This is where I’d be tonight if I weren’t playing piano for Katrina Foley’s fundraiser – supporting this great Congressman’s re-election at this fun event with Patton Ostwald, so he can have two more years to fight for Medicare We Can Buy Into. More fun videos over the flip (with Alan Grayson and Patton Oswalt both…)
Dear Vern,
Ladies and gentleman of Los Angeles! Boys and girls of all ages! Join us for the debate of the century… the debate to end all debates…
with/ Special Guest Patton OswaltSunday, April 25th, 6 – 8 pm
M Bar (1253 Vine Street, Hollywood, California)
Get Your Tickets Now!You probably saw the video. Just a few weeks ago, “George W. Bush” went on the attack. He said, “There ain’t no such thing as a Democrat with Guts… it’s like a pancake without syrup… unpossible.”
That hurt. Now, it’s our chance to get him back… in a great debate to end all debates this Sunday in Hollywood. Be there.
Get Your Tickets Now for GRAYSON vs. BUSH!
There’s more. I will be joined at the event by special guests Patton Oswalt, Jimmy Dore, Eddie Pepitone, videos by Andy Cobb and *James Adomian as George W. Bush. The debate will be moderated by FireDogLake blogger David Dayen.
Ticket prices are $50 for Supporters and for $250 we will put you on the Congressman with Guts Event Host Committee. ($25 for Starving Artists, Struggling Activists and Students)
We hope you can join us for this special evening of laughing liberally, drinking liberally and giving liberally.
See you there.
Please Note: If paying by credit card, you authorize the Alan Grayson for U.S. Congress Campaign to charge your credit card in the amount you indicate above. All contributions are final. If paying by check, please make the check payable to “Committee to Elect Alan Grayson”. Corporate checks are not allowed. The maximum amount you can contribute is $2,400 per election cycle (the primary and general are separate elections). By submitting your contribution, you agree that the first $2,400 of your contribution is designated for the primary, and any additional amount up to $2,400 is designated for the general election. Amounts exceeding the limits for the primary and general election are designated as debt retirement, up to $6700. Contributions are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes.
Does anyone know if this is going to be broadcast anywhere? I would LOVE to hear it!
Oh damn, with all the heated discussion in the past few days, I totally forgot to attend dinner at Sebastiani’s Italian Restaurant. Where will you be playing next Vern? (not political event) I would love to watch you perform. And if you happened to see a VERY charming and handsome Vietnamese man with the best looking Vietnamese Lady in town, please don’t come and say, “Hi Lam”. I would just deny it:)))
I got to learn to not take this blog seriously. Art is probably giggling, laughing his ass off right now.
Hey Lam! This Friday night at BACI Italian Restaurant in HB! 🙂
Did anybody go to this thing? I should have checked-in Sunday morning and told you to save your 50 bucks. Because there is no way in hell grayson is going to get re-elected. Calling grayson a fking idiot would be an insult…to fking idiots.
Seriously, i don’t understand the man-crush on some politican 1500 miles away from you. it’s creepy. And to pony up another $50 for the 4th richest member of congress goes beyond bizarre. Next time you’re in a giving mood, why don’t you give to your local community? I’m sure grayson eats much better than alot of people around you.
Yes MG, some of my friends went – since you don’t know this area, Hollywood’s about 50 miles away, lotsa traffic and hard to find parking, but you shouldn’t be surprised to learn it was standing room only – given all the liberals around Hollywood and Grayson’s national popularity. (I’ll keep my eyes open for any video or audio, and post or link it here)
It was a great value just for the entertainment – not just Allan and his debate with “Bush” but also Patton O. who was outrageous and hilarious, and scandalized a lot of the unsuspecting liberals with his obscene humor.
Then secondarily people really want to support one of the Democrats’ most effective Congressmen, who is the GOP’s number-one target this year. Even wealthy candidates need to raise funds. We can give to our local community as you suggest, and still make sure the guy stays in place to fight for Medicare We Can Buy Into, investigation of the Fed, tough regulation of Wall Street, and a quicker exit out of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Lastly the reason I write about Grayson way out here in sunny California is to draw out Middleground – I think if I hadn’t written about Grayson last month you never would have discovered our blog or commented here. Tell us, you’re in Florida, aren’t you.
I haven’t forgot about your contentions about what’s in the Financial Reform bill, which I still don’t believe, but you can see I’ve been writing about a lot of different things. At this point we may as well see what ends up getting passed, and if you were just passing on some anti-reform propaganda you found on the internets.