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White House Military Office Director Louis Caldera was thrown under the bus by the Obama Administration today over the Air Force One flyover gaffe. Last month Caldera apologized for the April 27 incident that sparked fear in NYC residents who went running for cover as they feared another terrorist attack like the one in which planes were flown into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001.
Problem is, it wasn’t Louis Caldera’s fault. And everyone knows it.
As indicated in this Times online article, the military, the White House Military Office, the White House Press Office, and the Oval Office all knew about the flyover, as it would be impossible to hermetically seal off the rest of government from moving Air Force One about. You could ditch Rahm Ehmanuel, the White House Press Secretary, a dozen white faces. No.
The FAA knew about the flyover and didnt care. Obama could have ditched J. Randolph “Randy” Babbitt but he’s your typical Union thug. They’re tight with Obama. No good.
Hell, you could fire Secretary of Defense Gates for the rampant abuse of protocols it took to pull this stunt off. And I like the guy! You could fire the head of the Air National Guard for participating in a Title 32 exercise with National Guard aircraft. Title 32 is where National Guard are being used for Law Enforcement in their respective states.
Do you understand all that had to be put into place to make this happen? And look who they pick to be a fall guy.
And don’t EVEN get me started about – “It was something we just found out about.” A man who has to travel everywhere with TWO planes knows where they are AT ALL TIMES. Go ahead, argue that Obama didnt know. You KNOW he lied.
One has to assume that Obama found it easy to ditch one of the few ranking Latinos in his administration. They just take that hispanic vote for granted. The favorite for the Supreme Court seat is female.
Just how long do Latinos plan to take the Obama face-slapping, back-o-the-bus treatment before their support begins to fade? And where will they turn then? The third parties certainly have nothing to offer them. And the Florida Hispanic vote is and remains solidly CONSERVATIVE. So they have a natural home to turn to. Certainly one more friendly to their Catholic concerns than people who proclaim anyone who speaks of religion in public as “Talibani”.
I’d call the Democrat treatment of the Hispanic bloc bigotry pure and simple. There is just no other way to see it. Just another brown face to kick around or out, right “Progressives”?
He threw his grandma under the bus, why not Louis Caldera as well?
Terry Crowley –
The really sad thing, in my mind, isn’t that is was a Latino at all – the really sad thing is that this whole thing is nothing compared to the idiots and stunts that were allowed to run unchecked during King George (Bush) II’s reign.
The President has painted himself into a corner – promising accountability within the administration – that takes major balls to do, so props to him.
But, the entire event could have been apologized for and then left to die a peaceful death – if it weren’t for the fact that right-wing wingnuts would never have let the incident die.
No, Louis Caldera shouldn’t have been forced to resign and take the fall for something that had such shared responsibility. But your characterization that he didn’t care about it being a Latino is probably unfair – neither of us have any idea what the decision making process entailed. For me, I’ll reserve judgment regarding why it was Caldera.
I can’t figure out why you can’t just post the facts that you KNOW without all the editorial comments – it’s clear to me that your only agenda is to discredit the President. And the only reason I can imagine that you want to do that is that you are some Republican Party hack that’s paid to watch the news and post overblown narratives to blogs – and really, you should stop bantering about the term Progressive like you are one of us – it’s clear to THIS Progressive that you definitely NOT!
He threw his grandma under the bus, why not throw Louis Caldera under the bus a well.
If you think Bush was a dimwit because Chris Matthews or Keith Olberman “said so”, you suit yourself. He was such a dummy and yet he outfoxed Dems for six years. Whatever. I never voted for the guy, but we got what we paid for.
And we have again. You aint seen nothin yet.
And I call my self a CONSERVATIONIST, conservation of resources and freedoms, which you clearly ARE NOT!
Wow, Obama throws a Latino under the bus, and Bush is a Racist, You leftist bigots just can’t get over it!
Terry Crowley (#5) – Where did Chris Matthews or Keith Olberman enter the conversation? I don’t think I’ve ever watched a single one of their shows.
My apology for calling you a RP hack.
No I think the man was a dimwit because he spoke like one and he acted like one.
I think for myself, thank you – and I my opinion, any reasonable person can look back on the 8 years of failure under Bush and draw the same conclusions.
I’m gad you call yourself a CONSERVATIONIST. It’s kind of a cute name. And your description of the things you believe in are the same as mine – so, why come to the defense of Bush when he did more damage in 8 years to the civil rights of the American citizen than probably any President history. And he squandered more resources – human, political, good will, financial, and more – than I ever thought was humanly possible.
And your wrong, by the way – We didn’t get what we paid for, we got ripped off! Unfortunately, we can’t return the damaged goods and get a refund.
As for Obama, and getting what we paid for – so far, I think we’ve gotten a better bargain. He’s not perfect, but I trust him infinitely more than I ever trusted Bush. At least with Obama, I trusted him from the day he was elected – I never trusted Bush – not from the day 1.
oc for nobama stop watching msnbc it stands for make sure no bush compliments i guess you have been hanging around with garofalo you drank the nobama kool aid . this guy walks on water right
the great one (#8) I don’t watch MSNBC – it sucks. The only thing worse is FOX. But I do read – a lot of different sources.
If you had actually read what I wrote, I even said that the man wasn’t perfect – but that I trust him a lot more than I could ever trust Bush.
As for drinking Kool-Aid and getting brainwashed – I’ll let your myopic vision of Bush speak for itself and the Fox News Channel blood that runs through your veins.
sorry your arguments dont hold watter . fox news kicks but , check the ratings more people trust them than any other news source , keep reading the ny times , daily kos , and watching msnbc .
the great one (#10) just because you keep saying you like it, and millions of neo-con wingnuts like it, and millions of liberals watch it see what the right-wing nut jobs are lying about at this very moment, doesn’t make Fox reliable or truthful – it means that it’s pure entertainment – sort of like listening to Rush Limbaugh implode.
Fox is far from fair and balanced – it doesn’t matter what time or or what show I happen to catch when I flip channels, the only thing they ever did during King George II’s reign of incompetence was make excuses for him and the only thing they can do during Obama’s first 100+ days is crucify him for trying to fix the mess the GWB left us in. Obama is perfect – but he’s an infinitely better leader, commander in chief, administrator, manager, organizer than GWB ever. GWB, by his own admission, refused to read most of the stuff that crossed his desk and, the general consensus among anyone that worked with him was that he was the least inquisitive person they had ever worked with – those to characteristics, having such a short attention span that you can’t read a memo, and having no interest in asking probing questions and just accepting without question whatever everyone else said, alone, make him incompetent.
Bigmarkod (#6) Sorry, no bigot here, thank you. I never called Bush a racist either – but I did call him a dimwit and incompetent. And, because you obviously can’t read, then I guess you fit the same description.