The Daily Pilot newspaper, which serves Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, went through three rounds of layoffs last year – they even laid off 20 year veteran Tony Dodero, who was their Director of “News and Online.” Now their City Desk Editor, Paul Anderson, thinks he can tell us what makes for a good blogger, in a post in his own blog.
Anderson wrote today about Orange County’s new liberal blog, Orange County Progressive. We did too, but check out what Anderson had to say about the other bloggers in the O.C.:
Too many blogs these days just deconstruct some news organization’s content and spew out a bunch of conspiracy theories. Most of the time I think, who cares what you think? And that’s because a lot of the bloggers aren’t very informed. I like the Atlantic bloggers, like Andrew Sullivan, because they’re journalists and they have informed opinions when they comment on someone else’s work. That’s called perspective.
What a pompous ass this guy Anderson is!
The fact is, most political blogs in Orange County deal in OPINION, not necessarily news. Yes, we often do refer to news items, and add our two bits. The fact is, if you are going to run a successful blog, you have to keep the material fresh. And that’s not all. Here is what it takes to make a political blog a success:
- You need to post new material every single day! So far Orange County Progressive has posted six posts since they started posting regularly on January 27. In that same time period, the Orange Juice bloggers have posted 16 stories. This post will make it 17. Is that too much? Who knows? But we just now surpassed our usual 1,000 visits a day.
- You need a diverse blog team. There is nothing wrong with Orange County Progressive’s team of Joe Shaw, Heather Pritchard and Gus Ayer – except that they all likely share the same philosophy and beliefs. What is interesting about that? It’s all I can do to keep my blog team from ripping each other apart – but it makes for a compelling mix. Our bloggers include conservative and liberal Republicans, Libertarians, and moderate and liberal Democrats. Now that’s diversity!
- You don’t need professional writers or journalists – but you do need interesting writers who have something to say. I often spend hours just editing what my other bloggers put up – adding pictures, cleaning up grammar, and revising headlines. But they each contribute something – and each has their own expertise and interests.
- Reporting news and press releases only is boring. People read blogs because they want to be entertained as well as informed – and in our case because they want to disagree with us! Nothing wrong with that.
- Angst is good! You need conflict, otherwise things get stale and boring very quickly. When things get slow around here I know all I have to do is write a post slamming my counterpart at Red County, Matt/Jubal Cunningham, and you know it will be on, for about thirty comments. Puerile? Maybe. Boring? Never!
- Time is of the essence. You have to stay on top of things. Being last doesn’t work in the blogosphere, not when folks are constantly checking the blogs all day long.
And it helps to have bloggers who know about politics. Anderson was blown away by the fact that the aforementioned Joe Shaw is a public works commissioner, and his fellow blogger Gus Ayer was on the Fountain Valley City Council – plus their other blogger, Heather Pritchard, blogs for the Daily Kos. Fair enough. But our team here at the Orange Juice isn’t half bad either! To wit:
- Larry Gilbert knows more about what is going on in Mission Viejo than all the local news reporters in that area. He broke the story about the City of Mission Viejo wasting $300,000 on a Rose Bowl Float this year – and that was mentioned in newspapers and in an O.C. Register editorial. Gilbert has had a direct hand in the election of many local elected officials in his area – and he has himself run for office before. Gilbert is also known across the nation for his work as an opponent to eminent domain abuse.
- John Seiler worked as a nationally renowned editorial writer at the O.C. Register for 19 years – he has his own blog and now he is cross-posting for us. We are darn pleased to have him on board! And, like myself, he recently quit the GOP and became a registered Libertarian.
- Sean Mill is on the Santa Ana Planning Commission – and he has been involved in politics for over 20 years. He knows where all the skeletons are buried, in Santa Ana, and he adds a Democratic perspective to our mix.
- Tony Bushala is the number one political activist in Fullerton – and everyone knows him. When I went to his recent 50th birthday party it was a who’s who of elected officials. Not many can draw a crowd that includes State Senator Lou Correa and Supervisor Chris Norby! And Bushala, like Seiler, has his own blog too. He brings a north county viewpoint that we truly appreciate here at the Orange Juice.
- Ron Winship is a nationally recognized talk show producer who has his own show, The Cutting Edge. He too has run for office in years past. Together with his wife Ann, he brings a Newport Beach/Costa Mesa flavor to our team – and he is a Republican who backed Barack Obama for President. He also writes for another local blog that covers Newport Beach politics.
- Ron St. John is a successful attorney, and he has run for Congress, as a Republican. He lives in Huntington Beach and is known for writing very thoughtful, well-researched posts.
- Vern Nelson, who is on a personal hiatus, was recognized last year as the “Democratic Volunteer of the Year” for our region, by the Democratic Party of California. Nelson is a class act – he is a musician and a fantastic writer, for us and for a local independent newspaper.
- Roy Reynolds is a conservative Republican and an expert in transportation. He lives in Fountain Valley and he just recently came on board. We are lucky to have him on our team!
