This Christmas help local abused, abandoned or neglected children

Looking for ways to donate to the needy this Christmas?  Santa Ana’s Olive Crest could use your help!  This is an organization that serves children who are all alone in the world.  Some of them are runaways.  Others have been taken away from their parents – who are often involved in criminal activity.  And many others are “abused, abandoned or neglected.”  Here is some information from Olive Crest regarding their organization and their Christmas wishes:

Joey-backpack. Nicole-art supplies. Juan-sneakers. Allie-pajamas.

A parent’s holiday wish list for her kids? Actually, this could be the shopping list of Albertson’s in Fullerton, the Irvine Company, or Huntington Beach Toyota. All of these companies are looking to do something new and different in holiday giving this year, rather than spending money on lavish (and, in these economically perilous times, inappropriate) gifts for clients and customers.

Charitable gifts given in clients’ names-especially when those gifts benefit children-are not only thoughtful and appreciated, they’re an investment in the future. (And they speak well for the company giving the gifts.) Giving to Olive Crest enables gift-givers to to “be the miracle” for abused, abandoned or neglected children: bringing the true joy of the season to children who may never before have experienced a happy, stress-free holiday. Among the options for businesses:

  • Buy specific gifts for specific children: Olive Crest’s website features wish lists for children and families, so that a company’s donations can be targeted to particular recipients. These include gift cards, apparel, sports equipment, toys, handheld videogames and more, and suggestions are offered in various price ranges.
  • Host a gift drive. Companies such as Aon Consulting’s Irvine and LA offices and Wet Seal in Foothill Ranch are working with Olive Crest to set up onsite gift drives, offering employees the chance to make their own contribution to a child’s welfare.
  • Donate. Businesses can take a cue from Accurate Background of Lake Forest, which is providing donations to Olive Crest in lieu of purchasing holiday gifts for their corporate partners.
  • Get directly involved. The Rotary Club of Newport-Irvine is hosting its annual Christmas party for more than 50 Olive Crest teens. This group has also given scholarships to more than a dozen Olive Crest kids over the years.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.