We reported earlier this month that Judge Thomas Goethals had reduced charges against three thugs who beat up a Latino for racial reasons to misdemeanors. Reducing the charges automatically threw out the hate crime charges. You can read our original post about this story at this link.
“Goethals sentenced 24-year-old Justin Louis Mullins of Garden Grove to four years and four months for violating probation on two prior felony domestic violence and drunken driving charges. In addition, Mullins was also sentenced to one year in county jail. James Joseph Kelly, 27, of California City got nine months in county jail and three years of formal probation while his co-defendant 26-year-old Cheyne Danica Wilson of Hesperia was sentenced to three months in county jail and three years of formal probation, according to the O.C. Register.
Goethals said that he “was not convinced that what Alvarado suffered fit into the legal definition of “great bodily injury.”
The guy got beat up by three guys and he didn’t suffer “great bodily injuries?” Are you kidding me? Remember this judge when he comes up for reelection.
Oh, believe me these idiots are getting theirs while they are locked up. When the news gets around at OC Jail and the prison where Mullins was sent to what they were convicted of, they will be wishing that that day never even occurred.
Keoniana, you are gravely misinformed.
#2: So…I’m mis-informed? Well, I have a son that completed three years, eight months at YTS in Chino. Want to put some money on this that those boys won’t be dealt with one way or another? Let them talk their *&^& around the Nortenos and Surenos where they are going…it is what it is in the system so I think you are the one that needs to be ‘educated’ to rough justice at the Prison/CYA/Juvenile/OCJ level.
Art, I thought it weird that this judge just threw out the racism modification when the actions of the three skinheads was so obviously racist when in the post today you allude to some requirement in the law that the injuries have to rise to a certain level. Well now it makes sense, what these kids did was racist and just because it doesn’t qualify for the sentence enhancement doesn’t make a difference in it being racist.
If the man’s brothers in prison have the opportunity to repay the sentiment I know they wont pass up the opportunity. Keoniana is right about that, I hope no one gets killed.
Check this out people it was never a hate crime and none of us are skinheads and that dude that said that I will get mine up state you are miss informed. Cause Y.A. Is way different then state prison. The point is is that he threatend use with a reciever hitch and I reacted I’ll admit I was drunk or I would have never gotten out of the car, and I’m sorry for what happend but what’s done is done. Get a life people.
All of you people that are judging without knowing all of the facts should be completely ashamed of yourselves!
First, Cheyne is my old roommate, not racist and just so you know, half Mexican and very very proud of it. James also a very dear friend was dating a Latino girl at the time.
I know both of these guys very well…this hate crime charge was nothing more than Jerry Brown milking Latino votes for his now current race for Governor.
Are you all aware that this said “victim” charged James and swung a tow hitch at James. What James did was defend himself with his friends there to help. Now, if you are going to tell me that your friends shouldn’t help you when someone is coming at you with a deadly weapon then you all need a reality break. Also, let me inform you that this guy is an illegal immigrant. Had a stolen social security number and was never charged for that crime nor deported. As a matter of fact, these guys will spend a long time paying him financially.
Try reading and educating before judging…stop the real racism. Especially you who said “they will get theirs.” You wanted these guys hurt and for that may God have mercy on your racist and hateful soul!
Having had the misfortune of having to deal with Sandra Schneider-Kelly, James Kelly’s mom, a “claims adjuster”, liar and thief for AAA from Costa Mesa, makes a living lying and hurting people, he comes by his behavior honestly, and Justin, if that’s so, why was there a gun there? Interesting how some behaviors just run in families, isn’t it?
These “boys” should be in prison for life.. The, “he threatened me 1st defense” just doesn’t wash. You can’t ever wash that blood off your hands boys. That pathology runs in families, and OCD/ADHD “mom” to at least one of these boys (not men), Sandy is a piece of work. I’m sure mommy is proud.
Were you all abused as children? This is really your excuse? There’s a treatment for this type of behavior – it’s called institutionalization. All three of you, and perhaps your families, need professional help.