O.C. Register Op-Ed finds that Craig Hunter is the best candidate for O.C. Sheriff


A new Op-Ed in the O.C. Register nails Bill Hunt for being what he is – a union whore, a loudmouth and a pro-Arpaio enforcer with “misguided priorities.”  That’s code for “racist.”

The same op-ed declares that the best candidate for O.C. Sheriff is Anaheim Deputy Chief of Police Craig Hunter.  He is lauded for his positions on pension reform and gun rights – and for his demeanor, which is calm and professional as contrasted to Hunt’s screeching.

Hutchens gets ripped for her position on gun rights.

Here are a few excerpts from the Op-Ed:

My colleagues and I on the Register’s Editorial Board spent considerable time debating qualifications for a sheriff. Honesty and integrity are top of the list, followed by:

•A philosophy that incorporates community policing and keeping citizens involved;

•A workable approach to dealing with illegal immigrants;

•Strong philosophical grounding in support of the Second Amendment and an open policy towards concealed weapon permits;

•A desire to reform the unsustainable pension program for public safety employees;

•A fiscally conservative approach to budgetary issues;

•A clear strategy for management of the county jails.

Applying these criteria to the candidates, it became clear to me who would make a better sheriff. Craig Hunter has a clean track record in law enforcement, adheres to the Second Amendment and has the best approach to pension reform.

Click here to read the Register Op-Ed.

About Art Pedroza