Will Tom Daly’s assistant, Renee Ramirez, replace him?
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UPDATE: A pajarito reports that Renee Ramirez was registered as a Decline to State Voter since 2003. Yesterday she filed as a Republican and showed up at the OC GOP Central Committee meeting trolling for endorsements…
I guess we should have seen this coming. With Supervisor Chris Norby out of the race for Orange County Clerk-Recorder, more candidates are coming out of the woodworks. Current Clerk-Recorder Tom Daly’s assistant, Renee Ramirez, showed up at tonight’s Orange County GOP Central Committee meeting, and introduced herself as a candidate for Daly’s office, according to several of my pajaritos who were there.
There is some debate as to whether or not Ramirez is even a Republican, but if she wasn’t she certainly is now.
Over the past few months many of our readers have commented about Ramirez here at the Orange Juice. Apparently she is hated by most of her coworkers. Some commenters have also alleged that she is carrying on an affair with Daly, who is married to a county lobbyist.
I don’t know if Daly is having an affiar with Ramirez, but it makes sense that Daly and his political machine would want to get his assistant elected, so he can maintain some control over the office of Clerk-Recorder.
Hugh Nguyen, the leading Republican candidate for Clerk-Recorder, has so much momentum built up that it would be hard to believe that Ramirez or anyone else could beat him. But the John Lewis machine has their fingers in this candidate. Ramirez was escorted tonight by longtime Lewis ally Brett Barbre, who serves on the MWD Water Board.
When you search for “Brett Barbre and John Lewis” online, this nugget comes up, “Republican PR guy and water district official Brett Barbre is helping to host a union-supported fund-raiser for Democrat Tom Daly for supervisor. Another prominent Republican, consultant and lobbyist John Lewis, is also supporting Daly’s run,” according to the Orange Punch blog.
Don’t be fooled folks – Renee Ramirez is just another creation of the Lewis and Daly machines. I’ll be voting for Hugh Nguyen.
UPDATE: Lewis says he is supporting Laura “Mrs. Jerbal” Cunningham. Chisme has it that Renee was a Democrat who just switched to the GOP. If true that might explain why Lewis is going with Mrs. Jerbal instead.
UPDATE: The Total Buzz blog has confirmed that Brett Barbre is serving as Ramirez’ campaign manager.
Hate to break this to you sandy but having Hieu as your manager is not going to help you keep your job. You have problems that you need to solve on your own, like getting an education (can you spell GED!!!) and if you have been at the county so long, why haven’t you moved up the management ladder? oh i forgot, it’s that darn education thing!
#96 & 99 are so accurate, the majority of people on this blog are more interested in complaining and bashing their co-workers than making a sound or educated comment. You make your self look so immature and are proving to everyone that the next clerk recorder (whoever that may be) needs to clean house of the “county lifers” just there for the free donuts and not interested in being productive or successful!
Thanks Hieu and Art for creating this blog, you should sell it to Bravo as “The Real Trash Working at the OC Clerk Recorder”.
Mudslinging was created for the weaker candidate. Thanks for reminding us who that is, Hieu!!!!!
You should be embarrassed!
Shut your mouth with your bs, Cyndi Viall.
Who said “Sandy” or anyone needs Heiu to help us keep our positions at the County? He or anyone else can’t touch us. We would have to commit murder to be let go of our position with the County.
Why haven’t we moved up to the management ladder? It’s not education. If education was the cause, Renee wouldn’t be Assistant Clerk-Recorder, Daniela wouldn’t be supervisor for the vital department, Richard and Nikki wouldn’t be supervising room 101, Aja wouldn’t be supervisor at the North County branch and Mary Jack wouldn’t be supervisor at our South County branch. Get the picture? The list goes on and on and on.
The reason many qualified clerks at the agency haven’t climbed the management ladder is because there is no opportunity at our agency. Tom Daly simply hires a personal friend of his for his administration or someone who is liked by management automatically get the management position. No application or EDUCATION required.
Question for you; what do you consider an education?
They got rid of one bad seed…Rosalinda…why don’t they get rid of the other one…Carmen!
That girl Anna- WHAT A STUPID GIRL 1
Dear You should be embarassed!
You are such an idiot. Get a life!
You must be one of Renee Ramirez pet. Don’t be a hater just because Renee is not well like. Did she think people will forget all the hurtful and bad things she did to so many people. If the truth hurts than deal with it.
We have work for Hieu and Renee and believed Renee is such a terrible and retarded manager. I think Hieu is a stronger candidate. If Hieu is a weaker candidate than Renee should be fired immediately.
Wow…BOLD…..now we’re name dropping.
Talking about the Soup’s not being ejamicated.
That’s wrong, someones not doing their homework again?!?!!
Hueister, tell your minions to get their facts straight.
Do the voters of Orange County or bloggers (LOL) really want to know
why some of the staff members are not soup’s yet. Wait a minute, I can’t do it..
I won’t say it, I won’t write it. Their issues, their problems, their world, their circumstances are way off the charts. We’ll leave it at that. If the voters of this wonderful county of ours would ever know the truth, it would be devastating. SSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHH……….Silence is golden…….
It is what it ain’t…
PS. Art Pedroza is really smart.
Reply to #102.
There is no guess here for bashing against Renee. Look no further than Hieu or HUGH just for the election. I have some work samples if you want to look at it but why bother, just read his language in #1, #13, #16, #23 #42 #64, #66, #70, #72, #74, #82, #88, #89, #98.
