When Bill Hunt, the worst of the candidates for O.C. Sheriff, brought fascist Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio to Orange County, we knew all we needed to know about Hunt.
Now a video has surfaced that illustrates what sort of Sheriff Department you could expect from Hunt. In the video, Arpaio’s goons attack a peaceful protest march. Watch the video above and at about halfway into it cops on horseback arrive and the bunch of them start randomly attacking the protestors. It reminded me of that scene in Battle of the Apes when the gorillas on horseback attacked the unarmed human survivors.
Here is what Santa Ana resident Lisann Martinez had to say about the video:
My opinion of this video is the police provoked this violence in an otherwise peaceful march. Notice how they are bunching up in this last stretch of the march. The police officer in the little green cart was trying to run people over the crowd yelling at him to watch where he was going so as not to hurt anyone. He started to drive up on to the side walk and then down again. As the crowd was yelling the horses came and started to try and trample people. The second horseman (police) was spraying the crowd with mace, not caring if they were children or family members. You can see him with the can in his hand. In the other portion when the man in the green shirt tackles a protester (I do not know if he was there to agitate) but he tackles him and then immediately runs away to let the police take care of the rest.
Here is one more video, narrated from Zack De La Rocha, of Rage Against the Machine:
And one more video…
Tell it like it is says:
who do you think has a say in social services, caloptima, healthy families. ect…
You do you think sits on all these boards??
The Orange Country Board of supes, know exactly who is getting the aid and why??
Michelle, He is being investigated for buying a bus with county funds and not going through the proper channels, he felt that he made the money from homeland security so he could spend it the way he wanted too. He should have requested the funds be released through the Board of Supervisors of Maricopa County to buy that bus to transport the inmates to and from court. He was angry because they told him to return the bus to get the money back. He refused parked the Bus and started marching the inmates through town to the court house. Now I would not vote for any Sheriff in Orange County endorsed by Arpaio. I would not vote for anyone that does not do his homework, if he brought him to Orange County to raise funds for his campaign with out checking out his controversy aside from the immigrants. Then he is just a follower and not a leader, and we would have another Corona on our hands.
Controversy swirls over Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, but PBS has a special to try and help sort it all out. Watch it below:
HAAAAAAAA sorry for laughing, but watching a program about the sheriff produced by PBS.. is like watching a program about about Gobal warming produced by PBS.. the only programs i watch on PBS are British reruns!
I thought you said you do your homework?
Total propaganda Pedroza. The goons you speak of were actually those that assaulted the Phoenix police officer in the all terrain vehicle. The horses were to get the goons away from that officer. Pretty good police work if you ask me.I would off expected Billy clubs and flashlights beating the living daylights out of them much like you pal Craig Hunter is fond of doing. Phoenix police have their own chief who doesn’t like Arpaio because Arpaio enforces the law in Phoenix. I am sure in all your sophisication you failed to notice that there were no SHERIFF’s present so your post is a fabercation, misrepresentation and a FRAUD but who would expect any less from you. Go Sheriff Joe and Bill Hunt!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lisann. Thanks for bringing the bus caper to our attention. That there is some real red meat.
#54 Since I was the one filming the episode. I will tell you this is not propaganda by Pedroza. I knew from the beginning of the march there was going to be trouble so I stuck near by these Anarchist people through out the march. The police officer in the little cart was trying to catch the heel of the monitors foot with the right front tire of his little car. The other monitor dressed as a prisoner was asking for badge numbers and names of the officers reporting them to their superiors. I now wish I would have captured the officer trying to run her foot over but I just walked past them. I turned around and was taping towards the back end of the cart, when I heard a whistle blow. I seen a police officer stand behind the cart as if giving a signal to the driver, but I can’t be sure. There were more bursts of the whistle and I walked toward the cart while taping and the driver of the cart started to drive erratically (almost hitting me) giving the cart gas driving on the side walk which caused everyone to start yelling at him to be careful. The other officers thought he was in trouble and started to stampede and disburse everyone. From my point of view and eyewitness account I can tell you it was a deliberate act of violence and carelessness. They are lucky that they did take someones life that day.
wonder if these people spoke english . some of them looked like they got out of a raider game or a la raza rally .
Lisann. I think you meant #55. OK fine. Call the Phoenix Chief of Police (Not the Sheriff) and make a complaint. Propaganda Pedroza tried to lay blame on Arpaio. Nothing could be further from the truth but hey, Tabloids sell. You know. Alien invaders, Elvis is alive and what celebrity can’t wear a bikini etc. Phoenix Popo’s don’t like Arpaio so there is no conspiracy and since Pedroza refuses to redact his obvious fraud, I can see why Craig Hunter choose him to be his Shill. Unfortunately for Hunter a Jury of 12 previously found him not creditable. Schroeder supported Carona even after Carona’s indictment and now Schroeder supports Craig Hunter. You are the company you keep.
“You are the company you keep”
Flip Flop,
You are so right. Look at the company Bill Hunt keeps. Barbara Coe, Jim Gilchrist and Crazy Joe Arpaio. Nuff said!
I haven’t even mentioned his unholy alliance with Timmy “Take The Hill” Whitacre yet.
Craig Hunter is a great cop and a good and decent man. He is gonna make a great Sheriff.
I thought you said you do your homework?
If you get your information from PBS, its information based on ideology not facts!
I can tell you it was a deliberate act of violence and carelessness. They are lucky that they did take someones life that day
I would love to see you try to tape a march with the RUC policing it… The RUC would have made the American police officers look like the rose parade escorts..
No offense, but you have never really seen police brutality… The police in the US are very tolerant of even the most abnoxious!
OK Sean.If beating the living crap out of Mexicans and then mocking them in “Spanglish” is your idea of “equality” then I guess something is really wrong with you. Yay for Craig Hunter! He beats Mexicans with flashlights and gets the blood flowing!!!!!
Last Call. Sean. With all due respect. You and Pedroza aren’t exactly the brightest light bulbs on the street so maybe you two should call it a day. Good night.
I think it is hilarious how you Mexican haters are able to exhibit such fake umbrage over this made up story about Hunter allegedly beating up Mexicans.
And the final irony is that the guy making the allegations is a discredited former cop, Steve Nolan, who ripped off the Anaheim taxpayers by claiming he was stressed out, and went on to open a restaurant with that loot. The capper? He hit a woman’s car and ran, and was indicted for hit and run! And to make it even better, he got elected to the Corona City Council with union support, as a RINO, but failed to get the cop union’s support. Wonder why?
Hunter never beat up any Mexicans, he was in fact cleared by the FBI and the discredited hit and run RINO later recanted his false testimony…
Let me correct myself, They are lucky they did not take someones life that day. Yes, I did mean 55 Thanks.
All I care is that Loser Back Stabber Sellout out Jack Anderson is not running. If he did all those skeltons in the closet would come out about him.