California Senate Democrats plan to increase taxes by $4.9 billion

Senate Democrats today plan to roll out a $4.9 billion package of tax hikes on cars, alcohol, income and corporate profits,” according to the Sacramento Bee

According to a budget committee analysis, the Democratic 2010-11 plan includes:

— Suspending corporate tax breaks scheduled to begin Jan. 1 (worth $2.05 billion)
— Extending a 0.25 percent income tax surcharge that is scheduled to end Dec. 31. (worth $1 billion)
— Extending a $217 per dependent reduction in the state’s dependent income tax credit, also scheduled to end Dec. 31 (worth $430 million)
— Raising the vehicle-license fee from 1.15 percent to 1.50 percent of estimated value starting July 1 of this year (worth $1.2 billion)
— Increasing the state’s alcohol tax by an inflation-adjusted amount; these rates currently remain at 1991 levels (worth $210 million)

Do the Democrats even know we are in the worst recession in our lifetimes?  Their excuse is they don’t want to cut the “safety net.”  Well, these taxes aren’t going to help California’s struggling middle class.
If only the Republicans weren’t such maniacal social nutters.  Voters really don’t have much of a choice, either in June or in November. 
One thing is for certain, we cannot afford to send any more Democrats to Sacramento. 

About Art Pedroza