Claudio Gallegos is returning to the OC blogosphere

Our former blogger Claudio Gallegos has decided to return to blogging, but he won’t be coming back here to the Orange Juice.  Instead he is starting a new blog called Sunny D.  Here is how he has introduced this new blog:

After a year long and much needed sabbatical from the blogosphere, it is a pleasure to return. This time I have decided to strike it out on my own with a new blog in the Orange County blogosphere, SUNNY D. The name is a tribute to my blogosphere roots. In Orange County, I am very impressed how people on both sides of the political spectrum have really developed the political blogosphere. Whether Liberal or Conservative, we are looked to as an example from political bloggers from throughout the nation, and I am proud to have been a pioneer in this effort along with many of the great bloggers in the many political blogs in Orange County.

I am excited to introduce this effort, and set out to do what I did in my original run- get political discourse going, be edgy, raise eyebrows and all at the same time, be credible. Of course all great blogs have a great team behind them and I will not be doing this alone. Along with me, the first addition is Alex Coe, who will be blogging from a Libertarian/Conservative perspective. Over the next week I will be announcing other additions to the Sunny D Team from all ends of the political spectrum, some will be new faces to the blogosphere and some will be familiar names.

I find it interesting that Gallegos has partnered with a Libertarian, but is calling his site “Sunny D,” which is an obvious reference to the party he belongs to and to his past blogging here at the Orange Juice.

We wish Gallegos well.  Running a blog is a lot of work. It is not easy keeping it fresh and timely, but on top of that building an audience is a painstaking effort.  We are lucky to be amongst the top blogs in the state.  None of that success came easy.

For the record, I did offer Gallegos the opportunity to return to the Orange Juice.  He opted not to so instead I wish him well on his new venture. I am not surprised that Gallegos is not coming back, however.  His friends in the DPOC often take umbrage at what we write.  I guess he doesn’t want to peeve them.

If anything, this is just another nail in the coffin of the fading Liberal OC blog.  Now they will have two liberal blogs to contend with, as OC Progressive is already kicking their tail.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.