(Picture Courtesy of the O.C. Register)
It is ironic that the same folks in the O.C. Vietnamese community who scream about freedom also practice terrorism. To wit, these protesters ” vandalized with scratches, spit and red spray paint” the work of Vietnamese American artist Brian Doan, during the short-lived FOB II art exhibit that was shut down after Assemblyman Jose Solorio asked Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido to close its doors.
What exactly set off these rabid protesters? It was “a photograph Doan took last year in Vietnam. A girl is sitting, looking dreamily off into the distance. She’s wearing a red tank top with a gold star on it. Her shirt resembles the current communist Vietnamese flag. On the table next to the girl is a gold bust of former North Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh,” according to the O.C. Register.
The irony in all this is that Doan is no commie. “Doan says his photo is a comment on fashion, pop culture and disaffection in contemporary Vietnam.”
“She lives in the communist country, but look at her. She’s looking away, dreaming. She wants to escape Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh is next to her, but communism is not longer in her. She wants to dream of other things,” said Doan.
The good news is that Doan’s work is being exhibited again, at the Cypress College Photography Galleries, located at 9200 Valley View St., in Cypress. Click here for hours and other info.
Shame on Republican Assemblyman Van Tran and his Trannies for conspiring to chase Doan out of Santa Ana! If you want to visit art galleries where free speech is celebrated, don’t bother with Santa Ana’s censored artist village. Go to Cypress College.
dose this also apply to the no on 8 crowd too who bully people into their own thinking . it works both ways .
Oh good, first fundamentalist christians, then fundamentalist muslims, now fundamentalist vietnamese. Somebody send these groups the memo. Change is Now.
The FOB exhibit was not in the Artist’s Village.
I know that. But the point is that our Mayor has screwed our local artists by embracing censorship.
#1: The No on 8 crowd who bully people? Are you serious? The Yes on 8 people were the ones who solicited huge sums of money from out-of-state, threatened boycotts on the businesses of No-on-8 supporters, and then when the tails are turned on them, go running to the courts to cover up the donor lists of their own supporters.
Interesting you should presume to call yourself the great one. I don’t see anything great about your views.
Way to go, Zander! The Yes on 8 supporters “bought” their “victory”, using money that could best be used to support California’s messed up economy. The good ol’ US of A is lacking in many so-called “freedoms”… e.g. the freedom for every citizen to express one’s love for another in marriage, regardless of race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. I love this country (hah!)… it’s such a wonderful democracy.
Ofcourse Brian Doan is hero for the communists!
My Assemblyman Jose Solorio also has opposed this pro communist propaganda to be displayed in Santa Ana. He is my hero – Jose Solorio!
For Vietnamese Americans, Assemblyman Van Tran was their hero for stopping red communist show.
#4: Yet another reason why the artist village will never get off the ground. Artists go where stupid politicians don’t interfere with their art just because it may offend some people. Next, people who don’t like abstract art (“I can do a black dot on a white background”) object against artists, then it is the people who don’t like performance art, etc. etc. ad nauseam. Or some idiot calling himself “OC Democrat”, who clearly is not a Democrat.
hey zander their is only one great one . and he is above high . i call myself that in tribute to a guy you probally cant stand mark levin . its great to piss off libs like you . the votes where counted you lost not once but twice the people of california DONT WANT THIS . you can and more likely will call them like most libs do racist ,haters all the usual crap that comes out . but i guess california must have lots of these people .
Would it be alright to post a picture of Hitler in the middle of a Jewish community? Obviously, NOT. Stupid article.
And how ironic is it that after i posted my comment. It says “your comment is awaiting moderation”. You are a hypocite Pedroza.
We moderate our posts because of one guy, Stanley Fiala, who insists on posting the F word here, which we don’t allow. He is a blog terrorist who has been banned by every blog in Orange County.
You folks who disfigured Doan’s work are also terrorists. And no, his work is not equivalent to Hitler, not even close. He has explained his work quite eloquently – but as usual you are not listening to anyone other than your fellow frantic crazies.
Mr Pedroza,
Let’s look at it this way. Let’s go to Hanoi, VN and have an art show of a girl wearing the Vietnamese yellow flag while sitting next to former South Vietnam President Ngo Dinh Diem’s bust.
Dear Mr. Pedroza,
You are very lucky to be born or moved here. You have freedom and get good education. Of course you have a good life too, But it is nothing to compare with the life under the Communism. That’s why most of Vietnamese people don’t like Brian Doan’s art photo. He is not a good photographer at all, ironically to me is that he is a teacher and teaching the art of photography.
Mr. Pedroza, if you have money and time, you are welomed to our homeland under the communism , watch and see then express your freedom of speech. HN goverment will treat you well like Brian Doan, nothing to worry about the layoff, money,bills in the US now. One more thing, VN is a beautiful country too.
