Happy Birthday Sean Mill!

Please join me in wishing our blogger Sean Mill a very Happy Birthday today.  Mill is perhaps the most controversial blogger on our team, although I am right there with him.  But most of his critics really don’t know him well at all.

Mill graduated from UCI with a degree in political science.  He was a student there at the same time as Assemblyman Jose Solorio.  Mill took classes alongside developer and consultant Steve Sheldon.

Mill has had an extraordinary life.  As a young man he became a producer on the Wally George show.  And he worked with numerous politicians.  In fact he remembers campaigning for Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido, in his first race!

Mill fought City Hall for years.  Today he is happy to work with a City Council that is getting things done – and is an all-Latino Council at that.  His critics rail at him, but he is now the one connected to City Hall, while the Usual Suspects have been tossed out like yesterday’s trash.

Mill campaigned for Assemblyman Dick Longshore, way back in the day.  Mill, like myself, was a Republican at one time.  Today he is a Democrat – but not a partisan hack by any means.  Mill in fact fondly remembers working against Curt Pringle, back when Pringle was hiring security guards to scare off Mexican American voters in Santa Ana.

Mill also, as a young man, worked with the UNLV Running Rebels, when they were coached by Jerry Tarkanian.  Mill was there to help a very good local player, who went to Santa Ana schools, Bobby Joyce.  Mill recently ran into Joyce again at an Angels game.  It was a joyful reunion.

Did you know that Mill is a marathon runner?  He completed the half Marathan in San Francisco just a few weeks ago.

I am proud to call Mill my friend.  We are fortunate to have him on our team here at the Orange Juice.

About Art Pedroza