Commissioner Tish Leon, feeling a disturbance in the force…
I was able to attend the Santa Ana Parks and Recreation Commission meeting tonight. Our reader, Rob Cook, showed up too.
I half expected the rogue bully commissioners, Tish Leon and Julie Stroud, to skip out on the meeting, but there they were. Commissioners Max Madrid and Kenneth Nguyen were there as well.
There weren’t many items on the agenda. They whipped through it quickly and then came the time for public comments. Cook spoke first. He addressed a number of items. He also stated that he supported Minuteman Lupe Moreno, who was honored last week by Santa Ana Councilman David Benavides.
Then it was my turn.
Click here to read the rest of this post.
How dare Ms. Leon mock members of the public and fellow boardmembers standing up for our youth. She wants to tell a young man who to support for Council? This kind of group think is wrong at every level. This young man deserves our respect, not Tish Leon’s abuse. I’m surprised his parents didn’t speak to her as well. Why doesn’t the council put him on another board. Wouldn’t it be ironic if he was appointed to the Planning Commission (Ms. Stroud’s dream positon). Good for Mr. Madrid. I want him to run for Mayor. He is a man among men.
Any chance that there is video of this meeting?
Fellow Student Leader,
Sorry! I took pictures but my camera didn’t have enough memory space for video. Would have been great to get Max on video as he was awesome! But if you go to my New Santa Ana blog you can see the pictures…
Okay, Thank you!
While I’m not surrprised by Ms. Leon,since she has a reputation for being an unkind person, I am surprised by the other lady. My abuela says Ms. Stroud is a member of PETA and does cat rescue at the pound or something like that. How can you love a cat but hate a boy? Maybe they should fill the boys vacent seat with a cat or dog and then the ladies might be nicer.
Stroud and her husband rescue greyhound dogs, as I recall, that have been involved in the racing industry. They do appear to have more affinity for animals than people.
Both Leon and Stroud expressed complete hatred, for example, at tonight’s meeting, for skateboarders. That was no surprise. They appear to despise our youth.
Got to give it up to you…you got force.
Gracias! I was bullied myself as a child. I won’t let today’s youngsters get the same treatment.
Its be awhile since I’ve been to a Parks and Rec meeting.
A small correction to Art’s post. I voiced support for the people who put forth the effort for the 4th of July event, and felt it was wrong to pull their recognition because some people do not like a group one individual belongs.
There was a lot of discussion on what Art spoke about. I expect that there will be more on that subject.
Thanks for the correction. While the 4th of July event started out as a good event it is sad that it was ruined by the importation of haters, from as far away as Yorba Linda. Rest assured this will not happen again.
As for what I spoke about, I am not sure that there will be a need for a formal investigation. Stroud and Leon may be long gone a month from now.
I am told that there are phone records that will document the number of harassing phone calls from Tish, Julie and surprise, surprise Thomas Gordon.
They better be gone and quick.
Michele what are you waiting for? Let’s see the removal of Tish on Monday’s agenda.
Benavides will probably look the other way regarding Julie so I call upon the rest of the council to pull the trigger if David won’t.
Say goodnight to the “usual suspects”!!!
Email records too. This is not going to end well for any of these folks.
I wonder if Al Amezcua is going to comment at some point as Leon is part of his campaign?
I find it quite laughable that Tish Leon refers to us as “bully’s”. First of all Tish it’s “bullies” and not “bully’s”.
Art and I stand up to bullies. Julie Stroud and her ilk have been bullying folks in Santa Ana for years. Thanks to the efforts of this blog, Art Pedroza and myself, these folks are now toxic and whatever clout they had is eroding quickly.
They can rest assured that every time they look cross-eyed at someone we will be there taking them to task. They will not get a moment’s rest from this day forward until they change their hating ways.
The “usual suspects” are dying and I for one want to make sure they are gone for good. Their agenda will not be tolerated in our community and this blog will make sure of it.
