Poor Joe Dovinh, even his Facebook photo is off-center
Our blogger Vern Nelson did a great job of interviewing Joe Dovinh, who is challenging local favorite Phu Nguyen in the Democratic primary for the 68th Assembly District, but many are still wondering, who is Joe Dovinh?
Dovinh ran in 2008, for the Coast Community College District’s Board of Trustees, in Area 2. He was soundly spanked by the incumbent, Jerry Patterson, by a margin of 79.2% to 20.8%, according to Smart Voter.
In that contest, Dovinh said he was a “language consultant.” He also claimed to be a “fiscal conservative” and he bragged about supporting Republican John McCain for President. He sure sounded like a Republican!
Dovinh was actually a double-loser in 2008, as he also ran for the Midway City Sanitary District, losing big to incumbent Joy Neugebauer, in a crowded field of four candidates. Neugebauer got 32.3% of the vote, while Dovinh got 15.1% of the vote, and he came in second to last.
A look at Dovinh’s Facebook friends is very revealing. They include: Andrew Nguyen, Andy Quach, John Tran, Lan Quoc Nguyen, Madison Nguyen, and Van Tran. Those all appear to be affiliates of Tran, which have come to be known as the “Trannies.”
Now let’s take a look at some of Dovinh’s current campaign documents.
Dovinh’s campaign treasurer is Lysa Ray. Click here for proof of that. Who is Lysa Ray? She has been a treasurer for numerous Republican candidates, including: Tyler Diep, Dina Nguyen, John Duong, Mark Leyes, Ken Maddox, Trung Nguyen, Curt Pringle, something called the “Red County Slate,” Hary Sidhu, etc. Click here to see her client list.
To be fair, Ray has also served a few Democrats, including Jordan Brandman and Lorri Galloway. Both of them, however, are known to ally with Republicans quite often.
According to the Bolsavik blog, Dovinh is living with Dina Nguyen, who is a Republican and a Trannie.
Click here to see Dovinh’s campaign flier. In it he falsely claims to be endorsed by Democrat Benny Diaz. The flier also features his bio.
Click here to see Dovinh’s campaign letter, where he gushes about being endorsed by Garden Grove Councilman Bruce Broadwater, who is not exactly endeared towards minorities. Broadwater is more Republican than Democrat. My guess is he wants Phu Nguyen to lose the primary so GOP hater Allan Mansoor can win the general, assuming he can beat his primary opponent, OC Board of Education member Long Pham.
And click here to see Dovinh’s candidate statement. He advocates in that statement for tax cuts, which is quite odd for a Democrat.
Dovinh also has a campaign website, click here to see it. There is not much there though. For fun, click on “About Us.”
Dovinh seems to be a complicated character. He claims to be in law school. He claims to be a contractor. He claims to be an interpreter. The one thing I am fairly certain he is not is a good Democratic candidate for the State Assembly.
I think this guy has a chemical imbalance. After that dizzy Dina, this is the best Van could come up with?
Lysa Pisarski Ray – she was a big ally of mine in Derailing the Sale of the Fairgrounds. It’s getting to be a small county after all!
I think it’s gonna be more important for one of us to do a “Who is Allan Mansoor” post.
Since he’s made a point to clarify that he is a court translator and not reporter, could someone please ask him if he is a State Certified Translator. And since he criticized Phu for his youth, I wonder how old Joe is? Thanks
Vern, I want to support Phu but I am disappointed in what I’ve heard and seen the last few months. I think he’s a good and sincere man. However, a lot of them are until they run for office. That’s when the BS starts. Just look at Quang Pham (wink wink Art) I will keep an eye out for Phu to see how things go.
“Who is Allan Mansoor”
Don’t ask Joe, he doesn’t know:))
And since he criticized Phu for his youth, I wonder how old Joe is?
Phu’s 32, Joe’s 41, big deal. It’s slim pickings trying to find things to criticize Phu for.
Lam Pho and Vern, sorry to rain on your parade Vern, but your candidate Phu is NOT all that polular with the Viet community. You wait and see. As far as all those busineses. It’s his parents” business and money that”s poured into it. Not his own accomplishment!!!
Nuoc mam
Obviously Vern would not post anything if that would make his perfect candidate look bad.
The primary is in June.
