Usual Suspects waste Santa Ana Council Members time while budget crisis deepens

You have to hand it to Santa Ana’s “Usual Suspects.”  They are busy trying to get our fellow blogger Sean Mill kicked off the Santa Ana Planning Commission, and are continuously pestering the Mayor of Santa Ana, Miguel Pulido, and the City Council members.  In the meantime, Pulido and company are trying to figure out a way to get out from under a budget deficit that may be as high as $40 million dollars!

Is Sean Mill REALLY the biggest problem in Santa Ana?  This reminds me of something that Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante said to a friend of mine during the recent City Council campaigns.  He told her that the real problem in Santa Ana is the “bloggers.”  Never mind the ongoing crime and violence, economic malaise and huge budget deficit – we have to stop the “bloggers!”

If only the fake million dollar bills that Pulido supporter Alex “Swap Meet” Vega passed out at Pulido’s Election Night party (see graphic above) were real.  The City of Santa Ana could sure use the revenue just about now!

Will the “Usual Suspects” ever get a clue?  They continue to plot against Santa Ana’s Latino residents, against bloggers, and against anyone that gets in their way. But most if not all of them supported Pulido this year, even though we had viable alternatives in Councilwoman Michele Martinez and community activist George Collins.  You have to wonder when Pulido and company will tire of these bigoted, bitter whiners and just tell them to go away?

As for our buget crisis, here are a few thoughts:

  1. Fire Santa Ana City Manager Dave Ream and most of his overpaid administrative cronies.  Replace them with younger, cheaper, less burned out college grads.  They can’t do any worse!
  2. Stop funding Com Link and the Santa Ana Neighborhood Associations.  Let them use city facilities, such as community rooms, free of charge but do not provide city staff to oversee these meetings.  And do not advertise Com Link meetings via expensive U.S. Mail.  Let the Com Link crowd advertise themselves on the City of Santa Ana’s website and via email.
  3. Speaking of the website, the city still needs to upgrade it.  It won’t cost anything to add translation links from Google or Yahoo.  And the City should set up an email feature that allows residents to sign up to receive emails about city meetings.  The cost for this will be offset by the benefit of getting more residents involved in our city.
  4. Sell advertising space on the stupid city medians that we didn’t need in the first place.  That revenue can pay for the upkeep of the median landscaping.
  5. Get rid of most of the City Commissions or merge them together.
  6. Stop paying City Council Members hundreds of dollars to attend meetings.
  7. Take away the car allowance and any other benefits from our Mayor and City Council members.
  8. Get rid of the attendants at the city parking lot at city hall.  We have automated equipment now that should make the attendants redundant.
  9. Outsource whatever city employees you can!
  10. Start reserve fire and police programs!
  11. Stop funding the Bowers Museum.  Let the rich folks who are on their board pay their own way.  Most of our residents cannot afford to go there in the first place.
  12. Announce a “planning holiday” so residents can fix up their homes without paying all those fees.  The kicker?  They have to hire Santa Ana based contractors and buy all their supplies at local stores.
  13. Lower the cost of business licenses to $50.  This will encourage more new businesses.  That will increase our tax base and create more local jobs.
  14. Make hookah bars and massage and tatoo parlors legal again.  But oversee them via inspections and put in place regulations to control them, just like the cities of Anaheim, Orange and Irvine do.

Readers?  Any more budget ideas?

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.