KUDOS SEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“The “usual suspects” are dying and I for one want to make sure they are gone for good”
Is “usual suspects” another term for Anglos?
Does Leon look Anglo to you?
Uh “Code Breaker”,
I’m anglo.
Are Italians considered Anglo? She looks a little like the lady who runs the little Italian place where I like to eat in Tustin.
“This is not going to end well for any of these folks” said Pedroza……… Hmmmm.
It will not end well for any of American haters too Pedroza, Sin Mill and Nazi13.
New coined term by Stanislav: “Nazi13” = National Socialists of Mexico. The 13 = M, the thirteenth letter in the alphabet.
Nazi13 are all American haters who come from Mexico for allegedly better life and in same time are destroying the source of it. No other legal/illegal emigrant group does it. Only Mexicans.
In other words Nazi13 = are pissing in the bed to stay warm.
That is your way of toning things down? Good grief.
Mill and I don’t hate America. Unlike you, we were both born here.
Nor are we Nazis or Socialists. You know that.
What we despise is our fellow Americans who are migrant bashers. We don’t think that migrants, including you, should be bashed, period. Is that clear enough for you?
Pedroza, if you do not hate America stop promoting Latinos, Mexicans and Hispanic and simply talk about Americans.[Emphases added]
Just talk about good/bad Americans!
Since you can’t do that you are favoring a nation of Latinos, Mexicans and Hispanic, thus promoting NATIONALISM and separatism specifically MEXICAN nation.
READ YOUR POSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since you are promoting social benefits (affordable housing, free college education, special citizenship by braking the law, etc. etc. etc.) only for your group, you are NATIONAL SOCIALIST and if you do not understand the term and are equating it with the German National Socialists and holocaust than you are ignorant.
However, socialists always cause a social upheaval, revolutions, confiscation of private properties and famine.
So it is proper to call your group of sympathizers the National Socialists of Mexico.
If you do not like it than change and refer to everyone as American.
O’ you can’t huh?…. because you love your culture and your history?… Ya, that is NATIONALISM!!!!!
No one hates you Mexicans!
If Americans would hate you they would not allow 20M to com here in violation of law, give you food, shelter and take of your responsibly conceived numerous children.
You and Sin Mill are haters and Nazi13!……. Like it or not.
I am sick and tired that you are attacking Americans and we Americans will defend America and our selves. We have constitution on our side and you do not.
To me the America means opportunity which I can’t get nowhere in the world even in my native Czech Rep.
Once you will realize what you have then you will become a productive member of this nation of the Americans.
Mexicans are bashed universally on almost every blog and newspaper in town. All we are doing is acting to balance the scales.
I am not promoting social benefits, but rather compassion for the needy. Like you, I want folks to move up the socio-economic ladder.
The hardest workers in this country are migrants. Surely you know that.
Please stop referring to Mill as “Sin.” That is not his name and I am not going to allow it. You have fair warning. The next time you do that your comment will go in the spam folder. As humans we are all sinners. No one can say otherwise. It is part of the human condition.
Again, I am not attacking Americans – only those who are haters. Hatred of migrants is un-American.
Please stop referring to Mill as “Sin.” ….. said Pedroza.
And have you ask Sin Mill to stop ceiling Claudio Gallegos > Fraudilo Gallegos and other people by his stupid and retarded names? NO!
So why do you discriminating against me American.
Look at yourself!…. again and again you are unfair and promoter of your group!
Wherefore: I demand that you publicly, right now, ask Sin Mill to stop referring to other people in any other than their real names!
Here is you chance Pedroza!….. Lets see your Latino honor.
Good point. I will ask him.
Hey Stanislaw F:
Thank you for some creative hatred and bigotry. The simplistic ignorance, stupidity and hatred was too tiresome and too predictable.
Since Americans are also of Mexican descent, thus Mexican-American can we have 13 (Mexican) + 1 (American) = 14.
Oh we can’t, you already took the number 14.
