Commitee and had 60 seconds to speak to the board yet he gives Red County readers the impression that I control their decision making.
You are doing the same thing by referring to the successful MacLean recall election which ended on Feb 2nd. Dale Tyler has zero to do at this point yet you go off the resevation just to see your comments in print.
If you don’t stay on topic on my future stories I reserve the right to remove them.
I, for one, totally resent the racial implications of “way off the reservation.” Try having your people locked up on their own land, Gilbert. I figured you for an idiot. Good to know you’re also a racist.
By the way, analysis has nothing to do with whatever room you’re sitting in. It has everything to do with intelligence. I’ll dumb it down for you: “You weren’t in the room” makes as much logical sense as “when you’ve lived here as long as I have.” When I have lived in Mission Viejo for as long as you have, I will still not be as old or clueless as you.
Oh, come on my friend. That’s a very common expression. I love hearing your disagreements with Brother Larry on all manner of Mission Viejo topics, but he’s no racist. I think most of us bloggers have used that term now and again. If we get too thin-skinned we run out of vocabulary and nobody has fun!