I read they came here as a family with no money and worked together to build thier businesses. Why bring someone’s parents into it at all? That is very disrepectful!!!
Phu might not be the perfect candidate but he’s definitely better than Joe, that’s for sure!
Bluedog! How is it disrespectful for pointing out that it’s his parents money and NOT his own accomplishment? Some of you are so ignorant to everything that’s going on inside the viet community that it’s laughable to see guys like Vern totally backing up a guy and claim he’s the most popular Viet Democrat without having the slightest idea how the majority of the Viet commumity view that family.
you are just another foolish, hardcore democrat whose dillusional!
I was pointing out if you could possibly read that the family came here without any money!!!
Did you live with them, have a crystal ball or what sort of super power do you have, to know who did what to make them all successful?
No Nuoc mam, I you are just another right wing, just say no, nearly brain dead Republican who has forgot how to think for themselves. Then blindly follow such great leaders like Van Tran and Janet Nguyen who vote against the needs of the Viet community and vote against the needs of the 68th AD as a whole.
New Year Pastries protection was an example used by Dovinh as a great accomplishment by Van Tran. WOW! To quote from a previous post.
“…the relaxation of health standards for this particular item. Thanks to the bill, these delicacies can now be served to you when they are long past their safe date. A typical Republican anti-regulation measure, hypocritically passed under a guise of “multicultural” “sensitivity,” passed as a sop to a special-interest lobby of unscrupulous shopkeepers and restauranteurs, and certainly not in the interest of your average Viet – if they even know about it. Some achievement, some footsteps to follow in.”
So vote for Dovinh in the primary to protect stale Pastries and other equally important things. At least Phu is fighting to protect jobs, education and seniors.
If Pastries are more important than people then please vote for Joe, Van and Janet.
Pastries may win out, but not with my vote!!
#6 nuoc mam, you’re not raining on my parade. Evidently, you haven’t been reading.
Phu isn’t exactly MY candidate and what you say about his family business doesn’t surprise me. But as Bluedog has pointed out, you don’t know their family business arrangement. Maybe the parents came up with the cash and Phu ran the business and was instrumental in building it. The fact is I don’t know and I don’t care all that much. Look, I don’t care much for Mr. “Freedom Phu” but from what I’ve seen, Phu is a heck of a lot better than Mr “I decline to state I’m a Democrat” phony.
Vern is correct about Phu begin popular. Nuoc Mam, you name me one Democrat that is more popular than Phu that’s running for an assembly seat.
Nuoc Mam thinks he can get away with that because his name’s Nuoc Mam and mine is Vern Nelson. He doesn’t know how many Viets I talk to though. As I write this moment, I’m at the Brookhurst and Edinger Starbucks. My experience is most Viet-Americans in the county are familiar with Phu and think the world of him.
Not to mention what overflowing crowds he gets at his events, and the amazing number of volunteers. Nuoc Mam is probably writing from over here:
(Trannies, at Van Tran’s office, sadly watching their boy John McCain lose the election.)
Starbucks on Brookhurst and Edinger heh? That’s where all the boys hang out… You do know the Vietnamese community well Vern.
By the way, I haven’t given up on Phu. He seems to be a nice guy… as well as smart and sincere.
Starbucks on Brookhurst and Edinger heh? That’s where all the boys hang out…
Yeah Lam. If you see me there with my gray hat and my “Think – It’s Patriotic” laptop, say hi!
“If you see me there with my gray hat and my “Think – It’s Patriotic” laptop, say hi!”
I just might do that Vern. I’d buy you a cup of coffee.
of course you would say you got positive feed back from the people you talk to! All I will say is; WAIT AND SEE!!! i don’t support DoVinh, he’s a joke BUT, Phu is NOT the MAN neither. I am a Viet but i wont’ vote for another Viet now!!! I am sick of power hunger, self serving, dishonest and corrupted politicians!!! If you think Phu is so popular and well respected, you wait and see!!! for sure he will win the primary, no doubt about that because DoVinh is just a joke but Phu is no match for Mansoore. I am no right winger, just a Dem whose sick and tired and seeing thugs like the Trannies being elected to office!!!
All right buddy, well you do have six months or so to see if you’d rather have Phu or Mansoor representing you in Sacramento. There is a big difference. And if you don’t vote you can’t complain.
