Dick Cheney more popular than Democrats AND Nancy Pelosi

Well, its official. Democrats continue their “falling off the left side of the planet” slide. And now, Darth Vader himself is more popular than the Democratic Congress and Nancy Pelosi!


Its not like they haven’t been given the benefit of the doubt, or “a chance to fix things” as the OJ Democrat shill likes to say. 54% gave them favorable ratings. Now its 23%, according to Rasmussen, and has been the ol chutes without ladders since the Democrats started their wacky agenda. And not to get too personal, but Nancy Pelosi is now worse than Darth Vader, according to gallup. Think that, “The CIA lied” B.S. had anything to do with it? Naaaaaa….

Say what you will about polls, but its clear that if the Democrats dont change their socialistic ways, they wont have anyone voting for them in the next election. Cant believe I’m saying this, but it looks like the Democrats are lucky Dick Cheney ain’t running for President. Run Dick Run! Run Dick Run!

*authors note:

Dick Cheney recently is quoted as saying:  “I think, you know, freedom means freedom for everyone. I think people ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish, any kind of arrangement they wish.”

Welcome to the team Dick! This is exactly kind of open mindedness missing in the argument! Take it on the road! Let the radical homosexual lobby argue you’re only talking about gays and “special rights” instead of rights for “everyone”.

Imagine! That sounds LIBERTARIAN!!!

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About Terry Crowley