Board of Trustees Meeting (Rally 3P.M.– Board Meeting 4:30 P.M.)
The Santa Ana College Associated Student Government calls on all faculty, staff, and students to speak out against the cuts and layoffs. We urge all those who have lost their jobs or had their hours cut to come and speak out. All students who have lost classes should attend. Make this the most massive protest yet against the unnecessary cuts.
WHEN: Monday, March 22, 2010
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can we get a list of all the groups that will be participating in this . meaning a list of all the unions , far left socialist groups , and illegal alien support groups .
you’re an idiot…go back to france where you came from
These students have way too much time on their hands. I say keep raising tuition until you find out at what point they no longer have time to take part in these silly protests!
How will raising tuition result in them no longer having time to take part in protests?? If anything they’ll stop going to school and have more time to protest.
Trex, we all agree that the government needs to cut spending. Where do you think we should cut?
LAM PHO i think i might be able to anwser that for you . RAISE MORE TAXES . that is how the teachers and teachers union think . no one loses jobs in the public sector . if you even think of getting rid of of some they are out there yelling . screaming cut some where else , raise taxes .
Lam Pho maybe they should cut the cost per prisoner!! We pay for the prisoners health care, dental, education…why don’t we cut some of those programs first??? Then we can move on to some of the other “fluff” like city council slush money and the mismanagement of money at that level. “the great one” there are other places to cut first, but the fact that they want to cut schools first is bad. Like I said to house a prisoner her in california it costs an average of $50,000 so now just multiply that by each prisoner. What about the fact that LA was spending $40,000 plus benefits to pay calligraphers??? That’s a waste…I believe that teachers should take some type of pay cut, but the state is going after the wrong sector FIRST. The programs to be cut first is the PRISON programs.
i got no problem with that too .
Ok Trex, I have no problem with that. Good idea actually, let those criminals live in tents as far as I’m concern. Just make sure we don’t cut safety for our officers.