I understand what nuoc mam is saying.
I was impressed with Van Tran the first couple years when he started out in GG. But since then, every single Viet politician has made me sick to my stomach… thanks to the leadership of Van Tran.
I had hope for Quang Pham but he turned out to be a Janet ass kissing quitter. I was excited about Phu until I realize he’s just another typical Viet “FREEDOM” fighter. I probably won’t be voting for a Viet candidate anytime soon.
Maybe Mansoon isn’t such a great guy. But I’m tired of voting for the lesser of two evil. I’d rather not vote at all.
We need a strong third party in this party. It won’t happen in my life time though.
People who say “Trannies and Jannies” made the “Trannies and Jannies” makers. Ha, ha, ha… I don’t know why they complain? I wonder what they’d call Phu’s allies? Phuies?
Phu Nguyen is concerned with jobs, education, and seniors. He hasn’t stated how he will promote each of those issues.
He probably hasn’t held a job outside of the one that his family gave him.
He probably didn’t have to worry about financial aid when he attended college.
His parents and grandparents probably don’t have to worry about fixed retirement income.
How does can he relate to the social crisis that our average democratic family has to face?
Don’t forget! His family runs a multi-million dollar business that transfers millions of American dollars overseas and employs workers overseas. Great payback for an American immigrant! How does that benefit California or the US???
I haven’t seen any posting or hit on Allan Mansoor or Long Pham. Why??? No money…no honey??? Not fair!
For a candidate that this blog doesn’t like, why is Joe Dovinh getting great publicity? This is a very conservative democratic district. Why are his popular issues such as, economic recovery, new jobs, maintain affordable education, healthcare, and safety being promoted on this blog? (They’re all on his candidate statement link). Why??? Is this blog strategically favoring Joe Dovinh??? Not fair!
Most importantly! Connecting Van Tran or Janet Nguyen to every single Vietnamese-American subject is soooooo old and boring. It’s not fair to keep voters in the dark by coveting other candidates. After a while, it sounds like this blog is an outlet for people who wants to discriminate and badger Vietnamese-Americans and to deter Vietnamese-Americans from integrating and developing into the mainstream. That’s not cool, man. A majority of them are good American citizens. They deserve good leaderships, from other ethnic groups or from the Vietnamese community, without interferences from distracting and confusing press.
Do you really want to know who he is? Dig really deep into his background you will find out who he really is. Ask him about his family value does he really have one? or he just a playboy drop babies left and right like crazy..i wouldn’t give him one penny of my money….he is a two face liar..ask him how many girl had he use and dump like old news…..LOL…..someone need to look into his background
I will never vote for a Democrat because they voted not to support the South Vietnam when North Vietnam broke the Paris accords by invading South Vietnam. They showed the same behavior in Afghanistan and left $25 billion in equipment to the terrorists. I vote party platforms and history. Thus I will not vote for this Democrat since I do not believe Democrat propaganda.
Whew, that’s a relief, George! I’d spent all these decades thinking the Vietnam War was Democrat President LBJ’s baby.
It was his baby, but it started under JFK. Arguably under Eisenhower, but mostly JFK. LBJ was the President holding the grenade when it exploded.
You’re right to make an analogy to Afghanistan, but it’s not the one you think.
In both wars, a mostly innocent populace on the American side had a corrupt, incompetent, and self-serving government that did not inspire the populace to make sacrifices to support their goals. The opponents to American interests were well-organized and easily able to infiltrate the pro-American area (Viet Cong, Taliban sympathizers) and take it down from the inside. In both instances, Americans got bamboozled into matching the raises by the other side. In both cases, those who were not evacuated suffered greatly. But Democrats took more efforts than Republicans.
In both cases, the President who eventually presided over the loss — Ford and Biden — had to swallow their pride and give up because of how badly it all had been handled before, and American troops were literally dying just to prolong the inevitable.
If you want to support Republicans, you could try to justify it because Nixon actually considered using nukes to blow up the dikes in North Vietnam and destroy millions of innocent people — but I don’t recommend that path.
If you were ever to vote “history” you should learn some first. The Dems created the American presence in South Vietnam. It was all based on lies and stupidity, but they did it.
Okay, enough response to one dumb comment on an old dumb story.