Wake up and smell the coffee. Yes, plz go to Vietnam or go to Youtube and search for Viet travel. People are enjoying their life overthere, and talk about poor, there are poor people in this country too, look at the homeless, the people who go thru trash bin, the swapmeet…. Dont lean too much on the past to judge the present. Imagine if one goes to Shangai, China and stop a pedestrian and tell him(her) “Recall Mao Tse Tung era, recall Cultural Revolution, recall Tsieanmon square, you are living under a evil regime, get out now…”….you may already know the consequence. Same goes as in Vietnam, just go there and ask the people yourself. Tonnu Thi Ninh once said “Dont go down that road again, if you want to bring up Mau Than, then we have My Lai…”. As India proud of Mahatma Ghandi for his fight to gain independence for his country, same as the Vietnamese proud of Ho Chi Minh, ask anyone in Vietnam, ask them yourself then you will find the true. Dont listen to any propaganda from those sore loosers ARVN in Little Saigon, go to VN, my friend then make your own judgement.
Did you live in VN or you just see it through utube? Maybe you’re the one who need to widen your horizon.
How many out of 80 million plus are really enjoying their life? Answer: mostly those who belongs to the communist party – they enjoy life through corruption, forces – while the other 98% are suffering.
Yes, there are poor people in this country, 2% poor, vs 90% in the middle class. It’s the other way around in VN.
I know this argument doesn’t get any where, but you sound like an educated person – then look for facts. Talk to people who endured the experience – not utube – then draw your own conclusion once again.
I live in CA since 1975, I visit VN twice and in love with the country and its people, I traveled across the country from North to South, I don’t see the 98% of people are sufferring , I heard less people overthere complaint about their government than the local here complaint of our government. As I learning more about Vietnam history, as a Vietnamese American, I feel proud of Ho Chi Minh, the great man who sacrified his private life for the independence of his country and his people, althought I m not agree with him on communism, but one can not denied of his patriotic and his great contribution for the Vietnamese people. And what do we have with the South Vietnamese government before 1975, the dictator Ngo Dinh Diem, the cowardly Nguyen Van Thieu, dont tell me there weren’t beggars, prostitute, corruption…. in the south before it had been liberated in 1975. You are the one should hit the book and widen your mind.
So you’ve been in CA since 75? Not sure where you learned English from?
So you went to VN? You probably went vacationing: to clubs, bars in the city, paid for sight seeing trips in the mountain side etc.. right?… Everywhere you went, hand out a few dollars then you’d see people with a smile, tending to your every need. Are they really enjoying life there – They are used to a difficult life – what’s the point of complaining?
Here’s what you should do to realize there are 98% of people in VN suffering: go live independently in VN for couple of years without any monetary support from anyone (don’t even use your own US saving account) – once you make it through and haven’t change your mind, I’ll kiss your foot.
Feel proud of Ho? His whole life was about lies, betrayal and brutality – outside of raging war itself, have you ever heard of Land Reform, Ma^.u Tha^n, Concentration Camp, Boat People? Where Ho and his are directly responsible for million and million of death of the same Vietnamese blood. At least Hitler was not crazy enough to kill his own kind.
It was the war time before 75, so it was never a perfect perfect government in S. VN. But more than 30 years since the whole country is not at war any more, what’s transformed. How many year behind is VN in comparison to Thailand, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore? For your information South VN was years ahead of these countries (even in war time) before 1975.
How did your parent bring you here? Do they ever talk to you why did they come here? If they agree with your ideal, do you/they ever think about going back there? Or that they don’t even talk to you any more?
I’ve tried to learn a little more everyday. It’s the younger people who are easily manipulated by a little sweet talk, colorful advertisement – young people whose life has been too easy, who cann’t see anything through its cover – that really worries me.
As all can see, my English is irrelevant to the subject being discussed here. But try to making fun of my English proves how immature you are. Political subject are for mature adult, Jeffrey, go play Mario or WOW.
So that’s your argument? Immature!! Hahaha. Hopeless.
So susieq – changing subjects, twisting words, calling people name is your defense? Exactly the same way the VC would do. I really don’t want to waste anymore time with you. I’d like to communicate with people who can read and at the same time express themselves. Where’s Mr. Pedroza? We may disagree on the subject, but I least he gave me reason to have some respect.
Go Jeffrey Go:
LOL…. I think the cat got Susieq’s tounge…
Quote: “go live independently in VN for couple of years without any monetary support from anyone.”
Did the trick.
Thanks Thien
Where’s the OP Art Pedroza to defend himself?
Freedom of speech is admirable as long as it doesn’t offend anyone else – why is it so hard to understand?
HCM and the red flags, to the large majority of Vietnamese/American, are comparable to Hitler/Swastika, KKK, Stalin and most recently Hussein – who/which had been condemned by the modern civilized world.
Do anything you want with the freedom you have for whatever your hidden motif is – just don’t expect people to sit still and take whatever you throw at them.
What is truly amazing is that these folks are so mired in the past that they can’t see what a mess we are all in NOW!
Time to let go and start dealing with today’s problems. Or else none of us will have much of a future…
Today’s problem will be tomorrow’s past. We shouldn’t ignore the past, the present or the future.
It’s good to learn from the past so you’ll avoid the same mistake in the future.