It seemed like my post yesterday on DOMA confused the main people it was aimed at – folks who voted yes on 8 to keep marriage between men and women only, but still claim to favor equal rights for civil unions. As far as I can tell, commenters “Cook” and “Mary” fall into this category, and should support repealing Bill Clinton’s “DOMA” from 1996, so that gays with civil unions can actually have all the same rights that straight married couples enjoy. You can find more details about those rights and that act on yesterday’s post, but I thought a POLL might help focus and clarify that question:
[poll id=”45″]
You gonna eat some crow on this one as well, Nelson?
It will never come to vote on the floor of the US Senate. Save your breath Vern – time to move on.
Vern. Keep it up. As it’s a slow news day you might get some readers to cling to this story which is now past the ballot box.
You did post 1996? Brother Vernon. With that date in mind where was your groundswell opposing DOMA in the past 12 years?
And lastly. Nice try in the wording of your self serving poll.
As it’s a slow news day you might get some readers to cling to this story which is now past the ballot box.
This story isn’t Prop 8 now. It’s that Obama has promised for years to help repeal 1996’s DOMA, and after Jan 20 with a new Congress he’ll be able to. So it’s a quite timely story. And then same-sex couples still won’t able to be “married” in California, but at least they’ll have the same rights – tax, pension, visitation, inheritance, immigration, and legal standing rights – that straight married couples have. I’m gathering you’re against that as well? You still haven’t said. Are you ashamed?
With that date in mind (1996) where was your groundswell opposing DOMA in the past 12 years?
No idea, wasn’t paying that much attention to politics in 1996. What’s your point? Maybe I was a Nazi then, who cares?
And lastly. Nice try in the wording of your self serving poll.
Please suggest how I should reword it. And also man up and let us know if you think committed same-sex couples in civil unions should be denied the “tax, pension, visitation, inheritance, immigration, and legal standing rights” that married couples have. Now that you’ve helped protect marriage from them.
Larry won’t say.
Vern said: “This story isn’t Prop 8 now. It’s that Obama has promised for years to help repeal 1996’s DOMA, and after Jan 20 with a new Congress he’ll be able to.”
Vern – I guess you didn’t see my comment about this coming to a vote on the floor of the US Senate when hell freezes over.
Oh, damn! If I’d only listened to Junior, I would have kept my mouth shut! Hey, is this the same Junior who wanted to bet me that Obama wouldn’t get a majority, and has now welched? (since we never “shook hands” on an actual amount)
More on Larry. (I admit I walk around brooding about the miserable guy.)
He won’t say what he thinks about rights and 1996 DOMA because he hasn’t received his MARCHING ORDERS on that from the Cal GOP.
Nice try in the wording of your self serving poll.
It IS self-serving insofar as it brings me consolation that – so far – 5 out of 13 OJ readers who voted yes on 8 DO want gays to have equal rights (they just have some superstition about the word “marriage” that I don’t quite understand) So it helps re-affirm my faith in humanity.
And finally, this story which is now past the ballot box.
I don’t expect Larry or Junior to understand, but this story is far from over. It affects hundreds of thousands of peoples’ lives here and now. It’s not over till justice flows like a river.
“… is this the same Junior who wanted to bet me that Obama wouldn’t get a majority, and has now welched? (since we never “shook hands” on an actual amount)”
Obviously you do not understand one wit about contracts. If there is no agreement and no amount there is no contract.
I previously admitted that I believed that Obama would not get a majority of the popular vote. I also stated that if we had agreed on a bet that I would have owed you. There was no agreement, there was no bet.
I resent that you have called me a welcher Vern. I am a man of my word.
OK you’re not technically a welcher, I’m just saying you always think you know it all and you’re not always right. (Maybe you’re my mirror image on the right)
On that note, how about we bet $20 that repealing DOMA does come to the Senate floor by, let’s say, March? (Hopefully sooner, but I know the economy is the priority, along with closing Guantanamo, re-affirming Geneva conventions, starting to withdraw from Iraq, and fixing a hundred other screwups and sins of Bush and Cheney) I don’t just pull things like repealing DOMA out of my hat, there are lots of people talking about it.
I’m very disappointed that you are one of the Yes on 8 people who REALLY opposes equal rights. Are we on, on the bet?
With the close, and yet to be decided, elections in 3 Senate races I am losing confidence that DOMA will not come to the Senate floor.
However, I believe that there are enough conservative dem US Senators that would not vote to close debate in order to bring it to the floor. I am not confident enough to bet on it. We will see.
Too bad that “conservative” still includes, in its definition, “anti-gay” and “anti-equality.” I believe that will change in the coming years.
I’ll still catch your rash ass in some unwise bet.
I can think of at least one guy who claims to be progressive who has no problem tossing out bigoted and homophobic comments behind folks backs, while proclaiming to fight for the little guy……..
Yeah, Thomas, I think I know who you’re talking about… 😉