Jerry Amante likes to hang out with Democrats in his spare time
Jerry Amante chose a curious spokesperson to carry out an attack on Steven Choi and myself – none other than Matt Cunningham, the Red County editor who ousted victims of molestation and also made a fortune off the Prop. 1o Commission, wasting money that was supposed to be spent on “the children.”
Cunningham was recently ripped on KFI, by John and Ken, for wasting all that tax money. Click here to read about that. John and Ken have referred to Red County in the past as “Kool Aid” for Republican hacks.
Our blogger Tony Bushala has turned up the heat on Cunningham over the past few months. Click here to read his series of posts about Cunningham’s tax money wasting ways.
Amante and Choi are both running for the 70th Assembly District.
I looked into Amante and it turns out he is full of B.S. The guy talks a good game about opposing taxes but in reality he has driven up water rates in Tustin while also increasing toll road fees. Click here to read my full report on Amante.
I also discovered that Amante took money from BP in late May, even as their oil spill was wrecking the Gulf Coast. And he took money from Democrat Tom Daly’s wife, Debra, a County lobbyist. He also took $6,000 from ousted perverted Assemblyman Mike Duvall! Click here to read that post.
It should be noted that Amante is parroting the guys at the Liberal OC in his attack on me, word for word. I am no liberal, but they surely are, if at least in name. Their lawsuit against me is also total B.S. Click here to read Sean Mill’s expose about what they are really up to.
And a look at Amante’s supporters reveals that they are the same RINO bunch that tried to get Linda Ackerman elected. Cunningham shilled for her too. As did his pal Supervisor Bill Campbell. We know how that train wreck turned out! Yet, after Ackerman lost, Cunningham had the gall to show up to Chris Norby’s election night party!
And the same hacks backing Amante are also backing Harry Sidhu. No surprise there!
Cunningham goes way back with Campbell. When Campbell tried to put Monsignor John Urell on a County Commission, it backfired in a big way. Victims of molestation by priests who worked for Monsignor spoke up and Cunningham reacted by starting the “Friends of John Urell.”
Cunningham set up a website for that group and then outed the victims’ names by posting unredacted court documents he should not have had in his possession in the first place.
Campbell appointed Cunningham to the O.C. Beaches, Harbors and Parks Commission. Then Campbell, as a Prop. 10 Commissioner here in Orange County, arranged to pay Cunningham thousands of dollars, for inane tasks including reading blogs!
For the record, I opposed Prop. 10, which increased sales taxes on cigarettes. I thought that was an awful thing to do to the working poor who are addicted to smoking tobacco. But Cunningham is apparently more than happy to take that ill-gotten money for himself!
Amante should renounce Cunningham and stop letting the guys from the Liberal OC write his press releases!
In related news, it turns out that one of the Lib OC bloggers, Chris Prevatt, worked with a pedophile and his union boss, Nick Berardino, covered up for said pedo. No wonder Prevatt and Cunningham are such good friends.
I am not Choi’s spokesperson. I am a strong supporter of his. He is a true tax fighter. He was the only Republican to stand up to Nancy Pelosi, when that witch came to town. And Choi sued the Great Park Commission for their rampant corruption. Where was Amante then?
Choi and I don’t agree on everything, but I am OK with that. He is a Republican and I am a Libertarian. But I do think he is the best of the Republicans running for the 70th A.D.
Amante, a government consultant and lawyer, is looking to get elected so he can hire his Red County buddies and throw contracts their way. That is how the GOP machine works. I hope voters in the 70th will see him for what he really is. He is no conservative. He is just another greedy pig of a Republican!
Matt Cunningham outed sex-abuse victims.
And before anyone says it’s irrelevant that he’s received BP money (and like Art says, well after the Gulf disaster) he continues to support unlimited offshore drilling – as does his opponent Don Wagner.
BAD idea to send either of these guys to Sacramento – just look at the scene in the Gulf – you want that off Corona or Dana Point?
Exactly. I cannot imagine that most voters have warm feelings for BP at this point. It is crazy to take their money. It says a lot about who Amante is.
Well spoken. This Amante character is so full of himself. In addition to the things you point out about him, he also closed down his law practice once he got on the OCTA board so he could lobby full time. He’s the last guy any Republican would want elected at the State leval.
What another great example of the “New Ususal Suspects” (Cunningham, Wisckol, Chemilwinski and Prevatt) preaching do as I say, not as I do.
So let’s see,
1) Dan Chemiliwinski buys a domain with some elses name and then SUES when it’s dished back? What a pussy.
2) Matt “JUBAL” Cunningham outs the name of victims of young victims of sex abuse (obsensibly in his paid defense by the church) and now speaks out because you linked a url?? WTF?
3) Matt “JUBAL” Cunninghams blogs for years under a FAKE name, praising himself, and now regularly calls out people using “handles”. HYPOCRITE.
4) Chris Prevett a LA County resident, publishes voter guides for OC elections. What about woodbury, CT Chris. This I can’t explain except to say, move!
5) Stanch GOP defenseman Matt “JUBAL” Cunningham works for a taxpayer funded agency (which he says only costs those who smoke, as if that were illegal) .
6) THE LOC & RED COUNTY both call out FFFF for doing an excellent job proving both Akerwoman’s and Sidhu’s (and Galloways as if she EVEN matters) carpetbagging. And then start thier own mission to catch Choi.
My point is. Not one of these clowns has had an original thought, theynow cross post with regularity. and finally they are DRUM ROLL PLEASE……….HYPOCRITE LIARS!