The County of Orange appears to be negotiating to move into One Broadway Plaza

One Broadway Plaza

One Broadway Plaza has surfaced on today’s County agenda under a supplemental portion. It appears the County of Orange is negotiating (or considering such) with developer Mike Harrah regarding One Broadway Plaza, or OBP. 

The City of Santa Ana put OBP on the ballot a few years ago after residents complained about what was supposed to be the biggest office tower in Orange County, at 500 feet, going up right in our downtown area.  The voters passed the measure, but the tower was never built.

OBP is supposed to be built 4 blocks west of French Park amid the several charter schools around Tenth and Broadway.  The French Park Neighborhood remains deeply concerned about traffic and the lack of requirements on the project to mitigate such.

Local resident and community activist Jeff DIckman is asking residents to “consider contacting your Supervisor, in this case Janet Nguyen of the First District (or all if you like), to express your opinion.”  She can be emailed:  Nguyen is also the Chairman of the Board.

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About Art Pedroza