Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s goons attack peaceful protest marchers in shocking video


When Bill Hunt, the worst of the candidates for O.C. Sheriff, brought fascist Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio to Orange County, we knew all we needed to know about Hunt.

Now a video has surfaced that illustrates what sort of Sheriff Department you could expect from Hunt.  In the video, Arpaio’s goons attack a peaceful protest march.  Watch the video above and at about halfway into it cops on horseback arrive and the bunch of them start randomly attacking the protestors.  It reminded me of that scene in Battle of the Apes when the gorillas on horseback attacked the unarmed human survivors.

Here is what Santa Ana resident Lisann Martinez had to say about the video:

My opinion of this video is the police provoked this violence in an otherwise peaceful march. Notice how they are bunching up in this last stretch of the march. The police officer in the little green cart was trying to run people over the crowd yelling at him to watch where he was going so as not to hurt anyone. He started to drive up on to the side walk and then down again. As the crowd was yelling the horses came and started to try and trample people. The second horseman (police) was spraying the crowd with mace, not caring if they were children or family members. You can see him with the can in his hand. In the other portion when the man in the green shirt tackles a protester (I do not know if he was there to agitate) but he tackles him and then immediately runs away to let the police take care of the rest.

Here is one more video, narrated from Zack De La Rocha, of Rage Against the Machine:

And one more video…

About Art Pedroza