Prevatt says Janet Nguyen didn’t have a conflict of interest

The Liberal OC’s Chris Prevatt finally weighed in on the ongoing Janet Nguyen restaurant rating scandal – but he did so at the Bolsavik blog instead of discussing this on his own blog.

Here is Prevatt’s comment:

You have a conflict of interest with regard to a particular government decision if it is sufficiently likely that the outcome of the decision will have an important impact on your economic interests, and a significant portion of your jurisdiction does not also feel the important impact on their economic interests.

In short, Pedroza’s analysis is full of holes. There is no conflict of interest that barred Supervisor Nguyen from voting on this matter. No conflict in her receiving campaign contributions from restaurant owners either.

Apparently consumer safety doesn’t matter to Prevatt and Nguyen.

Let’s review why Nguyen’s vote against the proposed restaurant rating system WAS rife with conflicts of interest:

  • Nguyen’s husband and her Chief of Staff co-own a Lees Sandwiches franchise in Stanton that has recieved numerous County health violations, including major violations.
  • Nguyen’s husband works for Sodexho, which provides food at Fullerton College.  That service is subject to inspection by the County health department!  And part of his income does show up on Nguyen’s finance statements.
  • Nguyen received over $12,000 from over 20 restaurants and food stores – and many of them have a long history of receiving major County health violations!

Clearly Nguyen’s husband, Chief of Staff and contributors stood to benefit by her vote against restaurant ratings.  Many of them would be sporting “B” and “C” ratings if such a system existed in Orange County.

But Prevatt can’t see the truth – perhaps because he is such a Jannie.  What an embarrassment he has become to the Democratic Party of Orange County!  Perhaps he should change the name of his blog to the “Used to be Liberal OC.”

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.