SAPD working hard to stop lewd conduct at Santa Ana’s Santiago Park

Another man lurking at Santiago Park

Nine of these guys were arrested by the SAPD this week at Santiago Park

I met today with Santa Ana Chief of Police Paul Walters and two of his police officers, from the SAPD.  One of them, Hank Couisine, is a Special Investigator.  The other works in Vice Squad. 

We met to discuss the ongoing problems at Santa Ana’s Santiago Park with regard to men who go there to lurk and to engage in lewd acts.

My recent post about this situation triggered a lot of action at Santa Ana’s City Hall.  Walters asked the Santa Ana Parks and Recreation Department to clean up the brush at the park, to give these creeps less places to hide.  They did so once and are planning another clean-up soon.

Walters also sent in the troops.  In fact they arrested nine men just yesterday, just after dusk!  They employed decoys very effectively.  We wrote about that tactic previously as well.  Click here to read that post.

Walters noted that his department uses software to collect crime data and then they focus their crimefighting areas on hot spots in the city.  Santiago Park is the only park with substantial lewd conduct problems.

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About Art Pedroza