Yay! Conservatives Cheer NO Olympics in America, 2016!


 In a twist of name-brand irony, a conservative group calling themselves, “Americans for Prosperity”, takes a moment to cheer the failure of  US efforts to secure Chicago as the official Olympic site for the 2016 Olympics games.  Cheers and high-fives around the room go up after the announcement.   Cries could be heard, “Obama Loses, Obama Loses!”   I guess the slogan,  “Country First” , is not an option for this group of loons.     See the clip at this link:     
MSNBC airs footage of cheering at Americans for Prosperity meeting following Olympics announcement

Our nation’s president, Barack Obama, makes the bid but the US loses out to Rio.  Brazil had made the case that not ONE Olympic event had ever been held in South America and the Olympic Committee agreed with it.   “Conservatives” exploited this moment in history to cite the loss as a victory AGAINST President Obama.  How tacky.  No wonder that party is OUT OF POWER.  On his comments about the current Conservative Movement, said Paul Krugman, in a NYTimes article called, The Politics of Spite, “…… Has the Emotional Maturity of a Bratty 13-Year-Old”      More at this NY Times      LINK.

I’m so happy that these louts are no longer the majority party.  They are shameful and petty.  I don’t like it when people celebrate any American loss.

About Red Vixen