California Republicans dump Senate leader and replace him with Dennis Hollingsworth

The California Senate Republicans finally dumped their leader, Dave Cogdill, who wanted to raise our taxes.  Their new leader, Dennis Hollingsworth, is no slouch.  I expect him to go toe to toe with the Democrats and to hold firm against the proposed budget.

The latest proposal from the Republicans is to pass a six month budget then get to work on next year’s budget.

What they need to do now is take their message to the people.  I would suggest the use of radio spots and a Youtube commercial.  The Orange County Employees Association used the latter this week and their spot ended up on all the local blogs. In fact, Hollingsworth has a video on his website, but I could not find it on Youtube and thus could not present it here.

What a powerful message the GOP would send by reminding the voters that the Legislators drive new cars for FREE at public expense – but the Democrats want to double our car license fees and raise our gas taxes. 

Now is the time also for the Republicans to let us know what they plan to do to resolve this crisis.  What do they plan to cut?  Can we take this opportunity to redesign our state government and cut the crap?

Let’s see if Hollingsworth can deliver.


Here is what the Sacramento Bee is reporting about the budget and Hollingsworth’s plans:

Asked by a reporter if he would be “willing to budge at all” on the tax issue, Hollingsworth replied, “I just don’t think it’s necessary…why is it that everybody else has to tighten their belt and state government is able to go back and, in effect, take money out of people’s pockets in order to try to fix that problem.”

“We think that, yeah, there ought to be a balanced solution, but one of the things that ought to be off the table is those tax increases,” he added, though it’s unclear what kind of balanced solution would not increase tax hikes.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.