“The Democratic leadership in Congress has given Detroit’s Big Three automakers until Dec. 2 to come up with a recovery plan to save their companies — a directive that’s driving their opponents crazy,” according to Fox News.
I agree with the House Republicans, for once – it is un-American in the extreme to prop up failing businesses. These automakers have seen this trouble coming for years, but they kept on doing things the same way. Now they are paying for their bad management – and the last thing we should do is throw tax dollars into the fray.
The union workers at the auto plants should have done more to save their jobs. Their greed will now be their undoing. They will never make that kind of money in the free market ever again. I hope they put some of that away.
I love that none of the auto company CEOs showed up to Congress with a plan. That’s because their plan is to keep coming back for more of our money. Screw them! Congress should tell them to take a hike.
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Let em fail..
oh by the way.. where is my companies bailout.. We could use a St. Regis Getaway!
Congress saying to the Big 3 “give us a plan” is just playing to the masses.
The auto unions will get the bailout for their bloated healthcare and pension plans. Congress is beholding to the unions.
I agree with Daniel – let them fail and reorganize.
Art: “Can’t Obama wave his magic wand and make all this go away?” (Re: auto bailout)
Art – You are not referring to the famous (infamous) Barack the Magic Negro LA Times story & spoof here are you? Some might consider that racist.
Love your pic and caption, OMG, too funny! I think we need to be bailed out of our dependence on foreign oil.I think we best be getting on with the promise of making America energy independent.Iran just asked OPEC to reduce production by yet another 1.5 million barrels per day.This past year and the record gas prices played a huge part in our economic meltdown and seriously damaged our society.We keep planning to spend BILLIONS on bailouts and stimulus plans.Bail us out of our dependence on foreign oil. Make electric plug in car technology more affordable. It cost the equivalent of 60 cents a gallon to drive an electric plug in car. The electric could be generated from wind or solar. Get with it! Utilize free sources such as wind and solar. Stop throwing away money on things that don’t work. Invest in America and it’s energy independence. Create cheap clean energy, create millions of badly needed green collar jobs. Put America back to work. It is a win-win situation. We have to become more proactive citizens, educate ourselves and demand our elected officials move this country forward into the era of energy independence. Jeff Wilson’s new book The Manhattan Project of 2009 Energy Independence NOW outlines a plan for America to wean itself off oil. We need a plan and we need it now! http://www.themanhattanprojectof2009.com
What you are asking for (energy independence) is indeed an admiral goal. However, energy independence is an impossible pipe dream without clean & safe nuclear power.
Seriously, the government would only be putting the auto industry on life support by bailing them out. They would only be delaying the inevitable.
I would feel better about the bailouts if the companies get broken up. If a business is too large to fail, then it is dominating a market. Businesses that large do not belong in a free market economy.
Let the dinosaurs die or force them to evolve.