Attention: Reply to #102 from #99:
It’s seem to me that everyone on this blog can’t write.
Since you know everything. I guess the rest of the comments are from Renee Ramirez.
Renee Ramirez pets are blogging again. Take some leadership classes instead of blogging!
Daniel and #102 to be honest with you, I have nothing to gain or lose with this election. A contact told me how obnoxious some of the clerks at the clerk recorders office are, and i had to read this blog to believe it!
#101 sounds like a child blaming their bad grades on their teachers. You know those lazy kids that fail all their classes and then try telling their parents it is because all their teachers hate them (nice try)! How annoying, you are an adult-take responsiblities for your own actions or lack of!
You are also proving my point- you work for the county, you can’t be fired unless you commit murder or get “laid Off” so what motivation do you have to be a productive team player in your office? none! that’s why it’s easier to complain, criticize and whine than it is to actually work hard and contribute to your office.
Hieu, oh i mean “Daniel”, I did a search to find the blog where the ramirez campaign blasts Hieu’s campaign, but guess what? It doesn’t exsist!
It makes sense for Hieu & the disgruntled employees that are shaking in their boots to do everything they can to smear reputations of management and co-workers, but is that ever successful?
Until we get some REAL comments that have to do the election, I am out!
It’s entertaining to read your nonsense, but your right- I have a life and prefer legitimate political blogs.
Cyndi, simply because our jobs are secured with the county it doesn’t mean we have no motivation to do our work. Believe it or not, I enjoy what I do – I just hate the poor leadership from this administration. Yes, that includes you Cyndi. You’ll rather be shoving food and lard into your mouth than to actually lead the Dept.
Don’t get confused, Cyndi. This agency spins because of the employyes… not you nor administration.
By the way, I find it real funny that you say you have a life. Shoving food into your mouth every minute and being Renee’s bitch is not a life, it’s a disease.
Cyndi, here is a simple lesson for a ‘B’ like you, the real source of problem for motivation is you AND people like you (JUDY, AJA etc) and your mentor Renee. you just don’t get it.
Remember this when times are not in your favor, you have nothing to gain but LOSE. You have no where to HIDE but RUN. Don’t play a neutral game.
Cyndi, let me make it very simple. You are one good example of an idiot in the office. You don’t understand this simple thing that your approach is destroying employees’ motivation. Do you get it?
Your personality sucks, your personal life is screwed up. You are the most hated person in the office and you think your approach is correct?
Renee, You should stop wearing your mom’s suits they are so outdated. How embarrassing!!you should learn from some of your staff members some of those girls dress way better than you. and that hair calor looks awful.
What an unflattering photo of Tom Daly and Renee Ramirez. Renee you look like a bodybuilder in that picture your shoulders look so wide. In person they are wide but in that picture they look even wider GROSS!!! also how sad that your only 37years old but you look more like 47years old and yes you need a makeover.
You can tell Hieu posted these two #113 and #114 messages.
Nope it wasn’t Hieu who posted #114 nor #115… its just the truth. NO RESPECT I TELL YOU!!!
All I know is that everyone at the Clerk-Recorder, including myself, wants change. Unfortunately, if Renee takes office, there will be no change. Renee has has a lot to do with all the dictatorship that has been going around in the agency for years (i.e. low morale in employees).
Tom Daly’s administration is the worst administration I have ever been under. Hopefully that changes this year.
While all the county employees that lost their jobs and the agencies still doing furlough’s, Tom Daly was and is busy WASTING COUNTY MONEY to keep adding his face and name everywhere. Long story short, promoting his name WITH COUNTY MONEY to get his name recognized with the county residents hoping this will get him the fourth district board of supervisor seat.
He opened A South and North County office just to get his name posted. The North County is ONLY and exactly 11.6 miles away from the main office in Santa Ana. Was his interest really in helping the county residents? Or is it politics?
He purchased a building on Civic Center (433 W. Civic Center) accross the Street from the Main office to expand the Orange County Archives. It has been vacant for a few years now. I mean, how would he look purchasing a BUILDING with this economy?
It gets better, The Orange County Archives only gets about 5 people at month to visit the office. If, and that’s a big if, is even that much (people visiting Archives). The only reason they actually visit the office is because the “old books” for property records were moved there on purpose so he can actually say, the public uses our resources in the County Archives. The “old books” were stored in room 101, where they belong, but were moved to get traffic to the Archives Dept.
This way, now Tom can justify hiring his good friend Jean Pasco and make her DIRECTOR of County Archives. What a joke. Our agency needs a DIRECTOR for a Dept that get about 5 people a month.
I’m sure Jean Pasco is glad to be Tom Daly’s friend. I mean she really get’s nothing in return. All she get as a Director is a very generous salary, a county vehicle, or $765 extra a month, 100% benefits covered for her and her dependents. Just to mention a few things. Other than that, she is really not getting anything in return for being Tom Daly’s good friend.
Voters, wake up! Get a new Administration to this agency.
If Tom Daly is so Anti-Latino why is it that he is always flirting with the pretty latinas in his office?? but we all know who his favorite one is and is not exactly Renee Ramirez you know who she is.
Poor Renee Ramirez, You must feel sooo stupid after Tom Daly decided he was going to run for the CR Office after all. That shows you that Tom Daly ONLY CARES ABOUT HIMSELF!! he dosen’t care how your husband felt after reading all these blogs about you, which by the way most of them are true.
HA!!!HA!!!HA!!! Keep dreaming Renee!!! Daly played you and hard.