A new Op-Ed in the O.C. Register nails Bill Hunt for being what he is – a union whore, a loudmouth and a pro-Arpaio enforcer with “misguided priorities.” That’s code for “racist.”
The same op-ed declares that the best candidate for O.C. Sheriff is Anaheim Deputy Chief of Police Craig Hunter. He is lauded for his positions on pension reform and gun rights – and for his demeanor, which is calm and professional as contrasted to Hunt’s screeching.
Hutchens gets ripped for her position on gun rights.
Here are a few excerpts from the Op-Ed:
My colleagues and I on the Register’s Editorial Board spent considerable time debating qualifications for a sheriff. Honesty and integrity are top of the list, followed by:
•A philosophy that incorporates community policing and keeping citizens involved;
•A workable approach to dealing with illegal immigrants;
•Strong philosophical grounding in support of the Second Amendment and an open policy towards concealed weapon permits;
•A desire to reform the unsustainable pension program for public safety employees;
•A fiscally conservative approach to budgetary issues;
•A clear strategy for management of the county jails.
Applying these criteria to the candidates, it became clear to me who would make a better sheriff. Craig Hunter has a clean track record in law enforcement, adheres to the Second Amendment and has the best approach to pension reform.
Click here to read the Register Op-Ed.
That guy Calle has been working for the Register for 3 months. Like he has credibility or something. In his dreams. Calle thinks CCWs are the main issue of the election and really says nothing about illegal immigration. Talk about out of touch. We know Hunter and Hutchens are pro-illegal immigration and Hunt is not. Take a look at Calle’s picture if you want to see someone who should be working for the National Enquirer. (they probably pay better than the Register too) Also, Don’t forget Art, Hunter is a card carrying union member of the Anaheim POA. He also sought sought the deputies union endorsement and lost by a landslide even after after promising Baugh he wouldn’t. Nice.
The Orange County Register is nothing more than an arm of the right wing republican establishment. Voters need to look at the performance of candidates. What experience do they have, where do they stand on the issues, how involved are they, these are the questions I look for before I vote for any candidate for office.
Yeah well GG Voter, Bill Hunt is even farther right than the Register – just not establishment. We’ve got some pretty messed-up alternatives to Sheriff Hutchens!
I think Art misread the article…although I agree that Hunt is absolutely nuts…but i think it was a positive piece for Hutchens. Hunter is washed up as a candidate
I don’t know why we have people calling Hunt nuts. I met him at one of his events. He is articulate, intelligent and very down to earth. Having strong opinions and not being shy to express them clearly should be admired and required of our statesmen. Hunt leaves ZERO wiggle-room when he states his stance on the issues. If he strays from his promises, it will be quite obvious. I don’t believe he will.
Hutchens has an authoritarian style and her mantra is that she is “keeping us safe”. That may work in LA, but down here fear mongering is inneffective. She thinks we all need to be babysat by law enforcement. Her message is, “leave your safety and well-being to LEOs”, thereby assuring us that the 2nd Amendment (as intended) is unnecessary while she is tending to her flock. I will give her this, she does state her opinions strongly, even if it isn’t popular. Still, no thanks.
Hunter is just cautious and bland. He has positioned himself right between Hutchens and Hunt, testing the waters and adjusting his temperature on the issues to appeal to voters. I don’t like politicians.
Hunt is getting my vote.