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Is it time for a Tax Revolt? The folks at Tax Revolt 2009 think so. Here is their mission statement:
Tax Revolt 2009 is not about ideology – it’s about common sense! You must protect yourself! Democrat’s won’t protect you. Republicans won’t protect you. Only you can protect yourself – by joining Tax Revolt 2009.
This might be the taxpayer’s last stand before reckless self-serving politicians plunge California into a Great Depression. Unemployment has already reached 10 percent or more in parts of California. Do your part to take back California!
Click here to join the Tax Revolt.
Click here if you are ready to quit the lame GOP or the Democratic Party – and join the California Libertarian Party.
It is now time to repeal Prop 13.
“Rick Says: It is now time to repeal Prop 13.”
What kind of a revolt is that? It’s one of the few restrictions the taxpayers have currently controlling tax increases in this state!
What this state needs is increased controls built into the state’s constitution limiting tax increases. We have some of the highest taxes in the nation, yet still faced with a $42 billion dollar deficit. Our state’s problem is SPENDING, SPENDING, SPENDING. Period.
Tax Revolt? LOL. Please. Gay and Lesbian Californians, along with ALL Queer Americans, have a much more JUSTIFIED reason for tax revolt. OUR FAMILIES are harmed by being EXCLUDED from family law.
Anyone who is paying attention has got to wonder when the Queer Community will gain the DIGNITY to finally say, “You know what, America? You want to EXCLUSE us? Fine. We’re taking our hard-earned TAX DOLLARS with us”.
“I refuse to be treated like dog poop legally in the U.S.A. in 2009. Period”
Given that the federal government EXCLUDES our families from U.S. law., why do we continue acting as if things are OK? A heterosexual in the EXACT SAME LEGAL SHOES would have gone to a far more extreme reaction than a mere tax revolt; most “He-Men” Americans would grab their gun if American Law worked tirelessly to demoralize, degrade, and oppress their family.
We made a GRAVE mistake when we ALLOWED society to be able to vote on our family’s legal worth, along with votes on school levies, bridge construction, and toll roads. That further trivialized our families and children in the eyes of the law.
We should have rioted in the streets the second things like PROP 8 first appeared.
F. being “nice”.
F. being “timid”.
Are you FED UP with “having to be liked enough” for equality?
Do you believe equality is OURS TO TAKE and refuse to beg for it?
Amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression!
EQUALITY TAX REVOLT – Wednesday, April 15, 2009
We need to have a true tax revolt by repealing all the tax that have just been approved
Then we need a balllot measure that would return state law makers back to part time along with paying them only 10,000.00 while in session
and no additional perks at tax payers expesnse.
Lastly, law makers cannot increase tax,fees, or assements without voter approval.
I am reducing my tax withholdings to ZERO. If we all refuse to pay the 09 bill and really spend it on the economy…the recession ends and so does the era of Pilosi.
File a new W-4. add 99 dependents let the dam goverment do with less.When the IRS comes knocking leave them a note.”So sorry but there is nobody home, you can have it all and stick it where the sun won’t shine”.Why should we pay for there screw ups. They don’t give a dam about us. Why should we keep paying and paying and then loose our houses and jobs and everything we work our asses off for.I don’t see the Gov cutting back anywhere do you? The Dems caused this problem right along with the Reps. We need a new party. One that will do as WE say not as they do!
People need to wake up. All you have to do it look at the state budget and see billions and billions of waste each year. DEPT of CORRECTIONS and DEPT of Water resources, and DEPT of AIR resources. what a joke
ITS time to get rid of all of them and put people that know how run a tight ship in office!!!!!
It is time to let the people in Sacramento know that we will not take it any longer we are OVERBURDENED with taxes and regulations both in the state and federal government. Let this state go bankrupted, let’s renegotiate labor contracts, to fair wages. When a fireman , a job that takes a high school education , make an average of 120,000.00 $ per annum and retire at the age of 50 to 55 years old,at 80 to 90% of their wages , when an average prison guard with a high school education can average 100,000.00$ per annum, and we have to live on 40,000.00$ per year and retire at the ripe age of 80. There is something wrong . These civil servants in addition to their Unions and politicians and there donors are bankrupting us. Since 2001 until 2008 our state have hired 184,000 new employees that should make us feel better. Let’s GO BANKRUPED AND LET A JUGE RUNN THIS STATE HE COULD DO NOW WORSE THEN “OUR GIVE WAY OUR SHOPE ” politicians .