Illegal Immigration is one of the most divisive issues in America today. Pinky asks Daisy for his take on what’s really going on. Added bonus: Daisy tells us how to solve the whole problem in 5 minutes. This ONE’s for you, Michelle, Anonplus, Art, Lam and Cook. 😉
Let’s settle this once and for all!
Surf City uber alles.
The freemarket ideas developed by egg-headed professors and usually touted by many as a cure-all never get brought into this debate. Those who won’t or can’t compete in a free labor market should move to a socialist country or get their skills updated.
So that video was supposed to be a joke right? If not I call BS on the propaganda. What I did not hear once was any reference to the rule of law, immigration law to be exact. People from other countries can follow procedure and come here legally. The crime of the illegal imigrant is simply that of coming here without having followed proper procedure. Why is it that other countries are free to enforce their immigration laws and borders but because the United States wants to all of a sudden it’s a bad thing. Why are the UK & Mexico free to protect their borders? I’ll patiently be waiting for your video on that..
Hi Larry.
jont92619, I don’t think it was really meant as a “joke”. I think their point was that unless you are a native occupant, then you are basically a settler/immigrant to the US. I thought it was an interesting twist and a contrast to conventional thinking that we have legal “residents” and anyone who is new to the country is somehow Much MUCH different than our own particular circumstances.
You might think of me as having many more talents than I actually possess- I don’t have any video production skills at all, but I’ll tell you what… I will look for another video that will hopefully be more fun and entertaining. Just for YOU 😉
BTW: I am consistently disgusted that OUR US borders are NOT secure. If people are able to violate the borders by crossing them, then there could be very big problems such as weapons and other dangerous contraband that can penetrate our national security too. IF our borders had an effective enforcement strategy, then we all would not even be having these conversations. That’s MY take on it.
And what I did not hear once from you is the complicity of very powerful, very influential corporate interests in our immigration mess. Agriculture, meat processing, hotel (tourist) services, textiles. The government is simply complicit as it turns (largely) a blind eye while these corporate interests import this low-wage workforce. Please…we made the bed we now lay in.
jont92619, the whole video was about the rule of law with the point that if laws had been followed we wouldn’t even be here today.
Wake Up! There are no proper procedures to follow that will get you a Visa to the USA – you need a sponsor of some sort – for those without needed skills or relatives the only possibility is a lottery – LOL.
Solving the problem is simple if we really wanted to: Forget spending so much money and resources on securing the border. All we have to do is say, “you will NOT get any benefit if you are here illegally. That means no financial assistance, no medical benefit, no driver’s license AND children born from an illegal mother will NOT automatically become a citizen… blah blah blah, NO BENEFIT WHATSOEVER”.
A child born from an ILLEGAL mother inside the country is a citizen and CAN be President, while a child born from an American woman outside the country is a citizen but cannot be President. Something is wrong with that!!
One cannot blame people for trying to come to this country illegally, given the benefit that they’d get. We as a country cannot give out mixed messages saying you cannot be here, but since you’re already here, we’re going to reward you with various rights. As I’ve said before, I despise the game but I don’t hate the players.
Anon, I agree with you.
Sadly though, we don’t take the illegal immigration problem seriously; thus the problem will never be solved because “we” like things the way they are. Those in charge of our country pretend their care but behind closed doors, they say, “we want/need the illegals to be here”.
I haven’t watched “The Pinky Show” before Red…thanks….totally enjoyed this one~
Jill, you are kidding?! YOU always know the latest and greatest about everything on the internet. I am delighted I found something that is NEW for you and that you enjoy it!
Lam, I am more of a control freak about security. I don’t want ANYONE or ANYTHING coming into our country without oversight and permission to do so. I want every box checked. I want every person accounted for… that’s just me.
Spoiler: if the clip is too long for anyone, just go to like the last 3 minutes and you’ll see daisy’s solution to the immigration problem in way less than 5 minutes. 😉
RV, don’t get me wrong, I agree with you on border security. However, I don’t think we should pour soooo much money and resources into it, only to give out benefits to those who do somehow make it into the country illegally. It sends mixed messages.
My point is if you take away the carrot, you wouldn’t need a such big stick.
ANYONE or ANYTHING coming into our country without oversight and permission
(I am not sure, but did not the 9-11 hijackers have oversight and permission)
Agri business in the US was running ads during the 80’s for people in south america to come to the US for good paying jobs in agriculture. That was pretty deliberate to get people motivated to come thru the borders.
Cook, Well, the oversight actually sucked if you read the 9/11 commission report. I think we need to do a LOT better than that. jmo.
I think those inside our borders – Bernie Madoff & other Wall Street robber barons – have done more damage than those who break our borders.
And by the way didn’t our US gov’t turn to Mexico and ask for Mexican workers to cross the borders while we sent our men to fight in WWII? And didn’t this round of the swine flu eminate from the U.S. company Smithfield that’s located in Mexico?
We are neighbors and that’s the one component you choose to ignore. Or like Carlos Fuentes says … being the bridesmaid isn’t always easy.
And don’t you think the current situation exists because it benefits the U.S.? You bet it does.