- Our webmaster, Terry Crowley, has a Master’s Degree in political science. He does web work for Chevron and he is the former webmaster for the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim. Crowley is a very conservative Republican, and we used to cause all sorts of trouble together in the OC GOP. Now I just drive him nuts all day long!
- Red Vixen is one of several anon bloggers on our team. She has been a HUGE asset and resource in helping me with our SAUSD coverage. She is also a moderate Republican and an expert in real estate.
- And lastly, I have been on two City Commissions and I was the inaugural Hispanic Outreach Director for the OC GOP. I have served on both the California and Orange County GOP Central Committees, and I have also run for my local school board and city council. And I was the first one to start a political blog here in Orange County, back in 2003. I am also an editor for over a dozen city news pages. I have an MBA, and I work as a safety consultant. I have worked in industry for over ten years, but I also spent about ten years in marketing and advertising, including several stints at the O.C. Register, in graphic design, advertising and production. That was a LONG time ago…
I would put my blog team up against any other team here in Orange County. Are any of us professional journalists? Well, Seiler sure was, as a longtime editorial writer for the O.C. Register. The rest of us get by with our own unique experience and passion for politics. Anderson may not appreciate what we do, but about 1,000 readers a day do, and that is what matters to us. Besides, he might be looking for work himself before too long…
The OJ is a great blog, it’s diverse, topical, fast moving and user friendly. The Register’s Orange Punch is too slow and redundant, really, how many posts can Mark Landsbaum write on global warming?
I admire you guys for putting yourselves out there, it’s more than most of us are willing to do.
You are too kind! Thank you. It is nice to be appreciated.
One thing for sure, it is much funner doing this as part of a team than it is on your own. I can take entire days off and I know the rest of the guys will be posting all day long.
Thanks for reading the Orange Juice!
What does somebody from a dead medium know about a new one. His idol, Andrew Sullivan, although popular, is a sycophantic hack. Justin Raimondo dissects Sully here:
“how many posts can Mark Landsbaum write on global warming?”
I presume that is a metaphysical question.
Or as Irving Berlin would out it:
How deep is the ocean
How high is the sky
I’ve dealt with Anderson before and he impressed me as a perfect example of a Journalism school grad who chose the profession because he’s “out to change the world”. In checking his website, how blatant are his liberal leanings given that he’s got a picture of OBAMA in his masthead?
Paul, the Los Angeles Times and your little sister daily have long needed to understand that honest news reporting lacks bias. The Times has gone beyond just forgetting that, they just plain ignore it. Didn’t you learn that in J-School? Aren’t your layoffs and dwindling subscriber population sending you the message that whatever you’ve been doing isn’t working anymore?
As many as he wants. He’s an excellent source of information on the myth of global warming and Gore’s dishonesty in touting this fiction. Didn’t Drudge post a link the other day on Al making $115 million from this scam? More than enough, surely, for the hypocrite to fly around in private jets.
According to the Orange Punch there have been 332 posts on global warming, I am assuming most of those are Landsbaum’s, where he continues to make the same points and quote the same experts and pundits. I realize that for the pea-brain set this is very stimulating but for the rest of us, it’s just a bore.
So Sullivan is a hack? That figures.
And Anderson’s blog is too funny – the picture of Obama takes up most of the page!
I certainly do appreciate what you do. It’s an excellent blog. Thank you for the feedback, guys.
Anderson has the Obama graphic on his blog because he handled the Pilot’s special coverage of his inaugural, in person — as it, you know, mentions in the banner.
Paul bends over backwards to be fair to both sides. Trust me.
Thank you. What you wrote in your post seemed like a slap at all the other blogs in town, as I stated in my post.
We both wish Joe Shaw and company well, but starting a new blog is no easy endeavor – and picking up and retaining readers is an ongoing travail. We’ll see if folks are interested in six part stories about toll roads.
Thanks for clarifying that. These are tough times for old media, as has been pointed out. Appearing to be overly partisan is not exactly a good plan for developing and retaining readers.
I have no particular problem with Obama, but the inauguration being well over, perhaps it is time for Anderson to rethink his graphic?
Sure, but I don’t think there are many (if any) analysts blaming creeping partisanship for the decline of print media. I think we have bloggers and other internet-based journalists like yourself (among some other things) to thank for that 🙂
At any rate, the idea that the Pilot would keep that banner there simply to influence readers is pretty silly. Probably just an oversight.
I am personally impressed by anyone who can keep up with the blogging world…it is fast paced and if you don’t keep up you’re behind in the game by the next day. Personally, I think Paul Anderson is insightful, funny, satirical, and meaningful. But that’s just me … a progressive liberal-leaning pastor.
God I hope not! I love newspapers. I think that newspaper publishers just failed to keep up with the times. They kept building horse carriages as the cars started to zip by.
I read the news, during lunch, on my cell phone now. We couldn’t do that a few years ago. It is a brave new world.
The basic problem with newsprint, besides the expense of printing and delivering, is that it is old the minute it comes off the press. How do you get around that? Tough one.
