Can you guess which one is the Santa Ana City Council candidate?
Thomas Gordon told the folks at this week’s NUFF blog forum, in Fullerton, that he was going to “wipe the floor” with Santa Ana Councilman Sal Tinajero in November. It sure sounds like Gordon is running for Ward 6 on our City Council.
Gordon previously ran for Mayor of Santa Ana in 2006. He got just over 24% of the vote, against the incumbent, Miguel Pulido, according to Smart Voter.
He won a seat on the OC GOP Central Committee, in the 69th Assembly District, in 2008. He got 12.4% of the vote according to Smart Voter. He came in fifth out of six successful candidates.
Currently Gordon has been shilling for carpetbagger Harry Sidhu in the race for the 4th Supervisorial District, against conservative Shawn Nelson. Gordon doesn’t live in the 4th, but then neither does Sidhu.
Gordon was seen drinking a soda from El Pollo Loco, at the Nuff blog forum, and he was eating some Pollo Loco chicken. Sidhu owns a number of Pollo Loco franchises. Speculation is that Gordon is working for Sidhu in trade for chicken. Gordon was the one who collected nominating signatures for Sidhu this year so that he could also carpetbag as a candidate for the OC GOP Central Committee, in the 69th Assembly District.
Gordon did not go to college. He is a building inspector for L.A. Unified, which is to say that he is a government worker. The incumbent in Ward 6, Tinajero, is a public school teacher in Fullerton. He is nationally recognized for his work as a debate team coach.
Gordon is also allied with Santa Ana’s Usual Suspects – the busy bodies who inject hatred against Latinos into our local politics.
It will be interesting to see if Gordon does file as a City Council candidate. It is hard to believe that a guy who looks like a biker will have a shot at winning in Santa Ana.
Interesting! Thanks for the info!
Can you bloggers all just stop arguing with one another and post something interesting? I’m tired of looking at your ugly mugs.
Not sure what your beef is. Gortdon is heavily involved in politics and he says he is running for a Santa Ana Council seat. We are a political blog. It makess sense to post this.
“Gordon was seen drinking a soda from El Pollo Loco, at the Nuff blog forum, and he was eating some Pollo Loco chicken. Sidhu owns a number of Pollo Loco franchises. Speculation is that Gordon is working for Sidhu in trade for chicken.”
I doubled over in laughter!!!
Now, Art- you have schooled me in how DIVERSE Santa Ana is! Someone that looks like Alan Derschowitz could win a seat on the Santa Ana City Council — it could happen.
Now, whether the school district obtains a restraining order afterwards remains to be seen!
However, someone that looks like Alvin, Simon or the Jerbal? DOA – that’s why I live in lilly-white Rocklin…
CLARO QUE SI, ESE!!! !Andale con suyo!
#2 is right. Reading Tommy Boy’s tryptophan induced rant alleging “voter intimidation” or Fraudio’s “victimization” claims are much more interesting and informative.
Oh! Can you please help me out? Which one is the candidate? They all look so eerily similar.
Please make it seem like all bald white men are members of the Aryn Nation!
Some old bald white guys are just old bald white guys!
You are correct, some are just bald white guys. However many times folks tend to be quite shallow and judge folks based on looks alone. Resembling white supremecists and such might not be such a good look when you are running for public office.
From a PR standpoint I would hope that Gordon’s consultant would get him a makeover. Looking like he just left an Aryan Nation rally probably won’t help him as he puts it, “wipe the floor” with Sal Tinajero.
That just isn’t a look anyone wants to see on a political mailer come election time. But trust me that is the look we will make sure Santa Ana voters see when they go to the polls in November. Lets see how that works out for Tommy Boy.
Is there anything Mr. Gordon could do to improve his image? If you were Mr. Gordon what would you do?
Sean – the only thing better would be this guy posing in a Brown button up shirt…
That picture belongs in the blog hall of fame.
Look up images of UFC Tank Abbott. That’s the guy, I wouldn’t mess with him:))
I believe the Santa Ana Council candidate is the guy in the middle photo, bottom row. Do I win a prize for guessing correctly?
Why do you mock these six men in the photos who are running for Santa Ana City Council? They are all former gang members who have turned their lives around and now want to give back to our community by running or elected office. When it’s a former Hispanic gang member like Al Amezqua running for Santa Ana Mayor you all act like it’s a badge of honer! That he is street wise and will be able to relate to our cities Latino youth and gang members. When it’s an Anglo former ganger member, like those in the photo, you make fun of them and say they don’t fit your correct image of an elected official! Do I detect a double standard?
#12 Smart Voter… you are kidding, right? Please tell me you’re just kidding.
