Tustin Mayor Jerry Amante, a Republican candidate for the 70th Assembly District, accepted a donation from BP, the oil giant that is destroying the Gulf Coast, on May 22, as seen in the graphic above.
To accept a check from BP even as their Texas deep sea oil spill is ruining the Gulf Coast is simply astounding!
And it gets worse. A review of his campaign finance report indicates he also took $6,000 form disgraced former Assemblyman Mike “Drippy” Duvall, who was forced to resign after getting caught talking about sex to another legislator, Jeff Miller. Both Duvall and Miller have endorsed Amante.
And Amante accepted a check from Debra Daly, the wife of Democrat Tom Daly, who is running again for O.C. Clerk-Recorder. AndAmante took a check from Daly’s political consultant, John Lewis.
Democrats for Amante?
He also accepted money from a union – the O.C. Firefighters PAC, even though OC GOP Chair Scott Baugh has asked GOP candidates not to do so.
Republican oters should demand that Amante return all of this ill-gotten money ASAP!
Email Amante by clicking here.
Irvine Reporter,
Nice catch! For those who don’t know, that is Democratic Irvine Councilman Sukhee Kang, a Democrat, with Jerry Amante (who looks a lot like Groucho Marx in this picture!).
thanks!, he probably wont be laughing June 9th hehe
Don’t forget the money from all of the toll road vendors like Cofiroute, the money from the Police and Fire Unions, the money from his City Manager’s wife, and the money from Occidental Petroleum.
Toll Road Jerry’s just a two bit whore.
Uh, um, the President of the United States of America, one Barrack Hussein Obama, has
accepted tens of thousands of dollars from BP over the years. It is a matter of public
record, just not public acknowledgement by our wonderful Mainstream Media, or The One
You will find many Democrats, (no, really…….) and Republicans (dirty Republicans), have
accepted legal contributions from BP for years. As have politicians in Europe and Asia, etc.
BP has been around for decades, and has been a powerful, global presence. They do
employ thousands of people, including here in lovely OC.
The Mayor owes no more an apology or smackdown, then say, our esteemed leader who
is right on top of things in the Gulf. Just as soon as his golf game is over……..
It’s not lost on me that the editor of the “Liberal OC” blog, whose self-proclaimed job is to “challenge the right wing noise machine” Dan Chemilwinski has posted more on the RED COUNTY BLOG than his own in the last three days.
First, it demonstrates what a sad vehicle LOC has become. Secondly, it reaffirms what anyone with a brain knows: Dan and Chris are in bed with Matt Cunningham and they don’t GIVE A SHIT about the democrats (then the self serving union aspect).
The LOC is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the powers that be.
THIS IS ALL THE MORE REASON TO STAND BY THE INDEPENDENT OJ BLOG (With it’s bat shit crazy alternative views), FFFF (With it’s dogged approach to whatever cause they find worthwhile) and The OCWEEKLY (For generally telling it like it is).
All the rest is frosted flakes in a different box. Matt “Jubal” Cunningham, Dan Chemiliwinski, Chip Hanlon, Chris Prevatt, Claudio, Martin Wisckol, Tony Sevaadra and all thier shitty little minons who do the man’s work.
Dan and Matt are “Rovesque” in deflecting the issues. Stay on it Vern, Art, Tony, Sean, Grover (ohh no he’s anonymous). SO WAS JUBAL. WHAT ARE THESE GUYS AFRAID OF??