Fullerton blog forum will include Bushala, Pedroza, Cunningham, and Chmielewski!

The “Neighbors United for Fullerton,” who are also known as “NUFF” have invited a gaggle of Orange County political bloggers to participate in a moderated forum regarding what blogs are.  The forum will be moderated by Matthew Jarvis, a political science professor from Cal State Fullerton.

The forum is set for Monday, March 22, at 6:45 pm, at the Fullerton Public Library, located at 353 West Commonwealth, in Fullerton.

The panel includes:

  • Tony Bushala, Friends for Fullerton’s Future blog
  • Art Pedroza, Orange Juice blog and the New Santa Ana blog
  • Matt Cunningham, who some refer to as “Jerbal,” Red County blog (formerly known as the OC Blog)
  • Dan Chmielewski, the Liberal OC blog
  • and Martin Wisckol, of the O.C. Register’s Total Buzz blog

This should be interesting.  Wisckol shills for Cunningham and Chmielewski.  He advertises their blogs for free on Total Buzz.  And yet it is to no avail as the Orange Juice blog trumps the lot of them regularly.

It is widely known that these bloggers have no love for each other.  In fact Chmielewski filed a ridiculous lawsuit against Pedroza earlier this year.  And Cunningham refers to the Orange Juice as the “Orange Joke,” even though his blog was referred to last year on the popular John and Ken radio show as “Kool Aid for Republican hacks and consultants.”

Pedroza has actually spoken at two California League of Cities conferences regarding the subject of blogging.  He started the first political blog in Orange County, the Orange Juice.  Currently Pedroza’s blogs are ranked #1 and #2 in the state of California by the BNN political blog ranking.  BNN ranks the Liberal OC at #10 and Red County’s Orange County blog at #17.  Total Buzz is not ranked at all.

Bushala is the most influential blogger on the panel, in the City of Fullerton.  His blog helped to defeat carpetbagger Linda Ackerman earlier this year, when she challenged Chris Norby for the 72nd Assembly District. He also chased career politician Tom Daly out of the race for the 4th Supervisorial District, with a series of hard-hitting posts regarding Daly’s wasting of taxpayer money, as the O.C. Clerk-Recorder. 

Will this forum turn into a fracas?  Cunningham and Chmielewski are known for being thin-skinned and ill-tempered.  Hopefully NUFF will keep them under control.  Then again, bring your video camera just in case they have to be hauled off in handcuffs…

About Art Pedroza