I agree with Smart Voter and I don’t think he’s kidding Lam. If Al Amezqua, an admitted former gang member, can run for Mayor then why not the other gentlemen in the photos? Don’t let looks fool you. If they have paid their debt to society then they should be able to run for office. Don’t judge a book by its cover. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. If you believe we should not judge Al Amezqua for being a former gang member or for not having the good looks of a candidate, then we should allow the same for the Anglo former gang members who believe they can help change our community. What say you Lam? Make sure you are not bringing any anti-white bias to your argument.
“You are correct, some are just bald white guys. However many times folks tend to be quite shallow and judge folks based on looks alone. Resembling white supremecists and such might not be such a good look when you are running for public office”.
MQ says:
You look like a bouncher for the mafia – shifty eyes and all! Hope your not thinking of running for public office!
I look like butter would not melt in my mouth.. but really I am the bouncher and you the pussy cat!
You have a problem with separation of the shell from the man Mr. Mills!
Stop by city hall some time and look at the history (pictures) of prior office holders. A few even look like the examples.
If Gordon won, who would get the 2,000 a month “greese” from the sewer board the incubant gets?
First, Gordon is not going to win. Second, if he did, the rest of the Council would NEVER put him on any commission or board, period. He is considered a joke at City Hall. When he is mentioned it is always in the same breath as crazies like Fiala.
I hope Tommy Boy aka El Gordo Loco runs for council. I can hardly wait to receive the political mailers against El Gordo Loco. I hope he isn’t counting on help from his new friend and fellow gang member Al Amezcua. He ain’t gonna get it!
El Gordo Loco thinks he’s going to wipe the floor with Sal Tinajero? Typical comment from a lesser educated and non-accomplished candidate. Tee Hee.
You are right some of our former city fathers did look like white supremecists. That look was popular in the 19th Century and even the early part of the 20th Century. Remember those were the folks in charge when the city council presented a resolution ordering that Santa Ana’s “Chinatown” be burned down in 1906. Imagine that.
If you really think this is a good look for a declared candidate for city council you better think again.
I’m not anti-white, far from it. I hear what you’re saying and I agree with much of your assessment.
I criticized “smart voter” post because I took literally. He said, “Why do you mock these six men in the photos who are running for Santa Ana City Council? They are all former gang members who have turned their lives around and now want to give back to our community by running or elected office.”
The six guys in photos above are not running for Santa Ana City Council. They’re not former gang members and some of them certainly have not turned their lives around and want to give back to the community. We’re talking Charles Manson and actor Ed Norton, for god’s sake.
I don’t know Gordon. I do know the guys on this blog often post the worst picture they can find of someone they don’t like to make a point. What the heck, not knowing Gordon, I could only wish him the best.
“You are right some of our former city fathers did look like white supremecists. That look was popular in the 19th Century and even the early part of the 20th Century. Remember those were the folks in charge when the city council presented a resolution ordering that Santa Ana’s “Chinatown” be burned down in 1906. Imagine that”.
In Europe men cut their hair to almost bald. Its just a look and has nothing to do with skin heads..
Why are liberals so obsessed with race, looks and political correctness of whites only??
why are whites reminded each day that they might be a racist if they don’t agree with every stupid and ridiculous bowing down to every want and need of minority races… Now a man can’t cut his hair and look Euro without complete idiots like yourself sean giving them a quilt trip about their hair style.. God forbid we offend they brown people with our short hair style’s…
Really wise up ..
Mr. Gordon wear your hair as you wish and if you do run for office in Santa Ana kick some liberal and Mexican Activist arsh .. because really they are nothing but a bunch of moan bags screwing up a once beautiful city… The majority may be latinos, but the majority of Santa Ana are American Citizens and somehow i tend to think that latinos don’t quite make the hair on that one!
“Mr. Gordon wear your hair as you wish and if you do run for office in Santa Ana”
Ms. Quinn,
I hope he keeps the bald head and long goatee too. If he decides to clean up his look don’t worry, we have plenty of pictures of him with his current look. We’ll just see how that plays with the voters.
Art and I have already received pledges from folks willing to pay for a mailer against Mr. Gordon should he run. You’ll be pleased to know that we plan on using his current “Euro” look in the mailer.
His Euro look is also quite liked in the third world countries such as Mexico… If you have not notice gangs like the Euro look too!
So yeah mail it out, keep Mr. Gordon’s look its a style that fits quite nicely with the residents.. Maybe Mr. Gordon is just trying to feel that whole vibe that is Santa Ana … The GANSTA look…
Your so nice Mr. Gordon:)
Happy Mailing, remember to add a toy gun with your flyer… it will give that extra bit of togetherness!
Sean, why are you having such a problem with Gordon? Are you saying he WAS a white supremacist, IS one or just look like one??
Lam Pho,
he is using what ever he can to discredit him as a human being. Anything goes even his hair!
Its the way the liberals operate..Dirty!