As a member of the national “grass roots” Americans for Prosperity I just received a synopsis of president Obama’s programs from AFP president Tim Phillips that I share with Juice readers below. For those not familiar with AFP we are strong supporters of limited government and free markets.
Following are the biggest boondoggles and their price tags:
“Continuing Resolution” legislation to fund existing federal programs at $410 billion — an 8.7% increase in spending over the last year which is the biggest increase on domestic spending since the Carter Administration. Currently being debated this week and next.
Obama/Pelosi Housing Bailout at $275 billion. Proposed now and will be debated within days.
Bank Bailout at estimated $1 trillion. Details of this new Bank Bailout are still fuzzy but the numbers are huge. Debate to begin within weeks.
Nationalized Health Care proposal is to be announced this Thursday. The President is saying his “health care reform…will not wait another year.” We know what that means. Hundreds of billions more of your money and less individual health care choice for you. So far, the Obama/Pelosi agenda has been all spending while taking our nation to historic debt levels. Last night, we saw the first big Obama/Pelosi tax increase. And it is genuinely massive — try $1.2 trillion over the next decade on ENERGY, the one sector of the economy where prices are lower at the moment.
President Obama and Speaker Pelosi are now championing a “Cap and Trade” scheme that will ration energy while increasing taxes. A version of this proposal was introduced last year as the Warner/Lieberman Cap and Trade bill. Here are the key details from last year’s legislation that are the basis for the Obama/Pelosi plan:
$1.2 TRILLION Tax Increase over 7 years on gasoline, home energy and really all energy in next decade. Source: Congressional Budget Office, April 10, 2008
This tax would cost the economy 3 to 4 million jobs according to an analysis by the American Council on Capital Formation the average family would lose over $4,000 per year in purchasing power (and remember the Pelosi/Obama tax cut was only $800 per couple).
Gasoline prices would increase anywhere from 77 to 145 percent–that means prices of about $2 a gallon now would go up to $3.50 or even $5 a gallon. In addition, the Washington Post has reported that President Obama’s budget will also include income tax increases. More on that once we have the details tomorrow.
The numbers are staggering. But there is more. Under the Obama/Pelosi “Cap and Trade” scheme, for the first time the federal government will literally ration energy — deciding how much energy should be available and at what cost to families and businesses. The impact on our families and economy will be disastrous.
Gilbert comment. Folks. While there is no quick and easy fix to the current recession in our country, Republicans had suggested:
1) a permanent 5% tax cut in all marginal income tax levels
2) cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 25%
3) no extra spending and no earmarks
4) make the dividend and capital gains tax of 15% permanent
5) repeal the AMT permanently
6) repeal mandatory withdrawals from IRA’s at 70 years of age
7) make all withdrawals from IRA’s tax free in 2009.
I simply disagree that the “New Deal Heavy” is the answer to any recovery.
Larry Gilbert, Member AFP
While there is no quick and easy fix to the current recession in our country, Republicans had suggested:
Which Republicans, Larry? The Jindal faction? The Shelby faction? The Joe the Plumber faction? The Rush Limbaugh faction?
Only THREE senators showed up to participate in the stimulus bill: Specter, Collins and Snowe. The rest of them couldn’t find the PDF of the document or simply said “no”.
Sorry Larry, the GOP has made itself irrelevant. Making up a new group with no leader in the Senate to champion whatever new “plans” your group is cooking up won’t fly. The GOP has had its chance and the voters told them to go away in droves over the last two years. I expect the trend to continue.
The bank bailout is the Republican legacy. For the last 8 years they did the opposite of what they preached so we’d still end up with Obama’s program. But who would trust them again.
Sadly #2 is right, this is what happens when you lose your way! You do one thing, and say the other, and then do what you promised you would not do! who can trust that? Nope, THIS IS What we get…..and after the second Jimmy Carter term is over we may get another chance to do what we promise!
Readers. As many have learned in addition to posting my reports here I also send out my posts to a select group via email. When I commend or challenge policy decisions by our governor or president they are copied directly. The following is the format acknowledging said communication which has changed under the Obama administration.
Dear Friend,
Thank you for your message. On behalf of President Obama, we appreciate hearing from you. The President has promised the most transparent administration in history, and we’re committed to listening to and responding to you.
In order to better handle the millions of electronic messages we’re receiving and respond more quickly, we’ve implemented a new contact form on our website:
Please note that this web form has replaced That email address is no longer monitored, so we encourage you to resubmit your message through the link above. Thank you for using the web form and helping us improve communications with you.
The Presidential Correspondence Team
Red. The Republican alternative recovery plan was not drafted by RUSH.
As to the Republican party I would agree that George W. Bush’s limited government? performance and John McCain’ss campaign? surely did not help retaining some level of control on budgetary spending in the House and Senate.
As many have stated the Nov 2008 election, for the Republican party, was a disaster. On the bright side, if president Obama does not pull a rabbit out of his hat by next spring, I expect our side should have a golden opportunity to recapture some of the seats we just lost. It will not happen unless the party gets its act together and quickly.
“For those not familiar with AFP we are strong supporters of limited government and free markets.”
One sees this vague line tossed around frequently. The question becomes, HOW limited and HOW free? Are we talking “Milton-Friedman-wreck-a-country-like-Chile-absolutely-zero-government-zero-regulation” style? Or are we talking about something more balanced.
The distinction is important.
Gosh, the way you Republicans talk, you’d think people could eat tax cuts.
NOWHERE in all this “free-market” and “limited government” talk, do I hear ANY REAL solutions to people’s IMMEDIATE need for food, shelter, healthcare and jobs.
