Rogue bully Commissioners Leon and Stroud put in their place by a fellow Commissioner

Commissioner Tish Leon, feeling a disturbance in the force…

I was able to attend the Santa Ana Parks and Recreation Commission meeting tonight.  Our reader, Rob Cook, showed up too.

I half expected the rogue bully commissioners, Tish Leon and Julie Stroud, to skip out on the meeting, but there they were.  Commissioners Max Madrid and Kenneth Nguyen were there as well.

There weren’t many items on the agenda.  They whipped through it quickly and then came the time for public comments.  Cook spoke first.  He addressed a number of items.  He also stated that he supported Minuteman Lupe Moreno, who was honored last week by Santa Ana Councilman David Benavides.

Then it was my turn.

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About Art Pedroza