Who is Joe Dovinh?

Poor Joe Dovinh, even his Facebook photo is off-center

Our blogger Vern Nelson did a great job of interviewing Joe Dovinh, who is challenging local favorite Phu Nguyen in the Democratic primary for the 68th Assembly District, but many are still wondering, who is Joe Dovinh?

Dovinh ran in 2008, for the Coast Community College District’s Board of Trustees, in Area 2.  He was soundly spanked by the incumbent, Jerry Patterson, by a margin of 79.2% to 20.8%, according to Smart Voter.

In that contest, Dovinh said he was a “language consultant.”  He also claimed to be a “fiscal conservative” and he bragged about supporting Republican John McCain for President.  He sure sounded like a Republican!

Dovinh was actually a double-loser in 2008, as he also ran for the Midway City Sanitary District, losing big to incumbent Joy Neugebauer, in a crowded field of four candidates.  Neugebauer got 32.3% of the vote, while Dovinh got 15.1% of the vote, and he came in second to last.

A look at Dovinh’s Facebook friends is very revealing.  They include: Andrew Nguyen, Andy Quach, John Tran, Lan Quoc Nguyen, Madison Nguyen, and Van Tran.  Those all appear to be affiliates of Tran, which have come to be known as the “Trannies.”

Now let’s take a look at some of Dovinh’s current campaign documents.

Dovinh’s campaign treasurer is Lysa RayClick here for proof of that.  Who is Lysa Ray?  She has been a treasurer for numerous Republican candidates, including: Tyler Diep, Dina Nguyen, John Duong, Mark Leyes, Ken Maddox, Trung Nguyen, Curt Pringle, something called the “Red County Slate,” Hary Sidhu, etc.  Click here to see her client list.

To be fair, Ray has also served a few Democrats, including Jordan Brandman and Lorri Galloway.  Both of them, however, are known to ally with Republicans quite often.

According to the Bolsavik blog, Dovinh is living with Dina Nguyen, who is a Republican and a Trannie.

Click here to see Dovinh’s campaign flier.  In it he falsely claims to be endorsed by Democrat Benny Diaz.  The flier also features his bio.

Click here to see Dovinh’s campaign letter, where he gushes about being endorsed by Garden Grove Councilman Bruce Broadwater, who is not exactly endeared towards minorities.  Broadwater is more Republican than Democrat.  My guess is he wants Phu Nguyen to lose the primary so GOP hater Allan Mansoor can win the general, assuming he can beat his primary opponent, OC Board of Education member Long Pham.

And click here to see Dovinh’s candidate statement.  He advocates in that statement for tax cuts, which is quite odd for a Democrat.

Dovinh also has a campaign website, click here to see it.  There is not much there though.  For fun, click on “About Us.”

Dovinh seems to be a complicated character.  He claims to be in law school.  He claims to be a contractor.  He claims to be an interpreter.  The one thing I am fairly certain he is not is a good Democratic candidate for the State Assembly.

About Art Pedroza