RED Vixen just had a post on how in L.A., 1 in 5 people were on public assistance, the NYT’s had an front page article on central Ca. that put unemployment rates as high as 35% in some towns.
All across this country we are having millions of people slipping below the poverty line, that means people are going hungry and are facing the prospect of living in their cars or on the street.
Where have those BELOVED tax breaks of yours gotten us in the last 8 years? According to last month’s GAO report, between 1998 and 2005 “about TWO-THIRDS of CORPORATIONS operating in the U.S. DID NOT PAY TAXES” because of a variety of corporate loopholes. IT CAN’T GET ANY LOWER THAN THAT and WHAT did those corporations DO with their tax breaks, certainly NOT RE-INVEST in America. Over the last 8 years the U.S. LOST 25% of our manufacturing base.
Almost 50 million people in this country DON’T HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE, what’s your plan? According to Bobby Jindal, Republicans believe that; “No American should have to worry about losing their health coverage-period.” …” we can make our system of private medicine affordable and accessible FOR EVERY ONE OF OUR CITIZENS.”. My question for you is, HOW? The Republicans had 8 YEARS to SHOW US HOW and what did we get? More people uninsured, higher premiums and fewer employers offering health insurance. Our system of health care is KILLING PEOPLE and BUSINESS.
I could go on, but the perpetual Republican fantasy that tax cuts and deregulation will cure everything is just that, FANTASY.
I was really hoping you would address the question I raise in #6.
Care to take a crack at that?
anon Your comment #8
I think it is useful to read our AFP Mission Statement before jumping to any preconceived conclussions.
“Americans for Prosperity (AFP) and Americans for Prosperity Foundation (AFP Foundation) are committed to educating citizens about economic policy and mobilizing those citizens as advocates in the public policy process. AFP is an organization of grassroots leaders who engage citizens in the name of limited government and free markets on the local, state and federal levels. The grassroots members of AFP advocate for public policies that champion the principles of entrepreneurship and fiscal and regulatory restraint.
AFP Foundation is committed to educating citizens about economic policy and a return of the federal government to its Constitutional limits. AFP Foundation’s educational programs and analyses help policymakers, the media and individual citizens understand why policies that promote the American enterprise system are the best method to ensuring prosperity for all Americans. To that end, AFP and AFP Foundation supports:
Cutting taxes and government spending in order to halt the encroachment of government in the economic lives of citizens by fighting proposed tax increases and pointing out evidence of waste, fraud, and abuse.
Tax and Expenditure Limitations to promote fiscal responsibility.
Removing unnecessary barriers to entrepreneurship and opportunity by sparking citizen involvement in the regulatory process early on in order to reduce red tape.
Restoring fairness to our judicial system.
Americans for Prosperity and Americans for Prosperity Foundation are two separate entities with their own governing boards. Each is a national organization based in Washington, DC, with staff on the ground in state chapters across the nation.”
Anon. Do you have a problem with our group pointing out examples of “waste, fraud and abuse”?
Do you have a problem with cutting through red tape?
As we follow the president’s pledge that the “stimulus” would not include any “earmarks or pork” would you agree that the president misspoke? How about his promise to use his line item veto powers and the reaction from the Democratic controlled legislature that passed this massive expenditure package to “create” jobs.
Wait a minute, president Obamas has already changed his tune. His web site now states “create OR SAVE” x number of jobs. I am starting to get dizzy with the Administration’s spin machine.
None of that answered my question. It’s just more vague generalities.
Larry, your party would and should be welcomed for pointing out “waste,fraud and abuse”, unfortunately though, Republicans squandered all their CREDIBILITY as HONEST watchdogs and stewards of America’s finances over the last 8 years.
Redeem your party by NOT just criticizing, but by offering REALISTIC SOLUTIONS that go beyond your hackneyed party line of TAX CUTS.
A good beginning would be enlightening us all as to the Republican plan for solving the healthcare crisis, and the plan for the immediate needs of Americans who are in desperate straits and details, please.
Criticizing? That’s all Dem’s have been doing for the past 6 to 8 years of the Bush administration after the attacks of 9-11.
In case you have forgotten let me tell you when we had control of Congress. My only wish would be to turn the clock back but even when that is practiced, it’s only for an hour.
“The Republican Revolution or Revolution of ’94 is what the Republican Party of the United States dubbed their success in the 1994 U.S. midterm elections,[1] which resulted in a net gain of 54 seats in the House of Representatives, and a pickup of eight seats in the Senate. The day after the election, Democratic Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama changed parties, becoming a Republican.
The gains in seats in the mid-term election resulted in the Republicans gaining control of both the House and the Senate in January 1995. Republicans had not held the majority in the House for forty years, since the 83rd Congress (elected in 1952) under Republican Speaker Joseph William Martin, Jr.”
Simply stated. How often did president Bush exercise his veto power? Twelve Bills in 8 years.
I would argue that the Democratic party bears responsibility for most of the current problems.
Larry, WHERE ARE YOUR ANSWERS? You big whining baby, YOUR PARTY MADE THIS MESS and now you want to blame it on the Democrats and complain about EVERY SOLUTION, without OFFERING ONE ANSWER YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your “selective” timetable is laughable, ask any economist, oh, that’s right ,you and your ilk,”don’t need no stinking facts”, YOU JUST MAKE THEM UP!
Now, run back to that echo chamber that you Republicans inhabit to get some more “talking points”.
Someone is getting testy today. I stayed up until midnight to answer your comment and all I get in return this morning is more of your frustration.
Whining. You are the one who is whining, not me.
I gave my computer the morning off and played nine holes of golf knowing that you had everything under control. As you sit there and whine about the economy think of all the people in this world who don’t even have enough money to eat three meals a day. We are truly blessed.