MV Mayor Kelley votes herself lifetime health care yet wants to cut employee benefits

Mission Viejo’s residents will be paying for Trish Kelley’s healthcare forever!

Some people know how to be effective leaders. Sadly, they are not the majority of the Mission Viejo city council.
At last night’s city council meeting Cathy Schlicht’s Agenda item #24 called for “elimination of lifetime healthcare benefits for the remaining eligible council members.”

Those members who would be able to retain this costly benefit are Trish Kelley and Frank Ury, who, if reelected one more time, would have access to $250,000 each in lifetime health care benefits. Without providing the entire history of this self serving benefit let me simply report that in May of 2008 that council voted to eliminate this perk only to re-instate it in Nov of 2008.

After Cathy read the Agenda report and made the Motion to proceed, member Ledesma provided the Second.  Mayor pro tem Leckness stated “I agree with Cathy that this lifetime benefit is no good. It would not be part of my policy for employees.”

He than proceeded stating that he has “two reasons why I cannot support Cathy.” First. He referenced his business philosophy in which after hiring someone you don’t pull the benefit, you stick by your offer. His second point related to a comment attributed to our city attorney (long before Dave joined the council) that if contested the city would lose in court in that the council member can sue the city.

He went on to say  “Cathy. This is like picking a scab.” We need to heal. “Our revenues are down.” We need to move forward and that “we need to do what’s right for the city.”

Councilman Ledesma followed and said “Dave, I absolutely agree with you that we should do what’s right for the city. That’s why I seconded Cathy’s Motion.”

Member Ledesma cited our having rules vs Ordinances and Resolutions with no enforcement.J.P. went on to say that “fear of a lawsuit is a red herring” and that referring to former Mayor Gail Reavis’s emails are “irrelevant today.”

As anticipated by me, Member Schlicht’s Agenda item failed by a 3-2 vote with Frank Ury, Dave Leckness and Trish Kelley voting NO. At this point Cathy said she was following a campaign pledge to remove this perk. She went on stating “I wonder how many people in our city do not have any health care benefits” calling this benefit “unreasonably generous.”

Gilbert comment. What Dave is overlooking is that this benefit was not earned or promised as part of being elected. They bestowed the benefit on themselves. His comment that our revenues are down were reason enough to oppose continuing with this benefit. It is worth pointing out that on virtually every Agenda Item mayor Kelley always has something to add. However, she did not utter a single word either in support of or opposition to this item last night.

It’s worth noting that in his remarks Frank Ury commented on the defeat of Measure D which he attributed to a “fear factor” by the ballot Measure supporters yet uses the same “fear tactic” in his opposition to Cathy’s proposal with a reference to possible litigations against the city. Dave also picked up on that point.

The very next Agenda item was a proposal by mayor Kelley where the recommended action is to “direct staff to research alternatives to our current retirement program, to develop a proposal for a second tier retirement benefit program and to report back with in 90 days.”  Trish was on her soapbox stating that we will lead the nation in taking this measure at a time when we deal with a “down economy.”

Mayor Kelley is proposing creation of a second tier employee pension benefit. She pointed out that “our current retirement program of 2.7% at 55 is one of the highest among other cities in Orange County.” She wants to see it changed to 2% at 60.

Yes, she wants to be pro-active with new hire benefits by reducing their benefits while voting to protect those for herself worth upwards of $250,000 even after she has told us that she is covered by her husbands insurance policy?

By voting to give herself access to lifetime health care Trish Kelley is placing her wants above the needs of the residents while playing the role of a fiscal conservative.

Although he is a Democrat I am disappointed that Mayor Pro Tem Leckness did not support Cathy’s cost saving proposal for all residents, especially when he cannot be the recipient of the health care benefit he just voted for.
To me this only indicates that he wants to remain in the majority at all costs which may cost him his seat on the council come November. In my view that was a very ill advised vote. Dave should have stayed with his first comment about Cathy and voted YES.

Don’t these incumbents realize that their votes today will impact our votes in November?

About Larry Gilbert