The phrase “14 words,” the number of words in an expression that has become the battle cry and rallying slogan for the white supremacist movement:
“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”
This expression was coined by white supremacist David Lane while in prison serving essentially a life sentence for his role in The Order, a 1980s white supremacist terrorist group that conducted armed robberies, bombings, and assassinations. Lane died in prison in 2007.
Vern, please use your name next time!
LOL I wish I wrote as good as “foraveragejoe.” I know who it is, and it ain’t me! Try responding on the merits of the argument.
Code Breaker.
You must be confused as to who Tish Leon looks like. She looks like the Indigenous Indita from Mexico that makes tortillas in my favorite restaurant in Downey.
Itailian? With that Toltec face? Ah hahahahahahahahahahaha!
Ankle Biter,
Well, it could be Moorish blood. The Southern Italians, like the Spanish, were invaded and settled by the Moors. That is why southern Italians, and some Spaniards, have darker complexions. So perhaps Tish has a bit of Arabic blood in her ancestry. Nothing wrong with that.
But, you may be right. It may be native blood as well. Hard to say.
flashback to Dennis Hopper’s great scene in “True Romance” baiting Christopher Walken…
LOL! Great scene that…
Actually, she looks and acts just like the PTA member, wanna be school board member from the movie Lean on Me!
It takes a bigot to know bigot. Sean Mill has written comments here and on Bolsavik’s blog that are racist towards the Vietnamese community. He delights in picking fights like he is still in high school Sean is the biggest bully here.
Not true. Mill commented over there in reaction to racist anti-Mexican and anti-American commenters at Bolsavik.
I have known Mill for years and have never seen him get involved in a fight. Red County editor Matt Cunningham tried to bait him into a fight, at an election function, as did a blogger from the Liberal OC, at another function. Mill kept his cool.
If you want to find anti-Viet sentiment go have a look at the Santa Ana Citizens Yahoogroup. When the City of Santa Ana erected a sign honoring Little Saigon, on our west side, the Usual Suspects, including Julie Stroud, had a complete meltdown. Mill supported the installation of the sign.
Moreover, Mill was an ardent supporter of Hugh Nguyen, in the recent primary election. The bloggers at the Liberal OC all opposed him, as did the Usual Suspects.
If you want to libel Mill go do it elsewhere.
Is that you Thomas? I hear you like to spread this fallacy all over town.
I have strongly supported Vietnamese candidates like Hoa Van Tran and Hugh Nguyen and even helped out with Henry Le’s 1992 run for Santa Ana City Council.
What is your record? Other than being a lackey for Janet Nguyen you have sided with bigots like Julie Stroud who have publicly slurred the Vietnamese community on the Santa Ana Citizens Yahoo group.
Pick fights? I won’t back down from one thats for sure. However it was your pal Cunningham that initiated that and I would have been more than happy to settle it.
Or perhaps you have me confused with the clearly deranged Claudio Gallegos who picked fights with Tony Bushala and Art Pedroza at the NUFF event in Fullerton.
Or maybe you are thinking of Thomas Gordon who tried to intimidate Travis Kriger at the NUFF event only to have Chris Thompson put him in his place. Tommy Boy cowered away like the sissy he is.
I’m a bully? That’s why I’m defending a 16 year old kid who was attacked by Tish Leon, Julie Stroud and Thomas Gordon.
I stayed and listened to the entire meeting and post meeting discussions.
From what I heard is the Parks can agenda the item and/or the city council can call for an investigation.
Or the City Council can just bid Leon and Stroud adieu. I think that would be the best course of action.
When did Sean say Latino DNA is better to gabacho DNA, junior?
Lets take another look at what Commisi-no-more Leon had to say on her Facebook this evening:
Tish Leon: I just had to remove many FB peeps…how sad
Someone asked why..her response:
Tish Leon Yes…politics can be ugly
…and then it was followed by this:
Tish Leon What’s so sad is that I had to remove FB friends that I really care about, just because of who we had in common…
Finally, someone offered her wine, she hasn’t answered…but most likely…she will say yes =)