Did Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham launch a lame anon attack on Art Pedroza?


Yesterday someone anonymously contacted the members of the executive board of a safety organization that I serve as President.  The goal of this email was to get them to remove me from what is a voluntary position. 

However, the folks on this board have known me for years and are friends of mine.  They were not mad at me, but rather at the anon weenie who launched this lame attack.

I think the culprit is Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham, although I cannot prove it.  He references attacks on his wife, Mrs. Jerbal, and his pal Jon Dumitru. 

Jerbal is thin-skinned, humorless and very Old Testament.  In this email he calls out a satirical post I wrote about his pal Mark Leyes, proving once more that Jerbal has no sense of humor.  This attack is VERY Jerbalesque indeed.  What a dork!

Here is the email so you can read it try to figure out who did it:

The purpose of this e-mail is to bring to your attention a side of OCASSE President Art Pedroza you are probably not aware of. You probably know him as a nice, soft-spoken man who seems polite and thoughtful.

That is what I, and quite a few others involved in Orange County government and politics, used to think, too.

Unfortunately, we discovered there is another, darker side to Art. You may or may not know that Art runs an Orange County political blog called “Orange Juice“: 

He uses his blog to publicly smear individuals he doesn’t like, publishing personal attacks based on lies, half-truths and distortions. He allows readers to post anonymous comments personally attacking people he dislikes in the most vicious and atrocious manner.

Don’t take my word for it. Read his blog for yourself:  

Here’s an example where he publicly ridicules a man for being overweight:

“I imagine that he has been lounging around the stately Leyes Manor in his boxers, surrounded by empty pizza boxes, Doritos bags and sticky, squished cans of Mountain Dew, researching on google.com feverishly in an endless attempt to discredit Janet. What a sad waste of time.”

Here’s another where he is using a photo to ridicule another person for being overweight:

You can see on this link how Art Pedroza allows his commenters to anonymously slander someone — accusing her, for example, of serial infidelity without a shred of proof — just because that person is running against Art’s favored candidate in a county campaign next year:

When reading these vicious, degrading personal attacks, keep in mind that Art approves these comments before they appear on his blog, and he allows them to stay there. How would you feel if you were posting grotesque lies about you, and blog owner refused to lift a finger?

 On the contrary, Art Pedroza is proud of using his blog to publicly destroy people’s reputations.

In this post, Art dismisses the behavior of a candidate who was charged with sexual harassment, found to be misusing campaign funds to live in a motel room, among other things, saying he is “a bit of a free spirit.”

Here are some more examples of the kind of public, online behavior your president Art Pedroza thinks is good and proper:




As president of your chapter, Art Pedroza is the public face of your organization. As officers, you should be aware that Orange Juice blog, and all the negativity surrounding it, is the public face of Art Pedroza.

Ask yourself if this is the type of behavior you want associated with your organization? Ask yourself if this is the type of behavior you would be proud to engage in yourself?

Art Pedroza is a destructive, hurtful and dishonest person. At your next meeting, remember there is an entirely different side, a very dark and destructive side, to Art Pedroza that you don’t see.



He should have signed it “Concerned Jerbal!”

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.