May 1st MORR Conference on Redevelopment Abuse speakers

Sorry, Juice Brother, I couldn't find an appropriate image. Happy Birthday! - Vern

MORR Conference Announcement:

The biggest bang for the buck in southern California on May 1st will be the Municipal Officials for Redevelopment Reform, MORR Conference on eminent domain abuse.

Unlike the CRA, California Redevelopment Association, which charges upwards of $500 to learn how to take private property when it is not for sale, the MORR/CURE group speakers provide expert legal advise on how to protect your real property investments against redevelopment agency bulldozers.

The lineup for our 14th Annual Southern California Conference includes:

Keynote Speaker –  Scott Bullock, Senior Attorney for the Institute for Justice, Washington D.C.  Argued the Kelo case before the U.S. Supreme Court.

John Eastman – former Dean of the Law School, Chapman UniversityCandidate for California Attorney General. Former law clerk, Justice Clarence Thomas.
Dr. Eastman successfully stopped the Long Beach redevelopment agency “condemnation and taking” of the Filipino Baptist Fellowship Church in Long Beach, CA.

Timothy Sandefur – Principal Attorney, Pacific Legal Foundation, Sacramento. Author of the book “Property Rights in 21st-Century America.”

Philip Klein – Director, Executive Producer of the award-winning documentary “Begging for Billionaires” and website, (Kansas City, Missouri).

City of Placentia Mayor – Joe Aguirre

City of Yorba Linda Mayor & Orange County Senior Deputy District Attorney – John Anderson

City of Yorba Linda Mayor Pro-Tem – Nancy Rikel

Property rights expert –  Attorney C. Robert Ferguson, Claremont

Property rights expert – Attorney Christopher Sutton, Pasadena

Statewide Co-Director of C.U.R.E. (Californians United for Redevelopment Education) – Jean Heinl

Orange County Co-Director of C.U.R.E. and Orange County Blog Journalist – Larry Gilbert

Fullerton Association of Concerned Taxpayers President – Jack Dean

Radio talk show host – Martha Montelongo

Martinez activist – Phillip Ciaramitaro

And as we wet your appetite let me also mention that the $65 admission fee includes a continental breakfast, our luncheon featuring seared salmon, cheesecake desert and all day “free” parking.

To Recap:

Date: May 1st
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Location: Ontario Airport Marriott
Registration: $65 (includes continental breakfast, lunch and parking)

For additional information on MORR, or this event, call 714-981-8484

About Larry Gilbert