Antonia Rivera of the Orange County Dream Team is among a national group of more than twenty DREAMERS who staged sit-ins today in the offices of elected officials in Washington D.C. The activists have singled out Senator Menendez, Senate Majority Leader Reid, Senator Feinstein, Senator McCain, and Senator Schumer in this brave action that places the youth at risk for both arrest and deportation. With the likeliness of Comprehensive Immigration Reform being addressed slimming down by the day, the DREAMERS are pushing for legislation that would act as a stand alone bill in helping provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented college students. Their dedication to this cause has been displayed in recent months by protests that put most complacent citizens to shame in terms of practicing democracy in action.
No official news has been reported, but the Facebook page for states that 13 have been arrested already. Undocumented immigrants from Illinois, Virginia, New York, California, Arizona, Kansas, Missouri, and Michigan all came together in the nation’s capital for today’s action. Rivera provides a glimpse into her struggle on another facebook page encouraging others to support her DREAM. She says, “Over the years, I’ve lobbied and presented to many including the college board. Yet, I am still “9ine digits away from my dream” and I am not sure how my childhood friends will react to that. It has been a bittersweet journey and I have given a lot up for DREAM, including my family in the mid-west. But I feel the DREAM coming not just for me, but for my younger sister and the numerous friends that I’ve had the privileged to work with throughout the years.” Rivera is joined by fellow Californian Laura Lopez. I haven’t received word about Orange County’s own, but another OCDT’er posted in McCain’s office notes that police have just arrived there.
I will update this post with more information as it comes. In the meantime, supporters from California are being urged to call Senator Feinstein’s office at (310) 914-7300
and demand legislative action for the DREAM Act. All the while, The Liberal OC continues to lament supposed ‘blackmail’ against Congresswoman Sanchez by the OCDT and earlier had nothing but patronizing attitudes towards the undocumented activists and their allies as to the so-called enlightened way of going about things!
keep dreaming . get in line with everyone . no free hand outs for you . if they are illegal i hope they get deported . nothing brave about that just a bunch of law breakers again DEMANDING THINGS .
the great one: haha, u crack me up. which reminds me, where has michelle quinn gone? haha
So their parents violated US immigration law and brought them here as children – strike one. Now, they seek to portray themselves as victims and make their presence known by breaking the law by means of sit ins and other confrontations. That is strike two and counting —-
OOO, look out, Dreamers! “Tired of it” is counting strikes on you. What’s he gonna do when you hit strike three, thwack you one?
Update: Antonia Rivera was arrested yesterday and just freed by authorities according to the OC Register. BRAVO ANTONIA!
Yeah, but just wait till she gets back to the OC – The Grate One and “Tired of It” are gonna kick her little butt.
YES WE WILL / THAT IS WHY WE SUPPORT THE A/Z LAW .. THE FEDS WONT DO IT . hopefully when this law passes and this will go to the supreme ct . more states will copy this law and than all the illegals can go to l.a . s.f . maywood , bell , and the capital of illegals SANTA ANA . gabriel dont know about michell , i think far left vern banned her , not sure . i hope not . i miss her its a good counter to the illegal alien activist that are on here .
Vern, I do not condone violence. How about simply introducing her to Barbara Coe and let nature take its course? Our Sheriff now has ICE facilities right here in OC that are ready to serve – that is unless she returns through Arizona and runs into Sheriff Joe first.
OH I FORGOT that is a good one tired of it . send her to sherriff joe . i m sure she would look good in pink . . these brain surgeons out there yelling . MANY ILLEGAS HAVE UNNIVERSITY DEGREES BUT ARE UNABLE TO FIND WORK .. this just in in case they did not know . IT IS ILLEGAL FOR YOU TO WORK HERE . IT IS ILLEGAL IF THEY HIRE YOU .
Sheriff Joe is on the wrong side of history — where you two find yourselves. Your comments might irritate if I were to be caught up in the midst, but the eventuality of justice can not be detained and my equanimity is informed by it. We shall overcome — I know you all hate those words so!
yes we will overcome from stopping the law breakers in jumping the line and trying to get their way . . this lady has taunted the system to deport her and they let her go . NOW YOU KNOW WHY ARIZONA IS DOING WHATS ITS DOING .. THIS BRAINCHILD HAS HAD 22 YEARS TO BECOME LEGAL . WHY HAS SHE NOT TRY TO GET HER PAPERS . I BET HER PARENTS HAVE TRIED TOO .. i dont think so .
Last evening the Speed Channel (of all places) had an hour long program on the effort to control our southern border. While part of the focus was on the vehicles our agents use to chase through storm drains (the Speed Channel is focused on things automotive) over sand dunes, across sage brush covered desert, it was a real eye opener about the drug and human smuggling that is on-going along the border and the danger our border patrol officrs face daily – being shot at and having molotove cocktails hurled their way from the Mexico side. Too bad more people do not see this excellent program as it presents irrefutable evidence that our southern border is under seige – it documented a truly scary situattion.