I do think that appearing overly partisan can hurt newspapers. The Register has stayed above the fray as a Libertarian newspaper, but the Times fairly frequently gets far too involved in trying to affect the outcome of races. Remember that last minute hit on Arnold? Not cool.
I think Jesus would have been perceived today as a fairly progressive guy himself. Not sure what he would have made of blogging, but his disciples certainly were a motley bunch! Imagine what trouble they would get into today as bloggers?
For one thing, the tax collector, Judas, would be praising the Democrats in Sacramento for raising our taxes! And John would be writing some pretty bizarre stuff, ie. Revelations.
Peter I think would be an anonymous blogger, so he would not have to fess up to being a disciple…at least until the third crow of the rooster.
Luke was a physician, right? He would be a natural for!
“I do think that appearing overly partisan can hurt newspapers.” Glad you weren’t around in the 1760’s. Like most libertAryans you talk too much while depending on Gommerment programs fer yr livelihood. Safety inspector LOL!
Art: Judas was not a tax collector. You’re thinking of Saint Matthew.
Judas kept track of the Disciples money.
For the record, I was an English major. Only took one journalism class and that was enough for me.
As for the Obama graphic, yes, we’re working on changing that. I discuss that in this blog:
Basically, I have to find the time to create a new graphic. Sorry it’s taken so long.
I do most of my work for private companies.
Libertarians by the way believe that safety is the most essential duty of government.
Today safety pros focus on behavior and safety culture as we attempt to reduce risk and prevent accidents in the workplace. It is not a political issue. All of us should be able to do our work in a safe manner.
Finally, I don’t know why you continue to use the word “Aryan” when referring to Libertarians. Your own party, the Democrats, favors white candidates 99% of the time. Just have a look at your current crop of gubernatorial candidates. Muy blanco! Heck, your establishment favored Hillary over Obama. For once they got punked…
Not everyone will be interested in a six-part series on toll roads, but it’s far more interesting than redevelopment ;). Trust me. I’ve tried to talk to people about redevelopment abuse many times, and it’s a sure way to get someone desperately looking for the nearest exit. Larry Gilbert will confirm this.
You’ve done a good job of stirring the pot here, and provided a tremendously valuable service in a media-starved area.
At the, we’re hoping to develop a large and diverse group of contributors with a community-friendly Soapblox platform that encourages posting of diaries.
We didn’t plan to pass Orange Juice in the number of posts or the number of contributors in our first week. We were only hoping to post some original content and get a few hits.
The Libertarians I know are some of the most tolerant people I’ve ever met.
It’s funny how the left loves to throw around the label “racist.” When applied to a lot of Republicans, I’m afraid it’s true.
What’s also true is that the Democrat Party, at the core of its current political formula, relies on racial sterotypes, racial paternalism, and ethnic grievance mongering as keys to its success.
I didn’t expect to post new threads and I am pretty sure junior thinks I never DESERVED to even post a comment here. But it has been interesting. I remember when Art would only get 150 visitors on a weekend and about 300 during week days. It’s nice to see the OJ average over 1k visitors per week day, now. It is also nice to see consistent posting community members showing up to weigh in on different topics.
Thanks for the venue, Art.
But that’s just me … a progressive liberal-leaning pastor.
Sarah, I hope you noticed that this site is overloaded with testosterone and could really use another female or two 😉
“Not everyone will be interested in a six-part series on toll roads, but it’s far more interesting than redevelopment ;)”
Man are you wrong! Redevelopment abuse is lots more fun to talk about than toll roads because it involves human interest stories.
The key to successfully fighting Redevelopment is to get both the Right and the Left against it. “Progressives and property right advocates on the right need to join together to fight the menace.
P.S. It’s really amazing where this thread has gone. And that’s a big part of the fun of blogging!
#26 David.
We have succeeded in getting both sides together in fighting eminent domain abuse. Think about the Institute for Justice sending an attorney from Washington, DC to Baldwin Park,in LA. There is no litmus test as we fight RDA abuse on behalf of property owners who may not live in Bel Air yet are entitled to the same property rights protection as anyone else, regardless of their financial status or political party.
At one of our MORR/CURE conferences we had Dem LA Congresswoman Maxine Waters standing along side Supervisor Chris Norby and Rep Senator, now Congressman, Tom McClintock, united in this fight. It is one of my favorite photos.
*Do not confuse Anderson with the facts: “He is a paid informer!” He has Advertisers and Publishers to report too!
He consciousness is based on paying for his kids to go to private school. We have a whole bunch of “electeds” in this same mind set….so we know where he is coming from…….no biggie!
Let us just say….innane, kiss your sister editorials from catatonic old media….generally are not earth shaking. Occasionally, someone actually lets the truth out…(Like the impact of Sulfuryl Flouride on the enviroment) and we are
grateful! But, most of the time – Big Newspaper Editorials couldn’t touch the hem of a good blogs
Big Newspapers offer “Opinion Writers” while the blogs offer “Opinion Makers”!